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Someone Else’s Date

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She was somebody else’s date. I’d met her when they arrived. She was his arm candy for the evening. Of the fifteen or so people in my home, she was the one that caught my interest. It was obvious from the moment I opened the door she knew who I was and she was interested. Others may have thought I was a curiosity or maybe interesting, but she was interested.

The party was to celebrate the debut of my newest book, “Shadows.” I was fairly sure at least half the people at the party had read it, or parts of it. Probably to see if they were in it. There would be another party for those who were actually portrayed in the book, but not that night. That party was for my acquaintances who were not in the shadows. That party was all business, until she arrived.

The man she came with worked for my publisher. He introduced her as Linda, with no last name, paraded her through the house so everyone would see he could get a good looking woman to go out with him, and then abandoned her. He made sure she had a drink and then he wandered off, looking for something or some one more interesting. It was someone and the some one was male.

It took her less than two minutes to realize she had been dumped. It didn’t seem to upset her. I mingled and talked to everyone while keeping tabs on her. She found the food and ate a little. She found the booze and refreshed the drink her date had provided. She found my library and began looking at the books.

Beth and Marty got me into a discussion with themselves and three other people about where to go on a vacation this summer and for almost an hour I lost her. The discussion ended without a decision. I mingled a little more and saw her again, still in the library and alone. She had a book in her hands and open. A small paperbound book I recognized, “Polyamory, The New Love Without Limits.”

At ten people started getting the itch. The energy in the house shifted to “I need to be somewhere else” and my guests began hugging me, telling me how great they thought the book was and scampering to their cars. There was still time to go somewhere and be seen by someone. I looked around and she was still in my library.

Her date was in the kitchen eating as though he were about to go hibernate and needed another three thousand calories or he wouldn’t survive. I left him to the leftovers and went to her.

I remembered her name from when he introduced her three hours before. “Linda, In a few minutes your date will remember he brought you to my party. He will come looking for you with a lame excuse for having ignored you for three hours. He will want to take you home. Somewhere in his mind he holds a hope that even though he wasn’t a good date you’ll go out with him again next time he needs to show people he’s straight.”

“You noticed. Thank you, Sir. He got me a drink and I haven’t seen him since.” Her voice was slightly louder than a whisper. She was a little offended and couldn’t muster the volume to really say so.

“I notice as much of what happens in my world as I can. Especially when it is happening to a woman I’m interested in.”

The color of her face changed.

“When your date finds you, act surprised. Tell him you thought he had left and you have already made arrangements to get home. Do not allow him to apologize for abandoning you. There can be no excuse for such behavior.”

“You’re right, but saying it…”

“Will you allow me to make sure you get home?”


“Then I will speak to him, on your behalf. Please, stay here.” I left her in the library. As I entered the kitchen he was gently putting the last bite of an éclair in his mouth.

“Do you have a business card?” I asked.

He got one from his pocket and handed it to me. I put it in my pocket and guided him to the front door. By the time we got there the éclair was swallowed and he said, “I need to find the lady who came with me.”

“I have already seen to her. You abandoned her three hours ago. Your behavior has been socially inappropriate. I do thank you for eating so much that I don’t need to clean up the kitchen. You are never to come to my home again. You are not welcome. Understand?”

“I didn’t abandon her!” He realized that his behavior would likely cost him his job and he protested.

“I don’t argue. I will not argue with you. Good Night.” I motioned him out my door and closed it behind him.

When I reentered the library she and I were the only people left in the house. The doors were locked. She had not taken a single step since I left her.

“Am I in danger?” She asked.

“None. How did you come to be his date?”

“He is in a class with me at UCLA and I heard him say he was coming to this party. I wanted to come.”

“First date?”


“Last date?”


“You’ve read my book?”

“Books. Yes.”

“Ok. Then you know where you are and what happens here.”

“Yes, Master.” Her eyes sparkled as she said the word. She dropped her gaze to the floor.

“Did you buy a new dress for tonight?”


“When you put it on, did you think about watching my eyes as you took it off?”

“No. A sub does not look directly at her Master. I knew I would feel your eyes on me as I took it off for you.”

“Take it off.”

Her hands reached to the zipper on the back of her dress and she slowly pulled it down. She shrugged her shoulders and the dress began to fall.

“Catch it!” I said. She did. Her bra was uncovered. “It’s a nice dress. It should not be on the floor. Step out of it and put it on a chair. Please.”

