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Sweet Revenge

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She lay in the silent darkness and listened hard. Listened for any sound of movement, she could feel her ears straining into the silence reaching for even a whisper and found nothing but her own breathing and heartbeat. How long had she waited? He had said not to move, not to try and leave, not to cry out for at least 15 minutes after he left. Had it been that? It seemed it had been hours, days even.

She shifted and felt the wet stickiness against her thighs as they rubbed together. She felt the sharp stab of pain in her vagina as she struggled to sit up and remembered the feel of his cock as forced it into her dry opening. He had rammed into her with all his strength, his hands gripping her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh and chanted “My seed’s to good for your cunt, I’ll only cum in your ass.” Her hands were still tied to something against the wall, probably a pipe of some sort. The muscles in her butt contracted painfully as she pulled herself to her knees and leaned forward to try and loosen the rope with her teeth. A trickle of warm liquid seeped for her ass and she wondered if it were blood or his dirty cum from his brutal rape of her ass. He had told her she wasn’t good enough for him to come in her pussy, that a useless slut like her only deserved to have her ass filled. He couldn’t risk a worthless whore having his priceless child. And he had pounded her once virgin ass with brutal force, tearing into the tight muscles, reveling in her screams and pleadings that seemed to just spur him to more violent thrusting.

Finally he had cum, spraying her insides with his evil seed and grunting her name over and over until he had leaned against her. She could still remember the sound of his breathing in her ear, the smell of his sex and sweat etched in her memory, the feel of his cock as it softened and finally, mercifully slid from her ass.

She stopped tracing the rope with her tongue at a sound quick and sharp like a stifled sob and waited for him to return and punish her for not waiting long enough. Holding her breath she strained to hear more. There was nothing and she realized as she felt a warm tear slip down her cheek that it was her own voice and that she was the one crying. She found the knot and worked it with her teeth and finally freed herself. She stood in the darkness and extended her hands slowly in all directions around her and took her first tentative step. Then another and another until she found a wall. From there she followed it to a door. Taking a deep breath and praying she turned the knob, it was unlocked. She pushed it open and stepped into a bright room. A broken mirror hung on the far wall and memory flashed across her inner eyelid. His face, his smug smile, as he had left his victim tied to the floor in the dark. She had turned just as he had opened the door and the vision of his face was burnt into her memory.

While she had waited for the time to pass she had planned. She wouldn’t go to the cops, they would do little or nothing. She would extract her own measure of revenge. He would know the feel of force plunging into his body, his heart, his mind. He would feel the fear, the cold agony of having his trust in life shattered. He would understand the horror his victim felt at his hands because she was going to give him that opportunity to experience it for himself.

In the weeks that followed she cruised the bars, searching for his face in every man she met. Exacting the plan for revenge during the search; planning the details, finding the place, checking the movements of traffic and police. And finally decided the perfect place would be her own site of defilement. An exact roll change, he would be the victim she would be the rapist.

She went to an adult toy store for the first time in her life and was shocked and amazed at the contents, at the diversity of items from ticklers to torturers, from small to crazy enormous. Selecting several strap on cocks of various sizes she purchased those and several other items and slunk from the building swallowing shame but determined for revenge.

At home she had turned out the lights in the bathroom, placed a towel along the crack under the door and in the total darkness felt the sized of each latex cock. Inserting them in her pussy, probing with them at her ass and decided which one was the closest in size to his torturous cock.

She packed it and her other purchases into a zippered pocket of an oversized purse she carried with her on her nightly rounds of the bars in the area of her rape.

One evening as she sat at a bar slowly sipping a soda and lime she watched as the door opened and he stepped into the room. She watched him survey the room and select a young woman to be this night’s fun. She smiled at herself in the mirror over the bar and waited.

Eventually he went to the men’s room. Slipping from the bar stool she followed him down the hall and just as he was turning into the men’s room she stabbed the needle into his buttocks and depressed the plunger. He spun around in surprise, she saw shocked recognition and watched it fade into stupor. She had given him just enough sedative to make him foggy and receptive to suggestion but not enough to knock him out. She couldn’t get him to the car if he were unconscious, he was much too big.

