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The Race Driver

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Beth sat at the bar waiting for her best friend to arrive. It had been months since they had seen each other and this had bothered Beth deeply. For years they had shared all the highs and lows of each others lives. It was a friendship that Beth felt would always be there. Over the past couple of years they had grown apart and Beth had searched deep within herself trying to figure out why this had happened.

When Beth had finally realized what had went wrong in their friendship it had hurt her deeply. She had finally realized that when all had been well in her life, was the only time when all had been well in her friendship with Kay. As long as Beth was there for Kay they had a good friendship but when the time came that Beth had to put her personal commitments before Kay’s the friendship had began to fall apart.

She had taken the first step to get in touch with her friend in the hopes that they could repair their friendship. Kay was always late so Beth was not surprised that she was sitting in a crowded bar waiting on her friend. After an hour had passed Beth knew that Kay wasn’t coming.

Kay was the one who had suggested meeting at this bar when Beth had talked to her. It was one of those sports bars that the men and surprisingly women as well, were so fond of these days. There were more then a dozen TV’s mounted on the walls in various areas of the bar. No matter where anyone was sitting they would have a clear view to a TV.

Beth wasn’t really very sports minded. She knew that she absolutely hated basketball, and ice hockey. She did like to watch a football game now and then when the state team was playing on Monday Night Football. She also enjoyed watching a baseball game as well. What she really did enjoy watching was golf, which was surprising to her.

Golf had been a big bone of contention with her and her ex husband when they were married. He spent all his money playing golf all during the warmer months and spent 10 days each winter with his buddies on a golf outing to North Carolina. During the winter months all his time, money and energy went into rebuilding two old cars he owned, and giving the rest of his money to the Snap On man for more tools.

So when she realized how much she had enjoyed watching golf on TV it had really surprised her. She was a huge fan of Phil Michelson and Kenny Perry. She was not a fan of Tiger Woods, she felt that he was to full of himself and lately she had noticed that he didn’t conduct himself very well on the golf courses when he wasn’t doing well.

She had decided she would finish her drink and leave when she heard a mans voice asking her if she was feeling alright. She looked up into the eyes of the man who was sitting a couple of seats down from her.

Beth had noticed him when she first sat down at the bar. He had those rugged good looks all women fell for and looked a little out of place. She hadn’t looked his way again until he spoke to her.

“I’m sorry I don’t mean to sound rude or anything but you just looked so very deep in thought that I thought maybe there was something wrong.”

Beth was looking at his eyes and found her gaze traveling to his mouth as he spoke. She liked the way his lips moved as he formed the words, she found herself wondering how those lips would feel rubbing against hers in a deep sensual kiss. She snapped back to reality bringing her gaze back to his eyes.

“I’m fine thank you, and you were correct I was just deep in thought,” she told him.

“You looked awfully sad and near to tears,” he said quietly.

Before Beth could make a comment, he spoke again.

“Hon, no man is worth the time or tears if he stands you up and I have a feeling this isn’t the first time he’s done this to you.”

Beth couldn’t help but smile, he was so far off in his assumption.

Jay was struck by her smile, it actually lit up her eyes. Now he was really curious, if it wasn’t a man who had made her look so sad then what was it he wondered? She wore no ring on her ring finger so he assumed she was unattached. His mind was pondering the thought that she might be a Lesbian and it was her female lover who had stood her up. Maybe that was the reason for that smile of hers.

“Leave it to a man to assume a woman’s discomfort is because of a man,” she said smiling at him. ” I could be upset because my car broke down, maybe I had a really bad day at work, or maybe it’s because my husband is late again,” she told him still smiling at him.

“Ok, I can buy the car breaking down, or even a bad day at work, but I don’t buy the husband bit because you don’t have a ring on,” he told her smiling back at her.

“Ok, so no husband, but it still could be one of the other two reasons.”

Jay moved down the bar until he was sitting in the chair next to her.

“Ok, so which one of the other two is it if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Actually it’s neither one I’m afraid. I was supposed to meet my best friend here but it seems she isn’t coming.”

There was that sad look in her eyes again and it made him all the more curious as to the reason for it. Hell, he was as bad as a woman, he was thinking to himself. He was getting nosy and it was really none of his business, but he couldn’t stop himself from wondering what the reason was for the sad look in her eyes. He didn’t realize he was smiling, but the thought had just popped into his mind that at least she wasn’t a Lesbian after all.

Beth liked his smile, she could easily see how that smile of his would get him good marks with the ladies. He was tall, she had noticed that when he had gotten up to move down the bar to sit at her side. He was taller then her sons so he was well over 6′ 4″.

She couldn’t stop the questions that were running through her head. She knew he didn’t belong here, not at this bar and not in this town. He was to polished, to well dressed, and she had a feeling that the tan he was sporting didn’t come from the tanning booths.

“Your not from around here are you,” she asked him?

“How very astute of you, what gave me away,” he asked her smiling?

“Your manner, your clothes and the tan your sporting,” she told him bluntly. “So I’m assuming that your from one of the warmer states, Florida, Texas, or maybe California and your probably here on business or visiting a friend or relative, am I close in my assumptions,” she asked him?

“Your pretty good, but you have the state wrong. I’m from Hawaii and yes I’m here on business.” He held his hand out to her. “I guess if we’re going to go on guessing about each other then we should at least introduce ourselves. I’m Jay, pleased to meet you.”

Beth had reached for his handshake and introduced herself. His handshake was firm and Beth liked that. She just hated men who had wimpy handshakes, it actually made her feel creepy to have touched them. That was one of the biggest turn offs she had when meeting a man.

” Now that we have been introduced may I buy you a drink?”

“Thanks, but no, I guess I should get going. I’m sure she won’t show up now so no use hanging around.”

“Look, it’s getting close to dinner time and I would love for you to join me. It’s pretty boring eating alone, especially when your in a strange town. I promise I don’t bite and I really would enjoy your company.”

Beth was trying to figure out why this stranger would want her company for dinner. He must be really bored she was thinking, just wanting someone to talk to for a bit. Oh well, why not, she didn’t feel like going home to cook, and the idea of going to a restaurant to eat alone didn’t appeal to her anymore then it did him.

“Ok, but I will pay for my own meal,” she told him.

“Beth I’ve never let a lady pay for any meal when she shares one with me and I sure as hell won’t start now. I invited you to be my guest, to keep me company and for some much needed conversation,” he told her with a huge smile on his face.

“Ok, I’ll be a good guest then,” she told him.

He stood up and offered her his hand, leading her over to one of the empty tables farthest from the door away from the cool air coming in when someone new would come inside. He wasn’t used to this kind of cold, being used to the sunshine in Hawaii or Milan where he spent a good portion of his time. He seated her then took the chair across from her. A waiter came over and left them with the food menu, telling them he would give them a few minutes to make their dinner selections.

He asked her what she wanted so he would be ready with their order when the waiter returned. Beth had never had anyone order her meal for her, not even her ex husband on the rare occasions when they were out. He placed their order and ordered them both another drink.

“So, if you don’t mind my asking or sounding to nosy, just what brings you to our little town,” she asked him.

“I’m here overseeing some design modifications that are being made on some engine parts.”

So he must be some type of Automotive engineer, but still she had a feeling he was more then that. She had met Lee Iacocca and Bill Ford years ago when they had happened into the truck stop she had worked at and although they both had the look of money and power neither one of them seemed to be as polished as this man was.