She smiled and did as I asked. She wore thigh high stockings, a silver gray thong and a silver gray satin bra. When she had stepped out of the silver gray sheath dress she had also stepped out of the matching silver gray pumps. Most women wore pantyhose when they got dressed up. The stockings showed me she had, indeed, read my books and knew I detested pantyhose.

She watched my eyes peripherally as she released the front closure of her bra and opened it, exposing her breasts to me. Perfect C cup breasts with berry sized nipples that seemed to already be hard.

“Take the thong off, please. Leave the stockings.”

She bent and pushed the thong to the floor. When she stood back up she used her toes to flip the thong into the air. She easily caught it and put it on top of the bra, on top of her dress. She was shaved completely.

“Did you shave your pussy for me?”


“First time shaving?”

“No. The first time was when I finished chapter three of your first book.”

“Have you been shaving since then?”


“Put a finger in your pussy and bring me a taste of your juices.”

I watched as she dipped the index finger of her left hand into her slit and brought me a wet finger. She slid it into my mouth and I sucked on it. I watched the pupils of her eyes dilate as I sucked.

“Have you ever given yourself to a Dom before tonight?”

“I gave myself to you, months ago.”

I smiled. “You know I will hurt you.”

“Yes.” Her voice gave away her feelings. She was wanting the pain, wanting the pleasure hidden in the pain.

I asked her for her purse. She gave it to me from where she had put it next to her dress. I looked and her driver’s license told me she was twenty-three.

“Close your eyes.” She did. I swung hard and slapped both her tits. The sound was loud in my otherwise silent house. She jumped and her eyes flew open. Her mouth opened, but somehow she didn’t make a sound.

“Close your eyes and keep them closed.” She did. I saw the redness bloom on her pale skin where my hand had slapped her. I moved close and sucked one nipple into my mouth. As I did I moaned, knowing she could feel the vibration.

Her hands involuntarily began to rise, as if to hold my face to her breast. She stopped herself and put her hands back at her sides. I released her nipple and stepped back. I slapped across her breasts again. She jumped, but her eyes stayed closed and she made no sound.

I sucked her other nipple. Harder and harder I sucked, then released. I saw her tense, anticipating that I would slap her again. I smiled.

“Open your eyes, please.” She did.

I pointed to a door. “Through that door is a bathroom. Go in and get a towel from under the sink. Bring it back to me.”

She did as I asked. I took it from her and folded it so it was folded once. I put it on the floor by my chair. “Do you remember, from my books, how to sit?”


“Sit. Face my chair.”

She sat on the towel, her legs folded at the knees and spread. Anything that came out of her pussy would land on the towel, not my floor.

“Why are your legs spread?”

“So my Master always has access to my pussy.”

“How did it feel to say that, just now?”

“I’m very turned on, Master. I felt my juices flow and some dripped out when I said it.”

“When you feel yourself drip on the towel you thank me. I want you to drip for me. You love how it feels to drip from your pussy for me, so you thank me.”

“Yes, Thank you.”

“When was the first time you were fucked?”

“I was thirteen.”

“Was it your idea or his?”

“His. Thank you.”

“Was it rape?”


“Did you know him?”

“He’s my step-father.”

“He’s done it many times?”

“Many times, Yes. Thank you.”

“Who was the second man to use you?”

“My brother. Thank you.”

“How old were you?”

“Fifteen, the first time.”

“He raped you, too?”

“Yes. He saw Daddy do it and the next day he did it.”

“Any other men?”


“Did either of them take care of you? Did they care for you? Did you have orgasms with them?”


“Oral sex?”

“They taught me how and I do both of them often.”

“Did they do you?”

“I don’t have a dick.” She looked up at my face. She didn’t know a woman could have oral sex. Amazing! No one had ever taken care of her. She caught herself looking directly at me and she looked down.

“Did they have your ass?”

“Yes! A million times.”

“You know I’m going to have your ass.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you.”

“Give me another taste.” Her hand went beneath her and came up very wet. I sucked her finger and moaned.

“Do you masturbate?”

“Yes, Master. Thank you. Thank you.”

“Lay back. Keep your pussy over the towel. Lay back and spread your legs for me. I want to see inside you.”

She didn’t hesitate. She spread her legs and the wet lips of her pussy opened for me. A large drop of her juice slid from her opening and slid slowly, like syrup, down to her pucker.

“Very nice. I want you to hold your knees with your hands. Don’t let go. Watch what I do, but don’t close your legs, don’t speak, and don’t let go of your knees.”