Just as she slid the syringe back into her pocket another bar patron came around the corner and swayed toward the bathroom. Smiling sweetly up into her victims face she sighed and cooed “Oh, Jerry that is so sweet of you to say.” And stepped forward wrapped her arms around him to keep him from slumping to the floor and kissed him. When she heard the door to the men’s room close she grabbed him around the waist gripping him by his belt and led him to the back door. He followed obediently, the drugs allowing him to walk but clouding his judgment. He hung his arm around her neck and pulled her tighter against him, leaned over and whispered in her ear “So you’ve come back for a little more of me huh?” His bourbon soaked breath caused her nose to wrinkle in distaste.

Once outside she walked him to her car and pushed him into the passenger seat. “Fasten the seat belt.” She demanded hoping the activity would keep him awake at least until they reached the room.

“SSSSO you wannnna complete replay?” he slurred as he leaned heavily on the door and looked up at the faded chipped sign that hung askew above the door.

“Yes I do, I can’t wait to get started. I even brought my own rope.” She smiled sweetly at him and exited the car.

He opened his door and fell out. “Guess I must’ve had more to drink than I thought.” He tried to haul himself up by the door handle and sat down hard as it swung shut.

“Here let me help you.” She said bending down and putting his arm around her neck and with a firm grip on his belt she pulled him to his feet. God he was big, and heavy and very drugged. She should probably have used a little less of the sedative considering he had been drinking.

Leading him into the room where he had raped her several weeks before she dumped him at the far end next to the pipe she had been tied to. Attached to the pipe was a chain with a horse clip on the end. It would take some doing once he was restrained but after she was gone with a little work he’d be able to free himself. She wasn’t that good at tying knots and didn’t want to risk him getting loose until after she had finished with him.

She knelt down in front of him to begin unbuttoning his shirt, his arm snaked out fast and jerked her against him. He planted his mouth over hers and jammed his tongue into her mouth. A moan of pleasure rumbled in his throat. She struggled pushing away from him and slapped him hard enough to knock him over. He was dazed, because of the drugs and the booze. While he was subdued she strapped on leather wrist restraints she had also purchased at the adult store and heaved him by his wrists close enough to fasten them to the chain on the pipe.

He lay there, eyes closed, breathing even, great, he’d passed out. She poked him in the ribs with her toe and he stirred a little. So she poked him again harder “Hey, don’t you go to sleep on me. I want you to enjoy this as much as I’m going to.”

He opened his eyes and tried to focus on her. As he went to sit up he discovered his hands were bound and that he was tied to the pipe in the wall. “What the fuck?” He jerked on the chain. “What do you think your doing you little bitch?” He jerked harder on the chain and growled at her. “You let me out of this right now.” He glowered at her. She held his stare and waited until he lowered his eyes. Gripping both his ankles she drug him away from the wall until his arms were stretched tight above his head and he was lying flat on his back. He tried kicking at her but he was still really woozy from the sedative and his effort only ended in aiding her to remove one of his shoes.

She tugged off the other one. ” ‘Just relax and enjoy this, it’s gonna happen whether you want it to or not.’ Remember saying that to me, you bastard?” Next his socks came off. She ran the sharp point of her fingernail along the bottom of his foot and he yanked it away. She looked up at him and smiled “Oh I think you’re really gonna like this.” He kicked at her again and she laughed. “You just a little to wide awake a little too soon but this should take care of that.” She reached into her bag and pulled out another little syringe filled with sedative.

His eyes widened in surprise and he struggled to pull himself back against the wall so he could sit up and at least be able to defend himself. The needle jabbed into the flesh of his thigh and he felt the hot sting as the liquid flushed into his system. He fought it, writhing this way and that, bellowing out his protests and threats until the drug finally over took him and he slumped down still muttering.

“That’s better.” she cooed and pulled up one of his eye lids. It dilated and she could see that he was trying to focus on her face. Good she didn’t want him asleep, she wanted him aware of everything she was doing. Grasping each side of the collar of his shirt she ripped it open, buttons bounced in every direction. She raked her fingernails hard down his chest leaving ribbons of red marks.