Jay was intently watching a car race that was on the TV to the left of him so Beth had a few moments to study this stranger sitting across from her. Nope, he wasn’t an engineer she decided, he didn’t look or dress the part. So he must own some car company or from his interest in the race on TV he was either a big fan or he might just own a race car.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you but I wanted to check on the progress of this race,” he told her.

“I’ve never understood people’s fascination with cars racing around a track,” she remarked.

“No matter what kind of race it happens to be, say Nascar, Stock Cars, Dragsters, or Formula 1 racers they all have the same things in common. They drive for the thrill, the speed, and the chance to be number one.

“Your more then just a fan of racing aren’t you,” she asked him?

“A fan yes, owner yes, and sometimes driver, yes to all three,” he told her with a huge smile on his face. ” I’m an owner in a Formula 1 race team, I was just checking out some of the competition. We have a race coming up at Monza, that is where the first World Championship Italian Grand Prix was held back in 1950.”

They talked some more about racing, a little about each other, about music, movies all the normal things people chat about when first getting to know someone.

Beth hadn’t realized how late it was until she glanced at the clock hanging behind the bar on her way back from the ladies room. My god, they had been talking for more than four hours, it was close to midnight and she needed to get home to let the dogs out.

“Jay, it’s getting late and I need to get home to let my dogs out. Thank you again for dinner. I enjoyed the meal and our conversation,”

“Hang on a minute Beth and let me pay our bill, then I will walk you out to your car,” he told her as he stood up, then taking her arm he led her up to the bar where he paid their bill.

When they reached her car Beth again thanked him for the meal.

“Would you do me the honor of having dinner with me again tomorrow night Beth?”

Now this really surprised Beth, she never expected for him to want her to join him for dinner again.

“Before you say no, I really would enjoy your company. I enjoyed having you to talk to and I really don’t want to spend another night eating alone. So come on say you will join me?”

Beth couldn’t help herself when she told him she would be delighted to. When he asked her for her address she told him she would meet him because it would be to hard to explain to him how to find her home.

“So any suggestions on where we should eat,” he asked her.

Beth knew that he was staying at McCamly Plaza Hotel so she told him that they could eat at Clara’s on the River. She told him to ask anyone at the Hotel how to get there as it was only about three blocks behind the Hotel and that she would meet him there at 7:00 pm the following evening.

The following evening Beth was still trying to figure out why Jay would want her company for dinner again. They were two entirely different people from far different worlds. She figured he was just amusing himself with her while trying to pass the time in a small town where there wasn’t much of anything for him to do while he was here.

She arrived about ten minutes to seven and was impressed that he was already there waiting for her to arrive.

“This is a charming little restaurant, and I was told by two of the workers at the Hotel that they have some good food here,” he told her, as he rested his hand in the small of her back leading her to the front door.

Beth had a momentary feeling of warmth flow through her when she felt his hand at her back. Get it together girl she was telling herself, this man is way out of your league.

After they were seated he gave the waitress their drink order. They discussed the menu and decided on their dinner selections. When the waitress arrived with their drinks he told her they were ready to order.

“You know seeing a town all decorated for Christmas in a town where there is actually snow is a whole lot different then seeing one where everything is green and the temperatures are warm,” he told her smiling. “I drove around looking at all the decorations when I first arrived in town. It makes you want to be a kid again counting down the days until Santa would arrive.”

“Yes, it is pretty but it doesn’t hold a candle as far as I’m concerned to the decorations in Marshall. I always look forward to the Christmas parade and have never missed one since being a small child. The first Monday after Thanksgiving is when the Christmas parade is, that’s when the lights and decorations are turned on for the first time.”

“I take it that is where you grew up,” he said?

“Yes, both of my parents were from there and all six of us kids were born there. My uncle owned the welding shop and was well known around town. When his youngest son graduated high school he went to work on the police force, then ended up being a Sargent on the county sheriff’s department until he retired.” Their meal arrived and they spent the next couple of hours talking about each others live’s and families.

“So do you have someplace around here where you can go and dance,” he asked her.

Beth was positive he was not used to going to the types of bars like they had here in town. In fact they only had three bars that had bands anymore. Most of the bars were sports bars and didn’t offer music or dancing. One bar at the far end of town was to rough a place to go to anymore. One was geared for the young, alternative and rapper types of music and the other was a mix of country and rock-n-roll. The only trouble with that one was if you didn’t get there early you could never find anywhere to sit and once the band started playing it was so loud you couldn’t even talk to the person next to you without shouting.

“We only have one bar here in town where they play a mix of country and rock-n-roll where you can dance, but after the band starts playing it’s usually packed and you can never get a table.”

“Ok. Then how about catching a late movie somewhere,” he asked?

“You must really be bored Jay,” she told him laughing.

“Now why would you say that,” he asked her with a puzzled look on his face.

“When was the last time you went to a movie?”

“Hang on, I’m trying to think. You know I can’t remember when it was come to think of it,” he told her grinning. “Well I’m up for a movie if you are? Do they still sell popcorn at the movies,” he asked her winking at her?

“I have a better idea, you drive and I’ll give you directions. I know of this other bar where they play music and there is dancing come to think of it,” she told him grinning at him.

Beth had a wicked streak in her that came out from time to time and this was one of those times. She was positive that he would have never expected what was about to happen to him.

“Heartbeats huh? Slow dancing so you can hear your partners heartbeat while you hold her close is that it,” he asked her as they made their way to the front door?

Beth didn’t answer him because he would know the minute they walked inside the reason for the name. She was dying to see the expression on his face when he realized where she had taken him.

She thought she had noticed a moment of shock on his face before he laughed out loud, grinning ear to ear. The doorman told him there would be a five dollar cover charge for him but ladies got in free. Jay paid the guy the five bucks and followed Beth over to a table near the stage.

“My, my, but you are full of surprises Ms. Beth. Been a few years since I’ve been in a strip bar,” he said winking at her.

“Well, they do play music and there is dancing, I just didn’t mention what kind of dancing,” she said laughingly.

While they were waiting for the drinks they had ordered Jay decided to ask Beth why. “So what possessed you to bring me here?”

“I don’t know, guess I was feeling a bit wicked and thought you would get a kick out of it,” she told him. “Give you something different to think about when you go back to your hotel rather then engine parts or how bored you are.”

“Tell me, did you happen to think that maybe this might give me a very restless night instead?”

“Well, no I didn’t, but if it does, at least it will take your mind off of car parts or boredom.”

“I have to agree with you there, but then it will put my mind into really feeling lonely and of needing to feel a nice warm body laying next to mine. Any suggestions?”

Beth felt the warmth enter her cheeks, his question and the twinkle in his eyes were as if he were flirting with her, as if telling her that he wouldn’t mind if it were her body laying next to his. Beth had never thought for one moment that this man found her anything more then just a nice person to talk to while he was stuck in this boring little town.

“Well, now that you know where this place is, if you come back here after returning me to my car I would bet my last dollar that when you left here you wouldn’t be going alone,” she told him smiling shyly.

Jay was about to lead her into a more intimate conversation then decided better of it. In two days time he already knew that she was not a woman who would go to bed with just anyone, and especially not with someone who was still a relative stranger to her.

They stayed for about an hour then he suggested that they leave. Truth was the naked women were getting him more aroused then he wanted. He wasn’t thinking about them though, his mind was involved with Beth and what he would like to be doing to her right then.

When they got back to the restaurant parking lot he asked her for her phone number.

“I’m meeting with some engineers tomorrow afternoon Beth and it will probably last through the dinner hour, but I would like to call you later that evening just to chat if you wouldn’t mind?”

She gave him her phone number and told him she would look forward to his call. He helped her into her car then made sure she was safely on her way before he left to return to the Hotel. He had to restrain himself both physically and emotionally because he desperately wanted to kiss her good night.