“Yes, Master. I understand.”

I stood and undressed. I carefully folded my clothes and draped them over a chair. When I was nude I sat back on the chair.

“What do you think will happen now?” I asked.

“You will fuck me?”

“Close your eyes and keep them closed. If you open them it will hurt, more.”

“I will keep my eyes closed.”

She closed her eyes and I lowered my self to the floor and bent my face to her open pussy. The instant my mouth touched her wet pussy her eyes popped open and she lifted her head to see what had happened. I lifted up a few inches and slapped her open, wet pussy! “Close your eyes!”

“I’m sorry Master!” She closed her eyes, squeezing a single tear out.

Again, I put my mouth to her tender areas and for the first time in her life a man ate her. The slap had let her know to stay quiet as well as keeping her eyes closed. She strained to stay in position. I helped. My hands helped hold her legs spread.

When she came it was if suddenly a dam burst and she came. Her body thrashed and her juices flowed, soaking the towel. She screamed, but managed to keep her mouth closed. I retreated from her pussy and went to the bathroom for another towel. Back on the floor with her I said, “Open your eyes. Tell me about that experience.”

For quite a few minutes she gushed on about how it felt, how she felt, how she feared she would die before the orgasm hit and how she felt afterwards. When she started to calm down enough that I thought her heart rate was somewhere near normal I stuck a finger into her vagina.

She watched my finger as she spread her legs wider. She tilted her hips to give me more access.

“This is my pussy now, isn’t it?” I asked.

“Yes, Master.”

My finger slid in and out of her, slowly. She watched it.

“Where do you live?”

She gave me an address.


“No. I live with my parents and my brother.”


“I’m a secretary.”

“Are you good?”

“Yes. I’m good with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and QuickBooks.”

“What happens to your paycheck on payday?”

“I take it home and my Dad deposits it.”

“How much do you make?”

“Seven-eighty a week.”

“Is that take-home or gross?”

“Gross.” My finger was still fucking her and she was still watching.

“I wonder, how much of your money do you keep?”

“Dad deposits it all.”

“His account or yours?”

“It’s a family account. Everyone’s check goes in.”

“When you wanted to buy your new dress how did you buy it?”

“With a credit card.”

“The credit card in your purse?”

“Yes.” She squirmed as I added a second finger into her pussy.

“Does your step-father know you bought the dress, bra, thong and shoes?”

“Not yet.”

“Next time your step-father wants to use this pussy, he cannot. It is no longer his, or even yours. It is mine. He will want to use force, won’t he?”

“He has beaten me many times.”

“He no longer has that right. In fact, since you said you gave yourself to me months ago, he has been trespassing for months. Something must be done.”

“When I go home he will fuck me.” She stated the facts as she understood them.

“I’m offering you a job. You will no longer live with your Mother and step-father. You will live, temporarily, in an apartment I own. You will work right here. You will be my secretary. I will pay you seventeen-fifty a week, gross. That is better than twice what you get now. However, there are other changes to your life, if you accept the job.” I added another finger and slid all three deep inside her.

Her eyes were closed and her body trembled as it approached another orgasm.

“You will work for me and be my submissive. The only time you will wear clothes is when you are going out of this house or we have company. The rest of the time you will be nude or near nude and available to me. When we are in public I will be Mr. Evans. At home I am Nick. You will only use the title Master when I specify it.” My little finger tucked in with the others and I twisted and pushed my fingers inside her.

“Do you accept the job?”

Her back arched and she shook hard once. Her arms pulled on her knees hard, lifting her hips and giving me easier access into her depths. “Yes, Nick! Yes, Nick! I accept! Oh God, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

Naturally, I stopped. She was covered in sweat. The towel was completely soaked. It was three in the morning. I got up and carried our clothes to the master bedroom. I turned down the bed, then started the shower.

When I got back to her she was still on the floor, eyes closed and almost asleep. I picked her up and carried her to the shower. When the spray hit us she opened her eyes and moved to kiss me. We kissed and the water revived us both. She scrubbed us both clean and asked if I would like a blow job.

She knelt in the shower and sucked me off better than most of the women who have ever sucked me. Her intention was clear; to give me as much pleasure as she could. She swallowed everything I gave her and she thanked me for letting her have my load.

Out of the shower, she dried us both and we went to bed. As we settled in for the night she asked, “Do I clean up the mess we made, in the morning?”