“Bitch.” He hissed. “I’ll make you pay for this.” He grunted in pain when she twisted his nipple. He wanted to kick her but couldn’t get his legs to move. They seemed to weigh a ton apiece. A jolt of sensation jarred his senses when she leaned forward and sucked on his nipple. Flicking her tongue over the tip, she felt it harden against her tongue.

“You want this don’t you? You like it. You’re just a worthless slut.” She recited the words he’d used on her as he had tied her down and ripped her blouse open. She felt her own nipples stiffen at the memory of his hand as they kneaded her breasts. He had pulled her bra cup aside and sucked a nipple into his warm mouth, flicking the tip as she had just done his. She remembered the electricity that had involuntarily raced from the stimulated nipple to her crotch. Then suddenly he had bit down and she had screamed out arching her back up pushing her tit further into his mouth. He had sucked it harder, drawing in more of it into his mouth to chew on as he held her up against him. His other hand had stroked down her stomach and under the waist band of her jeans. His probing fingers barely touching her clit, shocking her with the natural reaction of her body to stimulation on her sex. She had been ashamed when she felt the moisture form in her crotch. He had laughed and called her a natural whore.

She repeated the scene only she was the captor and he was the one tied and helpless. She sucked hard on his nipple and felt it harden. With her other hand she pinched and toyed with his other nipple until they were both erect. His stomach was flat and warm and slightly slick with sweat as she stroked her hand down it. His heart rate increased and he relaxed a little. There was now a noticeable bulge in his jeans. He thought she was going to ride him or blow him and he was all willing to give her that, to let her take it. She wouldn’t have had to go to this much trouble for it, all she would’ve had to do was ask. He savored the sensation of his cock swelling against the warmth of her hand.

She caressed his cock through his pants and felt it respond against her hand. As she undid the buckle to his pants and an idea struck her. Here was a new toy she hadn’t considered. Tugging it lose she doubled it over on itself and pushed the ends together forming a loop then jerked them apart and the leather smacked together with a loud crack. He flinched. She set the belt aside.

As she undid his jeans she made sure to brush her hands against his stiff cock, she wanted him excited, she wanted him unsuspecting. Tugging off the pants she tossed them aside they landed with a thump and a jingle as the keys and change rattled. He hissed at the sudden contact of his butt against the cold floor when she pulled off his shorts. “Don’t be such a baby, it gets better. Yea,” she said as she took his erection in her hand “oh, yea, it’s gonna get a whole lot better. This is gonna be one night you’ll remember for the rest of your life.” She tightened her grip and gave him a couple of slow stokes. He moaned and pushed his cock up into her hand.

His shaft wobbled back and forth when she released it. Stepping back she took in the sight of him. His hands secured above his head, the only article of clothing left to him was his ripped shirt. Red welts trailed down his chest and his cock was a pole sticking up from between his legs.

She pulled a little digital camera from her bag and snapped a couple of shots. He blinked at the first flash and then began cursing her, demanding she stop, demanding her to delete those pictures. In silence she set the little camera aside and pulled from her bag a short spreader bar, which twisted apart to a length of about 3 feet and with another twist locked into place. A buckled cuff was attached to each end.

Recognition widened his eyes and he began to struggle in earnest. She picked up his belt and with all her strength brought it down across his stomach just a bare inch above his erect quivering staff. He bellowed out in pain and his erection faded, his limp dick resting on his stomach. “Lay still and this will be easier for you. Besides, you know you want this, you know you deserve this, you know you will enjoy this. So just relax, because if you don’t the next lash goes across your precious cock.” She snapped the leather together with a loud snap and he flinched again. He knew she’d do it, he could see it in her eyes and he lay still as stone while she fastened the spreader bar to his legs just below the knee.

Grabbing the bar between his legs she jerked on it to check its security and it stayed in place. Tightening her grip she pulled him away from the wall until his arms were once more stretched tight above his head. Then she picked up the camera and snapped few shots. He closed his eyes and turned his head away from her hiding his face against his arm.

She carried the bag over beside him and took a towel out and spread in on the floor a little way away from him. He watched in silence. She stopped and studied him, sweat had began to form on his forehead and upper lip despite the chill in the air and the cold of concrete he lay on. She smiled at him, good he was beginning to loose his confidence, the reality of his situation was beginning to sink in. He was starting to wonder just what she had planned and if he would live through it.