He called as promised the next evening and they chatted for about an hour before saying goodnight.

Beth had just gotten of the phone with her sister. She was to meet them at the Stagecoach for dinner where they would stay until it was time for the Christmas parade.

She hadn’t gotten more then ten feet from the phone before it rang again. “Hello?”

“Hi Beth, What time is that parade tonight? I thought we’d take in the parade then get some dinner when it was over?”

Beth was lost for words, all day she had been harboring the idea of inviting him to join her for the parade but she thought it would be something to ordinary for him. Now here he was on the phone wanting to go with her.

“I would enjoy your company Jay. I’m meeting my sister and her family at five at a downtown eatery before the parade. We can either join them in a early dinner or we could go somewhere after the parade if you like? The parade starts at seven and lasts about an hour.”

“Sounds good Beth, I think I would like to wait to eat after the parade if you don’t mind? So give me directions to your home and I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

“Jay we can meet somewhere easy for you to find and I will ride with you.”

“Beth I’m not used to my date driving herself everywhere we go, I do like to make sure my date is returned home safely. Is there a reason why you don’t want me to know where you live?”

“Of course not. Tell you what, just for tonight we can meet somewhere easy for you to find then when you take me back to my car you can follow me home. Will that be ok?”

“Fair enough, I’ll see you in an hour at that bar we first met at.”

He was waiting for her when she arrived. On the drive they talked about her hometown. When they got to her hometown he could see why she loved it. Even without all the decorations lit up yet, the Christmas scenes were charming.

He had enjoyed meeting her sister and her family and seeing her eyes sparkle as she watched the parade with her two nieces. When the lights came on, Jay had to admit that the little town was beautiful. After the parade they said their goodbye’s to her sister and made their way out of town to a restaurant she had told him about.

After dropping her off at her car he followed her to her home. He pulled into her driveway and parked behind her car. She was already getting out of her car before he reached her door.

“Do you feel better now that you know where I live,” she asked him?

“Yes. Now, are you going to invite me in or do we say goodnight here in your driveway?”

“Jay what are you expecting from me,”she asked him pointedly?

Beth figured that once he had seen that she lived in a house trailer he would finally realize just how different they were.

He could see the tenseness enter her body, the questions in her eyes and knew that he had to tread lightly if he wanted to continue on with this friendship.

“I expect you to offer me a cup of coffee, some more conversation, introduction to your dogs, and a kiss goodnight when I leave,” he told her honestly.

“Well, I think I can handle three out of four of your requests,” she told him opening her door to allow him entrance.

They were immediately greeted by her two dogs. They both had to get a good sniff of him to see if he was ok before the larger one ran off to retrieve a toy which she brought right back to him. He had reached down to pet the smaller one and the little guy cowered close to the floor as if he were afraid of him.

“It’s ok, he’ll let you pet him, he just doesn’t know you to trust you. He had been abused when I got him from the shelter. I’ve had him five years now and he still cowers when you reach down to him. He had been very badly mistreated according to the vet from the animal shelter.”

“Now this one will fetch that toy for you as many times as you will throw it for her,”she said smiling down at her pet.

Beth began making the coffee while Jay tossed the toy down the hall for the larger dog to fetch. She knew he liked his coffee black so she poured him a cup and took it to him where he sat on the couch in the living room. She sat on the love seat across from him and heard his soft chuckle.

“Are you afraid of me Beth, is that why you didn’t choose to sit here on the couch with me?”

He was smiling a very wicked little smile which Beth couldn’t help but laugh at.

“Jay, why have you wanted to spend time with me. At first I thought it was just because you were bored and just needed someone to talk to in a strange town.”

“Because I enjoyed our conversation and your company that night in the bar. Your nice to be with and I have very much enjoyed our talks.”

“How much longer are you going to be in town,” she asked him?

“I leave on Wednesday, I have some business to attend to in California.”

“Tell you what, seeing that tomorrow will be the last time we can share a meal how about if I cook, it’s the least I can do after all the meals you have gotten me?”

“Well, I don’t know…Can you cook,” he asked grinning at her?

“When I want to, I promise it won’t kill you or make you ill. How does seven sound?”

“Seven will be fine. I will be looking forward to a home cooked meal,” he told her.

They talked for a little while more then he told her he had a early meeting in the morning so he should be on his way. She got up to walk him to the door, but when she reached for the door knob he stayed her hand.

“Oh no you don’t, you owe me that kiss goodnight,” he told her reaching for her.

Before Beth could move he had pulled her tight into his chest as his mouth descended on hers. The first touch of his lips against hers sent a little jolt of electricity through her. She hadn’t realized that she was standing on her tip toes until her legs began to give way from the raw passion in his kiss.

Beth was getting lost in his kiss, if Jay wasn’t holding her so tightly she would have crumpled at his feet. She had been kissed in passion many times before and had enjoyed the kisses, but this was different. This kiss had her on fire, there had been no spark, the gradual building of a fire, this was an explosion, she was being consumed by the flames of his kiss.

Jay wanted to do nothing more then to drag her back to her bedroom and make love to her, but he knew now was not the time. He had an unfair advantage over her at this time, she would regret anything that happened after this point and he didn’t want that to happen.

“Now that is what I call a goodnight kiss,” he told her softly after ending the passionate kiss.

Beth couldn’t talk, she was still trying to catch her breath after that explosive kiss. He was still holding her and she could feel his racing heartbeat beneath her fingertips.


Just one word, that was all she could manage to say.

“Because you have very kissable lips and I’ve wanted to taste them since that first night.”

Beth pushed herself away from him, she didn’t know what to say, her emotions were still running on high and the confusion she was feeling just made things worse.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at seven Beth. Sweet dreams.”

How long Beth stood there staring at the door she had no idea. She was still trying to figure out what had just happened. An hour later, laying in her bed she was still trying to figure out that kiss. A kiss goodnight was one thing, but that kiss was anything but an ordinary kiss goodnight.

All day she couldn’t get that kiss out of her mind, so to take her mind off it she decided to make homemade lasagna for their dinner that night. She spent the better part of the day making the sauce then constructing the lasagna. She put it in the oven an hour before he was due for dinner. While it was cooking she made a side salad for them. She hadn’t bothered making anything for dessert because she had never seen him order anything sweet the three times they had eaten out. She took her shower while their dinner was cooking.

Beth took the lasagna out of the oven to allow it to set for at least a half hour before serving it then went about setting the table. She filled the coffee pot so it was ready to brew after they had eaten their meal in case he wanted coffee.

Jay arrived promptly at seven with a bottle of wine. As soon as he was inside the dogs greeted him. Owlsa now put his paws on his pant leg to welcome him allowing him to pet him while Jesse ran off to fetch her toy to drop it at his feet and await his pat on her head.

“Something sure smells good Beth. I have a feeling you really can cook after all,” he told her smiling.

She got two wine glasses from the cupboard for him while she sliced the lasagna and dished up their plates.

“Beth this is delicious, and I mean that sincerely. I’ve eaten many true Italian dishes and this is every bit as delicious as any that I have eaten before.”

“Thank you, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it. Would you like a cup of coffee while I clear up in here,” she asked him.

“Yes, that would be lovely and I’ll help you clear this up while we wait for the coffee to brew.”

After they finished clearing up the kitchen they took their coffee’s into the living room. Beth had the TV on and the Green Mile was just coming on.

“I love this movie, I think it is one of Stephen Kings best,” she told him.

“I’ve never seen it,” he told her.