“Usually, yes. This time, I’ll help. By next weekend, this house will be part of your job unless we have another party. For a party, I’ll hire a cleaning crew. We have a party two weeks from next Saturday night. For that party you will be dressed in a collar, blindfold, stockings and heels.”

“Oh my God! You’re serious!”

“That night I will be addressed as Master.”

I went to sleep, holding her breast.

When I woke up she was awake. She was spooned with me and my shaft was between her ass cheeks.

“Your Dad expected you home last night.”

“Yes. He’s pissed.”

“What is he doing today?”

“He and my brother are going to a Dodger game. It starts at one or one-thirty.”

“Perfect. That gives us time to get breakfast, get some boxes and get to your house after they’re gone.”

“Boxes? You mean for my stuff?”

“Yes. I have a friend who has a truck. I’ll call him and he can help us move you. Do you have a car?”

“Yes, I use it, but it’s in my Dad’s name.”

“Leave it. We’ll get you another one.”

“You want me to make some breakfast or go out?”


We cleaned up the mess in the library and dressed. I dressed in levis and shirt, called my friend with a truck and gave him her address from her driver’s license. He met us there at one-thirty. Momma met us at the door. She was wearing a twenty-five year old Muumuu.

“What’s that truck doing here? Who are these men?” She asked, in Spanish.

Linda said, “Momma, this man’s my boss. He hired the other man to help me move. I don’t live here any more.” She spoke English to her mother.

“You can’t just move! Your Dad has to meet this new boss.”

“I have to move, Momma. The new job isn’t here. If Dad was here he could meet my new boss, but he isn’t here.” We started making boxes and she filled them. We got all her stuff into the truck and, as I had expected, he dad and brother arrived. Momma had called them.

“What the hell is going on?” Dad said as he approached us in the front yard.

“Daddy, I got a new job. I have to move.”

“You aren’t going anywhere! You don’t do anything unless I say so and I didn’t say so.”

I said, “She needs to move to have the new job.”

“She’s my kid and she don’t need no new job!”

“She’s an adult. You cannot stop her from going.” Twenty or so people from the neighborhood were standing nearby watching and listening.

“I can stop her!” He looked at his son for back up. My friend with the truck smiled and stepped forward. “I think you should let her go, Sir.”

“And who the fuck are you, Motherfucker?”

“I’m the police!” He held his shield so both Dad and son could see it. Both men took a step back. They tried to justify being upset and not wanting her to go. My friend said, “If we’re going, we should go.” Linda and I got into the car and my friend started the truck. Linda looked at her mother and said, “I’m sorry you’re crying Momma. Are the tears because you’ll miss me or because now Daddy will be fucking you instead of me?”

“He never!” She screamed.

“He did! And Jose, too. But, no more!”

I put the car in gear and we drove off. The truck followed. By dark, Linda was moved into a small apartment two blocks from my home, my friend had two hundred dollars cash in his pocket and I had a secretary. Oh, and the Dodgers won.

Two weeks later we got her medical clearance, just hours before the party. She was the hit of the party for all those people who were in the book, “Shadows.” I think everyone at the party wanted to take her home for at least a day or two. Over the next few weeks she mastered running my office and home. We moved her from the apartment to the house. We enrolled her in a cooking school where she did extremely well.

At the end of six months she was so well trained I was astounded. She had mastered everything I gave her. One Friday evening we were at home and the phone rang.

“Linda, please.” I said. She answered, “The office of Dominant Enterprises. It is after six in the evening. Slap yourself three times across your own face and please call back after nine tomorrow morning.” She was on speakerphone. We heard three slaps and a female voice. “It’s Monica. My King is dead.” She sobbed.

I answered, “Monica. Do not hang up. Where are you?”

“UCLA Hospital. I’m in the emergency room waiting area.”

“No more phone calls. Wait where you are.”

“Yes, Master.” I hung up. The look on Linda’s face was terror.

“Linda, get dressed, jeans and shirt. We are going to UCLA. Monica’s Master has died. She belongs to us now. Meet me at the car in two minutes! Go!”

I dressed and Linda met me at the car. As she had learned, she carried a note pad and a cell phone. As I drove she made calls at my direction. From the time of Monica’s call until we walked through the doors into UCLA’s emergency area was just over forty minutes.

Linda sat with Monica and held her. They both cried. I handled all the paperwork. I was not Ralph’s brother but we had done all the legal work so that we were legally like brothers for each other. Ralph died of a massive stroke.