She took out a bottle of lubricant, the self warming kind and set it on the towel. She wanted him excited, she wanted him stimulated beyond his control. She wanted to take his control just as he had taken hers. Next she took out the cock ring. The guy behind the counter at the toy store had explained to her its use and purpose and had offered to demonstrate it for her. Refusing to look at him, she had stammered her refusal and fled the store.

So far she hadn’t brought anything out of the bag that had made his think he was in extreme danger. He hadn’t beaten her, he hadn’t threatened to kill her or maim her. He never needed to do that. At 6’3″ and 210 pounds of well toned muscle it was a simple matter of size winning out. Although there had been that one little tart that had been very skilled in karate or what ever it was called. She had been a challenge, but he had won out in the end. It was unfortunate that he had discovered she was a virgin as he had rammed through her maidenhead. She had bled profusely so much so that he had dropped her at a hospital emergency room. Stupid little slut, if she had just told him, he would have been a little more gentle with her. He would have raped her just the same, but not with such brute force.

His rememberings had caused his cock to begin to harden again. “Thinking about how you raped me?” She said flicking his dick with the tip of her finger.

“Don’t flatter yourself.” He turned to watch her and surveyed the things she had laid out on the towel so far. He drew in a sharp breath and tried to back away from her when she pulled out a hunting knife with a 6 inch blade. “Now wait a minute, I didn’t do anything permanent to you, I didn’t even slap you. I didn’t want to hurt you, just to have a little fun with you. You don’t need that, I’ll do what ever you want, but you don’t need that. I think we should talk about this. What do you say? What do you want from me, An apology? Fine, then I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?” He had started babbling trying to distract her while his brain searched for a way out. He felt himself start to sweat, and with the bar between his legs he was finding it difficult to move. Kicking his heels against the floor he tried to push himself up to the wall. If he could just sit up, maybe look her in the eye, maybe he could reason his way out of this. What little fog had remained from the booze and drugs had vanished in a second with the glint of light on the sharp edge of the knife blade.

“Don’t Flatter YOUR self.” She said turning the point of the knife to him. “You have nothing I would want. Except maybe these.” She flicked the tip of the knife against his balls. And he shrieked and tried harder to back away from her. “No! No, no, no, please not that! I’m not a bad person, really I’m not. I just drink a little too much sometimes, and I loose control. I don’t mean to hurt those women.”

“Shut.” She thumped his nuts with the flat side of the blade. “Up.” His clamped his mouth shut with an audible snap of his teeth banging together and whimpered through his closed lips. “I thought you’d be tougher, more macho, not such a pussy that you’d beg this soon.” She laid the knife down on the towel by the cock ring. Two leather straps with buckles followed. He’d never know the knife was a child’s toy and wouldn’t cut hot butter. Then she pulled out the last item from her bag, the strap on dildo. Holding it up for his inspection she said “When I’m done with you, this,” she wiggled it at him “will be the only way you’ll ever be able to rape a woman.”

He screamed this time a high pitched shriek of panic and she could almost smell the fear boiling from him. She laid the dildo on the towel next to the knife and stood watching his futile struggle to get away from her, he looked like a two legged crab struggling in a tide pool. She picked up the camera and snapped a couple more pictures.

From across the room she retrieved a saw horse she had dropped off the week before. It was shorter than the regular saw horses. She had estimated where he would bend at the waist based on her own back height and had cut the legs off to there. As she pulled it up next to him she commented softly almost to herself but loud enough for him to hear. “Maybe if you co-operate with me I’ll reconsider and leave you your manhood. He really didn’t do that much harm, except to my self esteem and my dignity. And the fact that I can’t have any man touch me without recalling the feel of him over me plunging into me over and over, turning me into a dirty used whore whose nightmares keep her awake at night. So maybe, just maybe, if he let’s me punish him I’ll leave him with the same memories and let him get back to what’s left of his life.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” He whined “I’ll be good. I’ll do as you ask. What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to get on your knees, I think a good whipping is in order.” She laughed at his struggles to get on his knees with his hands bound above his head and his legs spread apart. He growled and swore at her. She scooped up his belt and struck him across his bare ass. He jerked forward at the impact, lost his balance and sprawled face first onto the floor. “Show some respect, call me Mistress Cunt.” Smacking his bass cheeks again she commanded “Now, get up on your knees, you prick.”