Beth didn’t want him accusing her of being afraid of him again so she sat down on the opposite end of the couch from him. Owsla came over and curled up beside his mistress’s feet when he was sure she was going to stay there. Jesse tried to get Jay to toss her toy again but Beth told her to lay down and she obediently did as she asked.

They sat in silence when the movie began and Jay found himself engrossed in the story line. They talked during the commercials but both of them were intent on the movie when it started back up.

“I have to say that is one of the best shows I’ve seen in a very long time. I’m glad we watched it. Are you crying Beth?”

“A little. I still can’t make it through Old Yeller without crying my eyes out,” she told him wiping the tears away. “When my youngest granddaughter would stay the night with me she always picked out the movie Dragon Heart to watch just so she could wait for the sad part that would make grandma cry. She would sit with the box of tissues on her lap just waiting for me to cry so she could wipe my tears away.”

Jay stood up and asked to use the restroom, she told him where it was and while he was gone she refilled their coffee cups.

When he came back, he walked up to stand in front of her. Jesse immediately put herself between them and sat staring up at him.

“Now that is the look of back off mister, if I ever saw one,” he said looking down at Jesse.

Beth reached over to take hold of Jesse’s collar and was smiling. She couldn’t help but chuckle before telling him the reason for her laughter.

“Jesse has this thing about someone towering over me. She loves both of my boys but she has twice grabbed my oldest son in the crotch when he has leaned down to kiss me good bye. My youngest is wise to her so he always reaches down to hold her collar while he kisses me goodbye. We don’t have a clue why she does it, but she just can’t stand someone towering over me,” she explained to him.

“She is only protecting her mistress. She is just letting me know not to get any ideas, that she is watching,” he told her laughing.

Beth was about to say something but Jay sat down then reached across the couch to take her hand.

“Come down here and sit next to me Beth, your much to far away.”

“Jay why are you doing this?”

“Because I like you and want to get closer to you.”

“We are from two different worlds. Your suits and ties and I’m jeans and t-shirts. Your fine wines, and lavish restaurants, while I’m beer and burgers.”

“That’s bullshit Beth and you know it. I wear jeans constantly and believe me these hands get dirty. Just because we live differently doesn’t mean that we can’t be together,” he told her with conviction.

“Jay, I can’t be, and won’t be someone you pass the time with for a couple of weeks while you’re here then when you leave that’s it. Neither of us fit in the others world.”

“That’s still bullshit Beth. Look, I don’t want us to argue Beth, I’ll be back on the weekend and we can talk more about this when I return. Thanks again for dinner, it was a fantastic meal that I will always remember sharing with you.”

He was up and out the door before she could say anything.

Now what, he was thinking to himself as he drove back to the hotel? How was he going to make her understand he was genuinely attracted to her. She had to many preconceived ideas why he wouldn’t be. She was everything he liked in a woman and that was the real trouble, he knew without a doubt that proving his attraction to her would be the hardest thing he had to do.

Jay liked women with some meat on their bones, he liked them full and curvy, small women just didn’t appeal to him nor were they made for a man like him. He liked a woman he could feel in his arms, soft and cuddly not boney and breakable.

Beth was built like that, he loved her long blond hair that he ached to wrap his fingers in. He loved that when she smiled it made her eyes seem like they were twinkling. He loved how mischievous she was, as in the night she had taken him to the strip club. Never in his life had one of the women he dated taken him to a strip club to watch a bunch of bare breasted women dancing on a stage. They would have felt threatened by that.

Beth tried to make sense of Jay’s apparent interest in her for the next two days. He had called her every night since he had left and that alone puzzled Beth. He told her he would be back in town Friday night and would pick her up around seven to go to dinner. She decided that she would invite a couple of her friends to meet them at the bar Friday night so he could see just how different she was from him and the type of people he was used to being around.

When Friday night came she told him she was supposed to meet some friends at the bar that played country music and rock-n-roll. She wanted him to see first hand how different their lives were.

Jaye and her boyfriend Tim were waiting for her when they arrived at the bar. Tim’s best friend Jim was also there with his girlfriend Lisa. Beth introduced everyone to him and he had gotten a chuckle out of her girlfriends name being Jaye as well.

Beth was sure that he had probably only heard this type of nasty talk from the men in his pit crew. She was also sure that he was not used to hearing women saying the word fuck as often as she and the other two women used it that night. Her friend Jaye was part Cherokee Indian and after a couple of drinks she would talk non stop. She couldn’t hold her liquor at all.

The first slow song the band played, Jay took Beth’s hand and pulled her out onto the dance floor. He pulled her in tight to his body making sure that she could feel his heart beating as they danced.

“What’s the matter hon, do you feel safer with all your friends around tonight? Afraid that I might have designs on you and not take you home if you don’t put out? Maybe your thinking you can just dump me here and catch a ride home with your friends, just in case I might ask to come inside when I take you home?” It was said more like a challenge, daring Beth to deny it or prove him wrong.

“I can take care of myself darlin I don’t need my friends to protect me from the big bad wolf.”

“I have no doubts about that at all,” he whispered in her ear.

The rest of the evening went by quickly. He laughed and joked with her friends and even told a couple of dirty jokes himself. He really seemed to be having a good time. Beth was just never quite sure if he was laughing with them or at them.

“I take it I passed the test and proved that I could get along with your friends and have fun,” he asked her on their drive back to her house?

“It wasn’t a test Jay, I just wanted you to see the world I live in,” she told him.

“Good enough. So now you have to give me the same courtesy and spend a day in mine. I’ll pick you up at eight am, pack a bag and bring a dress we will be spending the weekend out of town, and don’t worry Beth you will have your own room,” he told her when he saw the shocked look on her face.

“I can’t just take off on a moments notice Jay, I have to make arrangements for the dogs.”

“Do your sons take care of them when you go away or do you board them.” he asked her?

They were pulling into her driveway and Beth’s mind was still racing at this new turn of events. She couldn’t just take off with him, she barely knew him for one thing. Oh god, don’t let him kiss me again or I will agree to anything he wants she was telling herself when he stopped the car.

“My sons usually take care of them when I go away, but the boys will want to know where I’m going,” she told him.

“I’m not sure yet but you can call them once we get to wherever our destination is and let them know.”

He got out and came around to let her out of the car. Once they got on her porch steps he pulled her into his arms. Be ready at eight, then he pulled her up and kissed her. The kiss was short and sweet. He waited until she was inside then he went to his car and drove off.

Beth called her son because she knew he would still be up to ask him to come pick the dogs up in the morning. She told him she was going to be gone a couple of days and would call him later and tell him where she was staying when she got there.

She was ready when Jay arrived at eight the next morning. She only had one dress, she usually wore it to funerals and occasionally on the rare occasion when she went somewhere that a dress was required.

When she asked him where they were going all he would tell her was that it was going to be a surprise. So when he pulled into the airport the look she gave him had all kinds of questions in her eyes.

“Come on, we have to check in our luggage before we can board.”

Beth followed him over to the ticket counter where he checked them in. The boy tagged their baggage and told them where to go to board their flight. When they boarded the plane they were shown to the first class section. Beth had flown with her uncle in his small Cessna when she was younger, but she had never been on a large plane before now.

“Jay where are we going,” she asked him.

Just then the flight attendant started explaining the safety measures, at the end of her instructions she told them they would be landing in Las Vegas in approximately five hours.

He wouldn’t tell her anything more about the trip other then he had someplace special he wanted to take her. They talked about anything and everything and the next thing Beth knew they were telling them to fasten their seat belts for their landing.

