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The Routine

Category: Fetish
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Mike couldn’t wait to get home. Working third shift at his new job was tiring, but he would be able to get on another shift soon. He looked at his watch, and he knew it would only be another few minutes before he got to Ron and Lisa’s house. They were friends of his wife, Jeannie, and he was staying with them until they moved to the new city he was working in. Both Ron and Lisa were teachers, and very well respected in the community. They were not nearly as wild as Mike and Jeannie, but very nice, nonetheless.

Mike had the guest bedroom, which also had it’s own private bath, and although he missed Jeannie, he was living comfortably. He never really saw much of Ron and Lisa, due to the fact that they worked different shifts, and at night they were always busy with extra school activities.

Things were working out quite well, but he missed Jeannie terribly. It was the first time they had been away from each other in the ten years they had been married, and Mike thought of her constantly. He had been away from her for two weeks now, and would not see her until Friday, when she was finally getting some time off from her nursing job to visit him. And what a two weeks it had been for Mike. He never thought he would miss her as much as he did. They had a great sex life together, always experimenting with new and exciting ways to make love. Jeannie was quite the submissive one, and was willing to do anything he asked of her. Sex was never boring between them. But being away from her for an extended period of time was stirring feelings in Mike that he never knew existed.

He had always possessed a high sex drive, but being away from Jeannie was beginning to be a very stressful time. Perhaps being alone in that huge house for eight hours a day, with only the minor inconvenience of Lisa popping in for lunch at times, was part of the reason he was so incredibly horny. Mike was masturbating three times a day, and it had become quite addicting. He was staying up throughout the day, usually making himself cum at least twice in that time and jacking off again at night in the shower before he left for work. His cock was constantly hard, and it beckoned him to touch it. He was resisting the temptation when he was at work, but when he would get to Ron and Lisa’s, he could never defy his urges. Nor did he want to.

As Mike pulled into the driveway, he could already feel his cock rubbing against the fabric of his boxers in a semi-erect state. He let himself in the house, and hurried upstairs to the guestroom. He quickly stripped nude, and stood in front of the full-length mirror in the corner. His reflection showed a man that would make any woman melt. He was 6’2″, a solid 200 pounds, wavy black hair to his shoulders, a furry patch of hair on his chest, and a gorgeous eight-inch cock. He looked at himself, and felt attracted to his own reflection. His erection stood straight out from his body, pulsing to the beat of his heart. His shaved balls were tight against his body, and the cool air felt good against them. He began to pose, flexing his arms and legs while staring at the reflection of his cock in the mirror.

It was if he was posing for Jeannie. Mike pulled himself away from the mirror, and moved to his closet. He knelt down on his knees, and once more looked at the box containing Jeannie’s photos. He considered looking at them again, but he couldn’t help but stare at the stack of magazines sitting next to the box. Mike had never been into pornography, but in the last week he had bought twenty-three different magazines, ranging from Playboy and Penthouse, Cheri and Club, to the more underground bondage style. Jeannie loved to be tied up, and this helped with his thoughts of her in this way.

Mike snatched up the magazines, and laid them on the bed. He sat with his legs crossed, and slowly paged through each magazine, loving how his cock felt in his hands. Several times he brought himself just to the edge of cumming, and then he would back off, wanting to save the feeling. He flipped the Cheri magazine over, and leaned back on the pillows on the bed. Mike had only been home an hour, and he was totally hard, but getting rather bored. He got off the bed, and walked downstairs, and began to wander around the house. The silence was deafening as he drifted, stroking his massive erection mindlessly. He thought of Jeannie sucking his cock. She always sucked him on command, whenever and wherever he pleased. How he wished she were there to suck him right now. He thought of pumping his cum down her throat. Mike closed his eyes and envisioned her full breasts surrounding his cock. He loved to titty fuck her, and then blast his cum all over her face. Mike was soon on the edge of an orgasm again.

His eyes flickered open, and he took his hands off his cock. He still did not want to get off yet, and he paused at the bottom of the staircase. He looked up, and a sexy, incredible thought ran through his head. He ascended the stairs, and instead of going into his room, he walked slowly to Ron and Lisa’s. It was sparkling clean and neat, and he walked all about the room. To his amazement there was a framed photo of Lisa on the main dresser, and she was on the beach, striking a sultry pose in a one-piece swimsuit. Although not nearly as attractive as Jeannie, she did have lovely breasts, and long legs to match. Her short red hair contrasted well with the white fabric of the swimsuit, and Mike began to become even more aroused. His cock felt the hardest it had ever felt in his hand, and he was panting heavily. He knew he shouldn’t be in their room, much less lusting at a photo of Lisa, but he just couldn’t help himself. He whirled around where he stood, and stared at what was obviously Lisa’s dresser across the room. He could not resist walking over to it.

One part of his mind told him to leave their room immediately; the other kept urging him on to find her lingerie. He could not resist the temptation. He wanted to feel Lisa’s panties, and he would do it. He opened the top drawer, and there they were, all neatly folded in stacks. Although crazy with lust, he knew he must not disturb more than he needed. The pair on top were white, with lace, and he carefully lifted them out of the drawer. The feel of the panties made his hard dick jump, and the thoughts of cumming were difficult to resist. Mike wrapped Lisa’s panties around his cock, and began to stroke faster. He was going to cum right in those white panties.

Mike nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the front door slam closed. He could hear Lisa’s high heels clicking up the wooden staircase, and Mike nearly went into a panic. He thought of running back down the hall to his room, but he would never make it without her seeing him. So he pushed the panties back into the drawer, and silently closed it. But he had no place to run; no place to hide. He was caught.