She was starting to like this, it was beginning to excite her. She could feel her nipples harden at the sight of the two wide reddening welts that were forming on his pale white ass. Taking a couple more pics she felt a tingle at the prospect of viewing them in private later. Kneeling down behind him she took a shot of his dangling balls and cock below the hot red welts as he struggled to his knees. Now that was yummy, and it was all hers to do with as she pleased. Setting the camera aside she slid the saw horse up to his stomach. “Raise up a little.” He complied without comment and she slipped the saw horse under him.

Using the two straps she secured his legs to the legs of the saw horse his ass and cock and ball were now readily accessible and he was unable to struggle. Gripping the towel by the two corners she drug it and the contents to a place he could see the items.

She took the lube bottle snapped open the cap and filled her had with it. She sniffed it, “mmmmmm, smells like cinnamon. And it’s starting to feel warm in my hand. Tell me what it feels like on your cock.”

Taking hold of his cock she worked her fingers over it liberally coating the skin with the lubricant. She slid her hand down the shaft and cupped his balls, gently rolling them in her hand spreading the warming jell on them as well. His cock twitched and she returned to stroking him. “How does it feel, it is getting warm?”

He was gritting his teeth, she watched the muscles in his jaw flex rapidly and felt the muscles in his groin tighten. He was trying not to react to the sensations of her strokes and the slippery warmth of the lubricant on his penis. He would not get hard, he would not give her the satisfaction, he would not, would not, would not, would not. The mantra blended with the rhythm of her hands movement on his cock and he felt it begin to stiffen despite his best efforts. Releasing his cock it dangled half flaccid between his legs.

“See what a whore you are, you like this. You want this. You’re such a slut, a slut for my use tonight.” She reached for the bottle of lube and poured a little more into her hand and rubbed both her hands together greasing both palms with the slimy goo. This time she positioned herself behind him and reached around with one hand to continue stroking his cock. She slid the other hand over his butt and between his legs where she rubbed his balls, cupping them and rolling them.

He continued to harden in her hand. “How does it feel, warm and exciting?”

“No.” He ground out between clenched teeth. “It doesn’t feel like anything.”

“Oh, I think you’re lying.” She said squeezing his now erect penis in her hand. “I think the slut in you likes this very much. You’re nothing but a male whore who’s been wishing someone would see that and pleasure you.”

“You’re a malicious bitch, and you think what I did to you last time was bad. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

Silently she picked up the bottle of lube and squirted some on his bare cheeks and slowly sensuously rubbed it in. She stepped back, picked up the camera and stepped to the side. What a shot, he was stretched over the saw horse his legs strapped to it with his erect cock slightly reddened from the heat of the lube and her rubbing sticking straight as a broom handle from under it. Yes, this would be a shot his macho buddies would appreciate. She took it. “Look at me.” He turned his head the other way. She picked up his belt and whacked him with it. The flat leather coming in contact with the wet skin sounded like a shot had been fired. He jumped so hard it scooted the saw horse forward an inch and he grunted.

“I said look at me.” She slammed the belt onto the floor and it cracked again. He grunted as though he had been hit and yanked his head to face her. She took the picture capturing his look of shock and fear. “I wonder how this is going to look on your gym room wall? Suppose it’ll excite all your buddies?”

“You cunt, when I get loose I’ll..” His remark was cut short when the searing sting of the belt again slammed across his ass and he screamed.

“What did I tell you to call me?” She struck him again. “Respect me.” And again the belt whipped across his ass.

He was panting, the muscles in his legs quivering. “Mistress cunt.”

“Very Good, you learn quickly.” She rubbed more of warming liquid on the welts on his ass.