It took them a little while to wait for their baggage, but once they had their bags in tow Jay led her to a shuttle that would take them right to the hotel they were staying at. He checked them in and good to his word he had arranged for her to have her own room, although she thought it was rather sneaky of him to make sure it was a connecting room suite.

“Beth I have some other arrangements to make so why don’t you go rest a couple of hours before we get ready to go out tonight. Here is your room and your bath. We have dinner reservations for eight so be ready and wear your dress,” he told her, giving her a quick kiss before heading out of her room.

Beth took her shower then filled the huge tub up so she could soak away some of the tenseness she was feeling. They had some wonderful smelling bath oils and she choose a sandalwood essence. She tried to sleep but her mind was racing with so many questions. She had called her son earlier and told him where she was, she gave him the phone number to the Hotel in case anything happened while she was gone.

Beth couldn’t help it she was very attracted to Jay, and she had been hungering for his kiss ever since she had experienced that first consuming kiss form him. Not a night had gone by that she hadn’t relived that kiss in her mind and dreams. That wasn’t all Beth hungered for. She was aching to know his taste, she wanted to taste the heat and passion of him.

Jay knocked on Beth’s door telling her he was back and was going to go take a quick shower before they headed off to dinner. She was ready except for putting on her dress. She was standing on the balcony waiting for him staring up at the stars.

Jay stopped at the door before making his presence known to Beth. She was wearing a black dress, it was a modest dress, curved neckline, about an inch above her knees, and long sleeved. Something sparkled at her wrist and he assumed it was a bracelet. As he got closer to her he noticed that the dress was velvet, her hair was pulled back behind one ear showing off one of her silver earrings. Her hair was shiny and flowing down past the middle of her back. He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her deeply, he was aching to touch the silk of her hair. He restrained himself then announced his presence.

“You look lovely Beth, shall we get going,” he reached for her arm leading her to the door.”

One of the things he had done when he was out was to rent them a car. The next thing was to get directions from one of the men in his pit crew who had told him about this place a few months ago. He had made the reservation the week before when he was in California. He had every intention of getting Beth to agree to go away with him for the weekend before her setting up the night at the bar with her friends. That gave him the opening he needed to whisk her away.

He had already searched for the place earlier that day so that he would have no trouble finding it that night. He parked way in the back of the full parking lot then went around to help Beth from the car.

When they entered the front door the first thing Beth noticed was a wonderful smell. She couldn’t put her finger on it but it was a pleasant smell. The next thing she noticed was that they were standing in a small entryway where a beautiful hostess was standing behind a small antique desk. To the right and left of her were two sets each of doorways. After she confirmed their reservation she lead them through the door furthest from her on her left.

You could just barely hear soft music playing in the background. The aisle they were walking down was dimly lit with soft light. Plants were everywhere Beth noticed as they were led to their table. Tall palms, dwarf trees of every kind, almost a botanical garden. There were small fountains situated between the groups of plants. The soft tinkling of the water very soothing to the ear. The carpet was thick and lush green, like a carpet of grass.

This is a place for lovers Beth thinks to herself, very erotic to the eyes and senses. Already she could feel the fires starting to burn within her. They hadn’t even gotten to their table yet and she knew this was the most sensual place she had ever been.

Why does this place bring to mind Casablanca, or maybe it was the Maltese Falcon she is thinking to herself? Beth doesn’t know, but there seems to be some kind of De’ja-vu going on here her senses are telling her.

They have seen no one else along the way but you know there are others somewhere else. There is a waiter already standing by the table they are led to.

“Here we are sir,” the hostess says softly. “Enjoy your meal.”

A high backed, thickly tufted booth is before them. It is shaped like a half circle, the table is covered in a long lime green table cloth that touches the floor. In the center of the table is a small miniature lamp, dimly lit. Next to that is a candle floating in a small bowl shaped like a sea shell, that wonderful scent wafting in the air.

The waiter pulls the table out for them. Jay seats Beth first then sits down beside her, his thigh touching hers.

“Good evening, my name is Kyle and I will be your server this evening. I will just take a minute of your time to explain to you how things work here. If you will look to your right sir you will see two buttons on the upper right corner of your booth. The white button is your call button, press that if you would like me to return to the table for any reason. The red button will beep once and then flash letting you know that your order is ready when you are. When you see the red button flash just press the white one and that will let me know that I may return to your booth with your order.”

All the time the young man is talking he has one of those smiles that says I know what your thinking. Or maybe it was a look of I know what your evening is all about.

“If you should need to use the restrooms you will find one over behind that large palm tree. We ask that you do not wander around the dining area and only use the restroom that I have pointed out to you. Could I offer you a drink before you place your order,” he asked them as he handed them a large menu.

Jay gave the young man their drink order then before he left he explained that he would return shortly with the drinks and that would be the only time that he would return to the table without first being paged by the white button.

Jay had asked her if she minded if he ordered for them and Beth had nodded her head yes. The young man had returned with their drinks, and Jay gave him their order.

While he was talking with the waiter she knew that she had seen this scene before. From one of Humphrey Bogart’s movies, which one she didn’t recall, she just had the feeling that it was a movie he starred in. She was remembering how this had always been a scene in a fantasy dream of hers.

Beth was smiling to herself, knowing full well how this evening was going to progress. Inwardly she was excited to get on with the evening. Already her passions were stirring in her loins and she found it extremely hard to sit still while Jay was discussing their order with the waiter.

“Can you believe this place? I have been to some nice places before but this is one of the most romantic restaurants I have ever been in,”he said to her.

Beth sat looking at him wondering if he had any idea just what was about to happen to him.

“I have never been to anyplace like this before,” she said softly. “But I have seen it before.”

“You’ve seen it before? You just said you have never been to anyplace like this before.”

“I’ve seen it many times in my dreams,” she told him.

He was leaning close to her, to close. He smelled fresh, his cologne reminded Beth of citrus flavors. Not over powering like some men’s colognes could be. He started to speak but Beth placed her finger upon his lips. He was staring into her eyes as her lips touched his. His lips parted as the tip of her tongue lightly outlined his lips.

The kiss was slow and tender, tongues dancing lightly and softly in their mouths, it was a sensuous kiss but held the hint of passion. Beth pulled her mouth away and he sat looking at her with a question in his eyes.

Jay was still looking at her intently, still with that questioning look in his eyes. He was wondering why she had kissed him and why had she broken off the kiss? He leaned towards her once again, and was about to say something.

Beth placed her finger on his lips again before he could say anything. Still looking into his eyes he watched as she slid slowly down and under the table.

The tablecloth hid her perfectly. She saw the shock register in his eyes as he watched her slip under the table. Beth placed her hands on his thighs and felt his muscles tense at her first touch. She let her hands slide slowly down his legs, pausing to kneed and massage the calves of his legs. She placed her hands gently between his legs, pressing outwards. His legs slowly opened wider for her and she moved between his legs.

Her hands slowly slid up his thighs to his waist. She felt a quiver in his legs and although he couldn’t see her, she was smiling with pleasure. Her right hand moved slowly from his waist down to the crotch of his pants, pressing gently against him. His body jerked slightly but within seconds he relaxed and she could feel his growing excitement starting to rise in the crotch of his slacks.

Slowly Beth unzipped his slacks and let her hand slide inside, pressing softly against his hardening cock. She was both pleased and surprised when she found him naked underneath his slacks. She caressed him gently, loving the feel of the warm, hardness of him. Beth removed her hand and preceded to undo his belt, she opened his slacks up far enough to release his hard shaft.