She stopped when she saw Mike standing there, dropping her purse in shock. Mike was still standing on the opposite side of the bed, nude, and cock in hand. Neither said a word as Lisa walked over behind Mike to her dresser, and seeing the bit of the panties sticking out of the drawer, she instantly knew what he had been doing. She took her panties out, and tossed them on the bed in front of him. Mike was stunned, and he began to squeeze his cock ever so harder. He could not believe that Lisa still hadn’t uttered a sound. She turned and walked slowly to the bedroom door, and locked it. Mike gawked at her, taking in the sight of her long flowered dress, her black blouse, and her conservative black pumps. His heart pounded as she finally spoke.

“So, is this what you do during the day?”

Mike swallowed hard. Lisa ruled the entire situation. He was either going to be in huge trouble with Jeannie, or Lisa would be cool to the entire situation, and forget about it.

“Well, Lisa, this is the first time I have ever came into your bedroom.” Mike stammered. “But I must admit, I have been masturbating so much lately, it is really making me crazy. I just miss Jeannie so much.”

“That’s understandable, Mike. But I have to say I am quite upset by this, and do you realize how pissed off Ron would be?”

Mike now cupped his balls with his left hand while still squeezing his cock with his right. He could see Lisa’s cheeks begin to glow as she looked at his erection.

“I guess so, Lisa, but I just couldn’t resist my urges.”

“Oh, okay, I see. And you just had to find my panties. Did they feel good on that hard dick?”

Her language dazed Mike. He was close to shooting off, but there was nothing he could do about it.

“Yes Lisa.” Mike replied. Lisa felt a quiver between her legs. Mentally, Mike was a basket case at this point. She would take advantage of the situation.

“Mike, take your hands off your cock.”

Mike did as she asked, and looked in awe as Lisa began to unbutton her blouse. When she took it off and tossed it to the floor, Mike simply glared at the sight of her black lace bra. She then unzipped her skirt, and let it fall to the floor also.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I am giving you something to look at as you jack off, porn boy.”

Lisa loved to watch men masturbate, and Mike would serve her purposes well. She wore only thigh high hose, to go with her bra and heels. She wore a front-close bra, and she slowly removed it, and revealed her ample tits to Mike.

“Now Mike, here is the deal I have for you. You are to be here nude every day at eleven in the morning, and you will masturbate for me. If you don’t, I will tell Ron and Jeannie, and you will be out of here the next day, not to mention in hot water with Jeannie. What do you say?”

Mike took a deep breath. “Agreed” he replied.

“Good boy. Now, do you like how my shaved pussy looks?”

“Yes Lisa” She now cupped her breasts in both hands. “And how about these?” She teased.

Mike fought off the urge to grab his cock.

“I love how they look” he mumbled.

“Stroke your cock then.”

Mike grabbed his hard dick again, and stroked wildly. He would come soon, and Lisa knew it.

“Just hold off, porn boy.” She commanded. Lisa walked to the bathroom, and retrieved a towel and a bottle of baby oil. She then ordered Mike to kneel on the floor in front of her, which he did, and she played out the towel in front of him. She knelt opposite him, and as he stroked his cock, she began to dribble baby oil all over it. Mike groaned, and he told her he was close.

“Good, now hands off!” Lisa ordered. Mike groaned again, and used all of his willpower to remove his hands from his erection. With only her mind Lisa was denying him an orgasm. Mike’s cock stood up at a forty-five degree angle, the head glistened pre-cum. Large veins bulged up and down it’s length. Lisa giggled, and continued her teasing.

“Oh Mike, you have such a lovely cock. I bet Jeannie loves it when you fuck her. You miss her badly. You miss her wet pussy Mike. You want to fuck her so bad, and cum deep inside her.”

Sweat was building all over his body. Lisa began to rub her clit, and she knew she would orgasm as soon as she saw him shoot his cum. She moved along the towel, and now they were less than a foot apart.

“Mike, we can’t touch each other, but I want you to spray your cum all over my pussy. Understand?”

Mike nodded, and once again took his cock in his right hand, supporting the weight of his body with his left. His well oiled cock slipped easily through his fist, and he could feel his orgasm begin to build. Lisa was staring; eyes wide open, at his huge cock. She held her labia open, and waited.

“Do it baby” she urged.

With one last stroke, Mike’s cum shot through his cock. The first blast landed directly on Lisa’s clit.


Lisa’s orgasm ripped through her as she watched him cum. She shrieked as she felt her body spasm, and she tossed her head back, her body shaking. The second blast of Mike’s cum shot out, and he sprayed her pussy from side to side with it. Trails of wetness ran down her thighs, a mixture of Mike’s cum and her own. Lisa thrusted her hips forward, and Mike shot again. This time the cum flew in the air to her naked breasts, splattering them. Another surge of pleasure racked her body. Lisa was losing control of the situation. She wailed as she looked down again to see his cum landing on her titties. Lisa tossed her head from side to side. Again Mike stroked his cock, shooting another blast skyward, this time landing on his chest. Another pound of his cock, and the last forceful stream once again landed directly on Lisa’s drenched pussy. With this, Lisa drove to fingers into her steaming cunt, and fell down to her elbows, enjoying the last waves of pleasure.

“Get out of here, and don’t forget about tomorrow.” Lisa could barely say the words.

Mike stood, cum dripping down his chest. He took the time to get another towel to clean up a little, before walking to his room. He crawled in bed for his daytime sleep, and he could still here Lisa’s faint moans of pleasure. Mike rolled onto his stomach, and he felt his cock slowly harden. He fantasized about fucking Jeannie as he moved his hips up and down, causing his cock to rub against the sheets. He could not wait until the next day at eleven in the morning. In a way, he was Lisa’s sexual servant, and he liked the idea. Masturbation does have its advantages.

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