As the seconds passed the sting of the lashes was heightened to a burning by the jell. The redness seemed to almost glow. It was lovely really and she couldn’t resist taking another picture so she could remember it later. He was wiggling in reaction to the burning on his ass. It caused his now semi-hard cock to sway like it was beckoning her closer. Once again behind him she reached around and clasped his penis and began the rhythmical stroking. Her breasts were rubbing against his stripped ass and he flinched with each rub at the added abrasion on his burning butt. Her nipples contracted and hardened from the stimulation. Thank God he couldn’t see her face, she felt herself blush and she leaned her head back and savored the sensations of warmth playing across her nipples. Slipping her hand between his legs she slipped her middle finger between his butt cheeks and slid it over his puckered hole. He gasped as the contact and bucked forward.

Toying with his balls, she worked both his cock and his testicles until he was once again hard and erect. His breathing was more rapid, and she could feel his elevated heart rate in the pulse at the base of his shaft. “How does that feel now.” She whispered in his ear as she relaxed against his back and continuing to pump his cock.

“Keep it up and your fun will be over sooner that you hoped.” He said barely audible. He was humping her hand as much as his restrained position would allow.

She grabbed the cock ring and shoved first one ball through and then the other. He jerked and grunted. “Hey, easy with those, they’re sensitive.”

“Oh, sorry. I’ll be as tender with you and you were with me. She forced his cock head through the ring and wrenched his dick the rest of the way through. He had begun to soften at the rough treatment and she squeezed the clasp tight. He hissed and arched his back trying to shake her off.

She stepped away from him and waited until he settled down. Stepping to the side where he could clearly see her she slowly unbuttoned her skirt starting from the bottom button. She was wearing black lace top nylons and a garter belt, no panties. When trying on the strap on at home to see how it worked she had discovered the knob inside that fitted snuggly against her clit. It would stimulate it from the movements and bumping in the course of using it. She might as well get a climax or two out of the night.

His eyes widened in surprise “Very nice. Glad you dressed for the occasion.”

She picked up the strap on and stepped into it. “Don’t flatter yourself, this is strictly for me.” Adjusting the position of the latex cock to fit over her clit she stepped from his line of vision.

“No, wait a minute.” He squirmed against the restraints attempting to turn and see what she was doing. “I’m not gay, this isn’t what I want. Don’t do this.” He jerked on the cuffs rattling the chains and scooting the saw horse sideways. He could see her now. Sweat popped out on his forehead “I said I was sorry, I said I’d do what ever you wanted to make it up to you. Want me to pay for counseling, I will.”

She stood watching him as he panicked, enjoying his fear, letting it build, letting his own imagination do the work for her.

“What do you want?” He asked and studied her. She remained silent and still. “Just tell me what you want.” He tugged on the cuffs. “SAY SOMETHING!” He shouted.

In the following quiet the only sound was the rasp of his increased breathing. She waited a moment longer and then walked to the towel, picked up the bottle of lube and drizzled some on the latex cock strapped between her legs.

He watched as she stroked it, coating it with shiny oil. He felt a stirring in his own cock. No, nonono, this could not possible be exciting him. This was wrong, he liked women, only women yet warmth flooded his balls. He felt the cock ring grow tighter and new his dick was responding to the visual stimulation. He looked way and tried to study the restraints. There had to be a way to get out this. With one hand he reached for the cuff on the other and pulled on it. It was a real police issue set of cuffs not the toys they sold in the adult stores. He tried collapsing his hand to slide it off, but she had secured it above the wrist bone stopping it from sliding forward and off his hands. He doubted he could have folded his hand small enough to slip it off anyway. He pulled on the chain and the saw horse and him scooted closer to the wall and the clip that held him captive.

She heard the movement and looked up. “Stop that.” She commanded. Furry poured through her, spiked by a little fear. If he should get loose before she finished and left he would probably beat her to death or worse. The screeching of the sawhorse legs echoed through the building as she dragged him back into place, stretching his arms over his head once more. “Just relax and enjoy this, because it’s going to happen to you whether you want it to or not. So you might as well enjoy it.”

Stepping up behind him she rubbed the head of the fake cock against his ass.

“Let me go and I’ll never force another woman to do anything she doesn’t want me to. Just let me go.”

She jabbed him hard on the butt cheek with it. “No, You’re gonna like this, this is what you want. This is what you like to do, so I figure you must like it too.” Jabbing him again she reached around and stroked his cock. She felt it quiver in her hand. “See, you do want this.” Slipping the strap on between his legs she rubbed it against his nuts and slid it along the underside of his shaft until the tip was aligned with the head of his cock. She stroked them both. “I have a good memory they are almost exact. Although I think mine is a little bigger than yours.”