She wrapped her hand around his cock again and slowly began to stroke him. Beth was being deliberately slow with her strokes. She reached under his cock to slowly caress his balls, loving the feel of them moving around in his sac.

“My God woman!”

“What’s the matter? Can’t handle it?”

“I think your the one doing all the handling, and quite well I might add.”

His thighs were still tense and his legs were closing tightly around her. Beth lowered her mouth and at the first touch of her mouth, he jerked in surprise. She was smiling again and filled with all kinds of pleasure. Her mouth was warm and wet against his cock, she slowly took the length of him deeper into her mouth. With each up and down stroke of her mouth she could feel him growing harder. She let her tongue run slowly up the underside of his cock to the large full head then she let the tip of her tongue make lazy circles around the head.

“Christ babe you have got to stop, the light is going off, our meal is ready.”

“Then press the white button, or don’t you have the nerve,” she told him before returning her mouth to his cock.

Beth let her tongue slither back down and slowly lick his balls, making them wet with the moistness of her mouth. She sucked them deeply into her mouth, sucking softly. She could feel the heat in him and that made her pleasure all the more potent. She was beginning to feel the wetness that was accumulating between her thighs.

She was slowly taking him deeper into her mouth when the waiter arrived with their meal. His body stiffened as she heard the waiter ask him if there would be anything else that they might need. She clamped down on his cock just then sucking him harder and moving her mouth up and down his burgeoning shaft. She could feel his veins in his cock filling with his hot blood. His cock was warm and throbbing in her mouth and the wetness between her legs was becoming unbearable, her clit was throbbing, swollen and burning with desire.

When he spoke to the waiter it was with a slightly breathless voice that he told him everything was fine. As soon as the waiter left his hands reached under the table and gently touched her face and hair. Her hair was as soft and silky as he had imagined.

She increased the pressure on his cock and within moments she could feel the warm, sweet taste of his cum sliding down her throat. Just as the warmth of his cum slid across her tongue she had a small orgasm along with his. She slowly licked every drop of cum from his cock then she gently pulled his slacks closed, zipped them back up and refastened his belt.

He reached his hand under the table and took hers, helping her back up to sit beside him.

“That was wonderful and very unexpected.” He leaned forward and kissed her very softly on the lips.

“I would have never guessed in a million years that you would do something like that, Beth.”

“Why not? Is it because the women your used to being with wouldn’t lower themselves in that manner, so early on? But, since I’m from the other side of the tracks so to speak, why would it surprise you?”

“So you thought I would be shocked by your sensual behavior? Or maybe you were hoping that I would find your behavior distasteful?”

He leaned in close to her, placing his hand upon the hem of her dress, then slowly rubbing the inside of her leg as he spoke.

“What would you think if I told you that I find you totally sexy and intriguing, would you believe me?”

His hand was slowly working it’s way up higher on her thigh, her body was still primed with pent up passion, she kept her legs tightly closed. She was not built for him to seek her out with his questing fingers. She felt the tip of his tongue as he ran it softly along the top of her shoulder and up her neck, making her quiver with desire.

He knew he wasn’t going to get any further with her when she didn’t open her legs up to him. “Shall we finish our meal and get out of here,” he asked her softly?

They ate their meal and made small talk, all the while Jay was still filled with the erotic moments they had just shared.

Jay buzzed for their waiter, when he reappeared he asked them if they would like dessert. Beth spoke before Jay had a chance to and told the waiter no thanks she had already had her dessert before her meal.

With a soft chuckle Jay paid the bill and they left. When they reached the car he took her in his arms pulling her tightly against him as he kissed her with passion.

“Jay I want you to fuck me right now, I can’t wait until we get back to the hotel, I’m on fire for you right now,” she told him pressing her hand against the front of his slacks, feeling his hard cock against her hand.

He pulled her around to the back of the car and wasted no time in pressing her up against the trunk of the car. He lifted the hem of her dress up over her ass with one hand while unzipping his slacks with the other. He shoved his cock in her deep and held it there, he heard her small gasp when the full length of him hit home. He reached around in front of her cupping her breasts in his hands, pulling her back against his chest.

“I’ve been dying to be inside you, to feel you warm and wet against my cock,” he told her as he ran his tongue down her neck to her shoulder before biting her gently, making her jump.

“Fuck me Jay, I can’t wait any longer.”

He pushed her back down on the trunk and slowly began long slow strokes with his cock. He loved seeing his cock as it appeared with each outward stroke.

“Faster Jay, harder, I need to cum,” she yelled at him.

He was fucking her like they had been parted for years and couldn’t take time for all the pleasantries of their reunion. It was a raw fuck, one filled with lust and hard passion. Within moments Beth was covering his cock with her cream, her orgasm was quick and powerful. It had been a long time since she had enjoyed this deep physical release.

“I know that we just had dinner but I’m still hungry,”she told him taking off her seatbelt and sliding over next to him.

She placed her hand at his crotch then unzipped his slacks pulling his cock free from his slacks. She lowered her head and slowly began bringing him back to arousal as he drove them back to the hotel.

“Christ woman, I won’t be able to walk inside if you keep this up,” he told her trying to get her to stop until they got back to the hotel. Beth, you have to stop dear, we’re back and I can’t wait to get you into our room.

Beth reluctantly stopped enjoying her snack, then let him help her from the car. They took the elevator from the parking garage and Beth made sure she kept in contact with his aroused cock on the ride to their room. She had slipped her hand inside his slacks when he was kissing her so that she could stroke his cock. Halfway up, the elevator stopped to let in two more passengers.

Beth stood in front of Jay with her back pressed tight against him. She had grabbed his hands and brought them around her so it looked like he was holding onto her. His cock was pressing hard into her ass cheeks and Beth couldn’t help but squirm against him. They were lucky because the other passengers got off on the floor just before theirs.

Their room was two doors down from the elevator so they didn’t have far to go. Jay already had the room key out to swipe before they got to the room. He pulled her inside so quickly she almost tripped on the carpet. He spun her around as soon as he had closed the door but before he could pull her to him she had dropped to the floor on her knees, reaching for his swollen cock.

She engulfed him so quickly it took his breath away. She licked, sucked and teased his cock relentlessly. He kept trying to pull her up and away from his cock, but she would just bare down more when he did. He laced his fingers in her hair, holding it back from her face so he could watch her as she devoured his cock.

He knew he wouldn’t last much longer if he didn’t get her to relinquish his cock from the warm confines of her mouth. He finally managed to pull her up and pulled her tight against his chest before he ravaged her mouth with his fierce kiss.

His kiss was consuming her again, explosions going off inside of her with each stroke of his lips, his tongue dueling with hers in that age old dance of passion. Beth could spend the rest of the night doing nothing more then sharing his kisses and be happy. A thought quickly came and went, she knew that when the passion died she was going to be sorry for letting herself get carried away.

Jay pulled her over to the huge couch, he sat down then pulled her down on his hard cock, he heard her gasp as she felt the full length of him enter her again. He wasted no time in pulling her dress up over her head and releasing her tits from the confines of her bra.

They were deliciously heavy in his hands, god how much he loved a woman with huge tits he was thinking to himself as he raised them to his waiting mouth. He felt her body shiver at the first touch of his lips against her nipples. She moaned deeply when he sucked one deeply into his mouth, again gasping from the pleasure. He transferred his mouth to the other nipple and loved how it hardened quickly in his mouth. He looked into her eyes and could see the passion there as she intently watched him.

It didn’t take him long to figure out that her breasts were an erogenous zone for her. The longer he sucked and licked her nipples the more aroused she became. It wasn’t long before he felt her orgasm overtake her, her body tensed and pulled at him as she reached that plateau that release brought you to. He felt her cream covering his cock as it flowed from her.