“LET ME GO!” He jerked frantically on the chain and again the saw horse scooted forward. “PLEASE, LET ME GO.” He screamed between breathes. He was panting in his panic. He felt the cuffs dig into his wrists bruising the flesh as he struggled to get away.

The sudden sting of the belt lashing across his butt caused him to scream. “What” She struck him again and again he howled. “Did” whack “I” whack “tell” whack “you” whack “to” whack “call” whack “me?” whack. He braced for the next lash and it didn’t come, his body trembled from tension.

He could feel his cock throbbing from the restricted blood that couldn’t leave it. It sent little jabs of sensation into his prostrate. It startled him when he felt the droplet of pre-cum seep from the end. Oh God what was wrong with him that his would turn him on. He was supposed to be the aggressor, this was not right. This was not happening. “Please let me go Mistress Cunt,” He whined.

She stepped up behind him and again took his cook in her hand. “Well, well, well, you must really like this you slut, look how wet you are.” She rubbed the slippery droplet around on the head. Positioning the strap-on against his virgin ass hole she prodded it gently. “If you liked that then your gonna love this.” She pushed forward and smiled as she watch the rectal muscles contract.

He felt the prodding of the strap-on against his anis and tried to squirm away. As the tip of it began to stretch the muscles he felt the warmth of the lube start to work. She pushed harder and the tip slipped in a little. He arched his back and tried to buck her off. She rammed forward and buried the head of the latex cock in his ass. He roared in pain, as his hole was stretch and the warming lube enhanced the sting.

When she pushed forward the little button on the inside of the strap-on bumped against her clit, sending a little thrill through her. Watching the head of her cock slip into his body doubled the thrill. So this was what it was like for a man, to watch himself fuck a woman and to feel it at the same time. Excitement rushed over her and suddenly she needed to cum, needed release, needed to finish this. She gripped his hips jerking him back against her and rammed forward burying the entire cock in him. He bellowed his protest, begging her to stop. Fire burned in him, consumed his mind, the only focus was the tearing pain in his ass. He continued to howl with each thrust of the latex cock into his ass and the pulling, scrapping pain of it as she withdrew for the next thrust.

With each stroke the knob rubbed against her clit, she could feel the wetness between her legs, the site of the shaft pumping in and out of his unwilling ass was doubling, tripling the sensation and she could feel the climax begin to build. Leaning forward she let her breasts brush against his back, letting the tingles of her nipples rubbing on the curve of his ass add to her excitement. Her breath was quick and hot on his neck.

Slowly the burn in his ass began to fade and he felt the rub of the cock head on his prostrate, felt the little ripples of pleasure start to build. NO, nononono, this was wrong! He was a man! No cock could do this, this was not him, he needed pussy, and only pussy. He would not, could not, would not, cum to this.

She increased the strokes and a groan of pure ecstasy escaped her. She increased the thrusting, stroking faster, building her own tower to the edge. And it came, as she slammed into him one last time, it washed over her, quivering from her very center. She felt the hot liquid seep from her trembling pussy and rocked against his ass sending shivers of orgasm through her body. Her legs began to tremble and she collapsed on him, the latex penis still buried in his ass.

He was breathing hard, and had almost cum with her but the cock ring stopped it. His cock was rigid and throbbing for release. He heard himself moaning and he shifted under her trying to find some form of stimulation that would finish it.

Her breathing slowed and when the roar of her own heart beat in her ears quieted she heard his soft moans. She felt his wiggling under her and reached around him to grasp his rock hard cock. Chuckling she said “So you are nothing but a little faggot after all. All your macho tough guy rapist attitude is just an act. You’re a cock hound, wanting to have one fuck your ass.” She stroked his shaft and rocked the plastic one slowly in and out of him.

He moaned and tried to push back against her. She stopped dead still. He tried to push back again. “Don’t stop, finish it.” He whispered.

“What did you say?” She squeezed his cock and balls until he flinched. “Did you just ask me to fuck your ass, you little pervert.?”