Jay was aching to taste her cream, he had been patient through each encounter with her letting her have her way and now he wanted his turn. He put his hands on her waist and stood up pulling her up with him until her feet were on the floor.

He quickly pulled her into the bedroom and pushed her none to gently down onto the bed, her legs hanging over the side of the bed. He knelt between her legs, pressing them further apart to give him access to her pussy. He made short work of licking up her cream, as his tongue drove her crazy.

She had a nice size clit, one that he could easily suck. He loved how her fingers were lacing through his hair while he drank of her juices. She was close to coming again as her hips kept raising up, pressing her pussy deeper into his mouth. He latched onto her clit again and sucked her little woman’s cock intently.

“Don’t stop Jay, please don’t stop!”

She was squeezing her legs tightly against his face as another orgasm took charge of her. She was squirming all over the place as he refused to give up his sweet torture of her pussy with his mouth. Her brought her to orgasm twice more before she begged him to kiss her.

“Please Jay, kiss me. I need to feel your mouth on mine, I want to taste me on your lips, please babe, oh god please kiss me!”

He took his mouth from her pussy sliding his body up hers. Her eyes changed color when she was filled with passion. Her hazel eyes were more blue he noticed as he leaned down to kiss her again. He loved how her body would have little shivers when he was kissing her. He loved that his kisses affected her this way, she absolutely melted when they kissed.

His desire was high and no matter how hard he tried to restrain himself to take things slow he was losing the battle. He wanted her but he didn’t want to drive her away from him either. He broke the kiss then quickly moved off of her and flipped her over onto her stomach. He moved quickly so that he was laying on top of her. He held her arms down to keep her from moving them. He had managed to get his legs between hers, spreading hers apart.

His cock was pressed down the crack of her ass as he held her down tightly. He had to lift himself slightly from her so that he could move her long hair to the side, out of his way. He ran his tongue across the back of her neck, along the top of her shoulders, she squirmed underneath him, little shivers running along her spine.

He was trying to let his ardor slow down but it was having the opposite effect on him. The more he touched her, the more he wanted to be inside her. The gentle kisses he wanted to lace across her shoulders and neck were far from being gentle. He just couldn’t control the raw passion that was inside him.

He sat up pulling her up with him, she was on her hands and knees as he rammed his cock, hard and deep into her. She gasped, tossing back her head as he plunged into her. He reached for her head wrapping his fingers through her hair tugging her head back as he plunged harder and deeper into her. One hand on her hip, the other wrapped tightly into her hair as he pulled her back into him with each thrust of his cock.

“Oh god yes! Fuck me Jay, fuck me hard!”

He felt his hot blood flowing through his cock with each thrust. His balls were tightening, his body tense as he tried to hold back the release he felt flowing through him. He exploded in her, his cum filling her to overflowing. He pulled her tightly back against him, holding her there as his body let loose his orgasm. He held her still and firm against him as he waited for the passion to subside within him, then he collapsed on top of her.

He lay on top of her for a minute or so before moving to the side of her, pulling her into a spooning position with him. He wrapped his arms around her, her head resting on his arm while his other was folded across her chest, a breast resting in his hand. He kissed her neck softly before drifting off into exhausted slumber.

Beth knew that what they had just shared was a product of both of theirs heightened sexual tensions. It was her fault for initiating the sexual feelings she was feeling while they were at the restaurant. Jay had been nothing but a gentleman every time they had been together. She had been the one to make it sexual and now she was going to have to deal with that.

At first she tried to put the blame on the fact that it had been a very long time since she had shared passion with anyone. Which was true, but the fact was that she had wanted him. She had wanted him like she had wanted no other in years. She had dated a few times but none of the men made her feel like he had, nor had treated her as he had.

She wasn’t used to the kind of attention, kindness, thoughtfulness, and even his flirting. She had let it all go to her head, she had been like a kid let loose in a candy store. Now she would suffer just as a child would, who had to much of a good thing.

Beth had just done something she had never done before. She had sex with someone she barely knew. Someone who would be out of her life at any time and she didn’t feel at all good about herself right then. As soon as the passion had died, her senses returned. She wasn’t going to even try to deny that she had not enjoyed all that had transpired between them this evening. She would be lying to herself if she tried.

Beth admitted to herself that she would enjoy spending the night wrapped in his arms as they slept. It had been a very long time since she had felt arms wrapped around her, holding her close as she slept. His left leg was on top of hers, his leg folded tightly across her, holding her tightly against him. She tried to remain still, so as not to awaken him.

A few minutes later he moved his leg off of hers, then he moved until he was laying on his back, her head still resting on his right arm. Beth waited for about 10 minutes before she gently lifted her head from his arm and slowly moved across the bed until she could slide off without waking him.

She quietly made her way out into the living room area of their rooms, picking up her clothes along the way as she made her way back to her own room. Once inside she locked the door behind her then went to take a quick shower. She had put on a t-shirt after the shower then tucked herself into bed. It seemed like hours before she was finally able to relax enough to fall asleep.

She was startled out of her sleep from her bedroom door crashing against the wall of her room. Jay was making his way across her room, straight for her bed. The look on his face was filled with rage, she came to her senses and tried to climb quickly out of bed but he was to fast for her. He lunged onto the bed grabbing her before she could make her escape. He pulled her down onto her back laying himself across her legs holding her firmly to the bed. He had grabbed her arms and pressed them firmly down into her pillow on each side of her head. She wasn’t able to move and that is exactly what he wanted.

“Why the fuck did you leave our bed? Answer me Beth! Why did you leave our bed in the middle of the night and lock yourself in here?”

He was very upset with her, his body was shaking with each word he spoke to her. He was so rigid that his body felt like a heavy brick laying on her, sucking the life from her. She made sure she spoke softly to him when she was trying to tell him the reasons for her actions.

“Jay, you were sound asleep, I tried not to disturb you from your rest when I left your bed to come back to mine.”

He said nothing, staring deeply into her eyes as she spoke to him. She waited for a few seconds for him to speak but it became apparent that he wasn’t in the mood for talking.

“What’s wrong, why are you so mad? It was over, you were sleeping soundly so I came back to my room.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? It was over? Did you think that it was nothing more then a quick fuck Beth? You thought because I had fallen asleep that I was done with you, is that it? That now that I’d been fucked, I’d be done with you, that’s it isn’t it?”

Beth wasn’t afraid of him, she knew without a doubt that he would never hurt her physically, emotionally was a different story.

“I’m sorry Jay, this was all my fault and I apologize for my actions.” Before Beth could say anything more he planted his lips firmly against hers, grinding his mouth into hers.

The fleeting thought that her lips would be swollen from this kiss ran through the back of her mind. His kiss made it impossible for any other discussion between them. She was being drawn into those searing flames of his kisses again.

“Well your wrong lady if you think I’m done with you. We haven’t even begun yet,” he told her breaking off the kiss for just a moment befoBeth knew she couldn’t fight the lust she felt re plundering her mouth again.

from this man, or the lust within herself for him. She had never felt like this with any other man before, she had felt desire, passion and yes even lust before but not like this. She knew that she couldn’t fight this, no matter how hard she tried not to.

Jay had eased up on his hold on her as their kiss had taken them both into the fire it started. Beth pushed him off her onto his back, now she was the aggressor. He reached for her but she stayed his hands.

She let her lips trail little kisses softly across his face, his eyes, and his cheeks. She pulled his hands up until they were laying next to his head, her fingers entwined with his, her body laying half across his chest as she spoke softly to him.