“Yes.” He barely formed the word. He was ashamed of the want, no, the need to feel the thrusting of the cock that penetrated his ass.

“No.” She stood still. He moved back and she stepped back leaving just the head of the strap-on still inside him. “If you want it, ask me.”

He whimpered, his self image shattered beyond redemption. He was a mewling mess. “Fuck me.” He whispered.

She jerked the cock from his hole. The glint of light on the camera caught her attention and she strode over to it. Setting the timer to take a photo every 20 seconds she aimed it and pushed the start button. Moving to stand by his head she grabbed a hand full of his hair and lifted his head until he was staring at the fake cock just as the first flash went off.

“Suck it.” She demanded.

That was too much for him and he shook his head no. “I said suck it!” She jerked his head up and with her other hand pinched his nose shut. Finally he gasped for breath and she shoved the cock in his mouth as another flash lit the room. She forced the fake penis into his mouth until it bumped against his throat at the same time bumping the button against her clit. He gagged, she released his nose and he gulped for air. She withdrew the cock a little and thrust it in again. He gagged, snot sprayed from his nose. “Just learn to swallow and you won’t gag every time. You should know how to do this since that’s what you told me.”

She relaxed into a rhythm letting the sounds of his discomfort add to the sensation of her second building climax. When she came again she thrust the cock deep into his throat and rocked against the button until the last wave of sensation passed. He as thrashing around trying to get away from her, to get the plastic appendage out of his mouth so he could breath. She pulled it out and patted his cheek. “You’re a good little cocksucker.” He was gasping for air.

When his breathing finally eased and returned to normal she stood behind him. “Now it’s time for your reward.” Positioning the head of the strap-on at the stretched opening of his ass she pushed forward just as the camera flashed again. Oh she was really going to enjoy looking at these. Maybe she’d send him a set. Or better yet she’d send a set to the bar he frequented to pick up his victims. That would be a hoot.

She reached around and stroked his cock until he moaned and rammed the plastic prick up his ass in one swift motion. He shrieked at the dry penetration, the latex sticking and pulling the bruised ring of muscle around his ass. It loosened after a couple of pumps as the natural lubricant from inside coated it. She humped him until his breath was coming is short gasps and continuous moans of pleasure filled the silence of the warehouse room. Reaching around him she released the cock ring and felt him swell in her hand. He was pounding back against her in equal force to her thrusts forward. She felt the throbbing of his climax in her hand and jacked him harder ramming the cock as hard as she could into him. “I’m cumming,” he screamed.

She tightened her grip on his cock and whispered in his ear, “Come for me you little slut, that’s right, show me what a whore you are.” And he did, he spurted his cum onto his chest, splattering part of it on his chin. He came hard and long pumping jet after jet onto the floor shuddering as each spasm rippled through him. Finally he slumped down over the saw horse, his legs trembling, to weak to hold him. She pulled out of him. Stepped out of the Strap-on and shoved it back up his ass. He grunted and shuddered again.

“A present from me.” She said and slapped his butt hard enough to leave a print.

After she packed up the remainder of her supplies she left slamming the door behind her leaving him in total darkness. His mind reeled, spinning images of his rape and his reaction to it. Blending them with the ones he had committed. Something in him ripped, changed, tilted and spilled over. He was gone, and he wept at the loss.

She saw him about a year later. She was sitting at a bar sipping a soda and lime, when he walked in the door. He was followed by a tall muscular man and they sat at a table. She watched him as he leaned over and gently kissed the other man on the cheek. He saw her from the corner of his eye and said something to his companion.

He approached her and leaned on the bar next to her. “Can I buy you a drink?” He asked quietly.

“I think so. Mine seems to be empty.” She rattled the ice cubes in the glass to get the bartenders attention.

“I just wanted to say thank you.”

“What?” She asked startled.

“I just wanted to thank you for showing me my true nature. All the anger is gone, and I’m happy now with Rick. It took you to make me see it.”

She laughed and turned to the woman next to her. “Ellen this is the man I told you about.”

Ellen smiled at him and extended her hand. “I’m very glad to meet you. I thought I recognized you from the pictures. I want to thank you for turning her. We are very happy, I’m so glad she has changed. I have you to thank.”

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