“I can’t fight this Jay, I don’t even want to try anymore, so let’s just enjoy it.”

She didn’t give him time to say anything as she kissed him deeply. She let her fingers trail slowly down his bent arm until she reached his elbow. She broke off the kiss to let her tongue slide slowly down his arm. Her fingers had moved to his chest as she moved her body slowly down his to make room for her wandering fingers and tongue.

She raked her nails slowly and gently across his chest, dropping little kisses here and there. Her nails came into contact with his nipples and she gently raked them back and forth. She replaced one of her fingers with her mouth, licking his nipple then gently sucking it between her teeth. She bit down gently, she felt and heard is indrawn breath as she did so. She now gave the other nipple the same attention.

He reached for her but she stayed his hands. “No touching just yet, just lay there and enjoy, unless you don’t enjoy it, then please tell me so.”

She ran her nails softly down his side, letting her tongue follow the path of her fingers. She enjoyed touching his body and wanted him to know that. She moved so that she was now laying next to him, her head propped on her left hand as her right continued stroking his body.

She leaned down to kiss him again, their tongues meeting the second her lips touched his. She kissed him slow and tenderly, not yet wanting to make the kiss more passionate. Her right hand was slowly caressing the inside of his thigh, moving slowly up towards his hard cock. As soon as her hand came into contact with his cock she pulled her lips away from his.

Beth said nothing, just looking deep into his eyes as her hand slowly caressed his hard cock. She held his gaze, a little smile on her lips as she continued caressing him. She reached for his balls and gently caressed them, loving the weight and feel of them in her hand.

She moved her hand back up to his cock, slowly stroking him. She moved her hand slowly up and down the length of him, now and then squeezing gently as she did so.

Beth leaned down to his face, still not taking her eyes from his as she placed her lips against his ear, licking gently.

“Does that feel good Jay,” she whispered in his ear.

“You know it does,” he said breathlessly.

Her mouth still at his ear she continued to talk to him.

“I love how warm and hard your cock is in my hand. I love how the veins are full with your hot blood. Mmmmm and I do love how you twitch in my hand as I stroke you a little faster. Makes me hungry for you, for the taste of you Jay. Do you want to feel my mouth around your cock again?”

“Yes, but this time your going to let me have equal time enjoying the taste of you,” he told her.

Beth began stroking Jay a little faster, she loved how his cock was swollen, how she could feel his swollen veins in her hand as she stroked him. Her mouth was still at his ear when she began talking to him again.

“I love the feel of you. I love laying here next to you, remembering how your cock felt buried deep inside me as you fucked me in the parking lot. I can still feel how hard and deep you filled me in the bedroom, your hands tangled in my hair, pulling me hard into you as you rammed your cock inside me, taking my breath away. No, don’t move just listen to me Jay.”

Jay was on the verge of cuming again and he wanted to be inside her. Her telling him how much she loved feeling him inside her had made is imminent orgasm start no matter how hard he tried to stop it.

“Don’t move, don’t speak, just feel my hand, remember how your cock felt inside of me. Close your eyes, now remember how your cock felt inside my pussy. How wet and warm it was enveloping your cock as you thrust hard and deep inside me.”

That did it for Jay, he covered her hand with his cum, it exploded from him. He had lost control, a control he had always been proud of having.

My god Beth, you just jacked me off,” he said incredulously!

“Yes I did. Are you going to tell me that you didn’t enjoy it,” she asked him?

“Of course I enjoyed it, but hell Beth I wanted to be inside you,” he told her pushing her back down onto her back so that he could kiss her.

Jay loved kissing her and he knew that his kisses drove her crazy with lust. Lust for him. Yes, it filled his ego to overflowing knowing that his kisses could make her lose control with him. His kisses were like wine to her. The more she drank of them the more lost in them she became.

There was no way that he could make love to her again right now. She had drained him and she had done so with no thought to her own satisfaction. It didn’t matter, there were other ways to satisfy a woman and he had never been a man to leave a lady wanting.

She had taken him to orgasm with nothing but her whispered words and her hand. He would do the same for her. He let his hand wander down to the valley between her thighs, sliding his finger gently into her, finger fucking her slowly.

“It’s your turn my dear. I would never let you go without the same relief you have just given to me.”

His finger was pressing into her clit rubbing gently, he could feel her little nub grow firm under his fingertip. He leaned down close to her ear so that he too could do some whispering to arouse her further.

“You know how much your kisses drive me don’t you Beth? I love the way you melt in my arms when I kiss you. I love the little quivers your body makes when we are kissing, how warm and inviting your lips are when mine touch yours.”

“I have no will of my own when you kiss me, your kisses devour me, making me feel drawn deeper into you.”

“One night of passion has shown me many things about you Beth. You have armed me with some wonderful weapons. I feel some guilt at the unfair advantage I now have over you, but not so guilty that I won’t use them to my advantage.

Jay had his right leg laying across hers, holding her prisoner to his wandering fingers. He kept a slight pressure on her clit as he rubbed it in slow circles, now and then stopping only long enough to let his finger delve into her pussy. Her breathing was becoming labored from her arousal. He wanted her receptive to the things he was going to say to her, as much as what he was doing to her. He kissed her again, it was a deeply searing kiss.

“Listen to me dear, your going to return to my bed when we are through here and from now on that is where your going to sleep, is that understood?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“I hunger for you as well. I love the essence of you, the smell of you, taste of you, and the honesty of your feelings.”

Jay gave her no reprieve as he moved his mouth away from her ear to her breast. As soon as his mouth latched onto her nipple she arched her back, he heard her indrawn breath of pleasure. Her free hand found it’s way to his head, her fingers running through his hair as he nursed her nipple. She was begging him for release.

He needed her right then as much as she needed him, he enjoyed giving her pleasure. The more she begged for release the more he wanted to give her. He loved how she wanted him, needed his touch, and his kisses. He felt himself coming close to that same plateau that she was reaching for.

He was going to finish her off with his fingers but his need to taste her now was to great. He had planned on completing her orgasm with his fingers then his mouth but he couldn’t wait any longer for the taste of her. He moved quickly down between her legs, spreading them apart quickly then burying his face in her essence.

He loved eating pussy and the more he could get a woman off with his mouth, the more he wanted her that way. He brought her to orgasm three times before his hard cock demanded release.

Beth had barely came down from her orgasm before he was mounting her. He lifted her legs and pressed them back into her stomach as he shoved his cock in fast and hard. He grabbed her tits with his hands, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He leaned back far enough to watch his cock plunge in and out of her pussy, her hands were busy pulling and tugging at her nipples as he fucked her.

A few moments later they were both locked in the throws of passions release. When his orgasm subsided he laid down gently on top of her, nuzzling her neck with little kisses. Her arms were wrapped around him, holding him, enjoying the feel of his body on hers. He was still inside her, not wanting to break the connection between them.

Beth lay quietly, her mind working on the events of the evening. She would still have trouble forgiving herself for her actions but there was nothing she could do about it, it happened. She was wondering how long it would be before he tired of her? Before he admitted they were from two different worlds and that she didn’t fit into his?

It would probably end with him leaving one day for a business trip and then decide he just wouldn’t come back that it was over. Would he call and tell her once he left? Would he tell her before he left, wanting to tell her to her face? Or would he just leave and just not bother to call or come back until she figured it out for herself?

Jay was sleeping, she could tell from his even breathing as she held him cuddled to her chest. A tear slipped out and slid slowly down her cheek before she closed her eyes. She knew in her heart how this would end, the only question left was, when?

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