By eleven we were walking out of the hospital. Monica stopped. “His car.”

I got the keys and gave them to Linda. We showed her the car and she brought it home. For the next four days our lives were about Ralph and Monica. We got him buried and moved her in with us.

After the funeral I sat down with Linda and Monica in our living room. Both women sat on towels and were nude.

“I want both of you to look at me.” They looked into my eyes. “Ralph and I made arrangements for our deaths. Those arrangements did not end with the funeral. You both know that you both now belong to me. What you don’t know is the rest of the plan.”

I paused.

“Ralph was a wealthy man. It all comes to me; the money, cars, houses and stuff. We had this agreement: I offer you, Monica, your freedom and a million dollars. You may also keep either house. I will sell it to you for one dollar. Naturally, your car is your car.”

Monica spoke in a whisper, “Is there another choice?”

“Yes. You may stay here, as mine. If that is your choice I then will offer the million, the house and car to Linda. If both of you choose to stay with me you are equals in every way. I don’t collar. However, I will have both of you tattooed, marked as mine, if you stay. I love both of you. It is now three in the afternoon, the fifth of the month. We will meet again, here, in exactly forty-eight hours. For those forty-eight hours I will be absent, unreachable. You may do whatever you like while I am gone, with the stipulation that you may only break my rules if you are taking the money and leaving. Linda has a credit card and there is five thousand dollars in the top middle drawer of my desk. The money and credit card are for your use while I am gone. I will have all the necessary paperwork to transfer a house and money to either of you when we meet again.”

I stood and walked out. My car and I drove to the airport and I flew to a friend’s home in Puerta Villarta.

The agreement I had with Ralph had ended. It had worked just as we had planned. Now, I had a new problem. I had no one as my back up if something happened to me. I spent much of my time in Mexico thinking about who I could have as my back up. My thoughts were not much about the property, money or anything except Linda and Monica. When I met with them again it would be just seven days from when Ralph died.

Monica had given herself to Ralph seven years before his death. It was largely her efforts at keeping him healthy that had him live as long as he did. He had weighed well over three hundred pounds when they met and died weighing a little less than two hundred.

The day after Ralph died she had presented herself to me, on her knees, nude and told me it was her desire to give herself to me, as completely as she had given herself to Ralph. I knew she expected me to take her sexually if I accepted her. My long history with them had me understand that she really needed to be used for my pleasure to internalize that she was now mine. Used for my pleasure and it needed to hurt.

I recalled the event as I sat on the beach waiting for the time to return. I sent her to get Linda. When they both were in the library with me I had talked with them about accepting Monica into our family. Then I talked about symbols. Symbols of obedience, of submission and of ownership.

I told them that I accepted Monica and that we would take her into our play room to make it real. Linda had only been in the play room twice. Both times it was for punishment. She was so good and learned so quick twice was all that was necessary.

Inside the room Monica showed no hesitation. Rather than bind her in place I asked her to stand with her arms raised and legs spread as I used a cat on her. She was magnificent! She thanked me for every stroke. She did not flinch away. She jumped as the lashes stung, but didn’t pull away. When there were pink lash marks showing from her knees to her shoulders, front and back, I handed the cat to Linda.

I remembered how bewildered her face looked. She didn’t know what I wanted her to do.

“You must lash her too. You must share in her pain. Her pain and yours are a part of how you unlock your feelings, your hearts. Swing the lash, Linda! Raise a welt on her ass!”

She swung and the tips of the cat stung Monica’s ass. Monica turned to face Linda and with tears streaming down her face she said, “Thank you, sister.” Linda swung again and the cat caught Monica across the front of her torso. She again said, “Thank you, sister.”

I counted ten strikes of the cat by Linda on Monica. Her arms still were held high. I stopped Linda and told Monica to bend over the end of the padded table. Linda cuffed her to the table, ankles to the legs of the table and wrists pulled so her arms were extended towards the far end of the table. I gave Linda a blindfold and she put it on Monica while I undressed.

“Linda, get on your knees and lick your new sister’s pussy. Lick her to an orgasm.” She dropped to her knees and began. I bent near to Monica’s ear and whispered, “Yours is the only pussy Linda has ever tasted. She is making your pussy hers. I am your Master and from now on, your pussy belongs to me and to Linda. You will never refuse her access to your pussy.”

I watched as the two women focused on giving Monica an orgasm. I stroked myself so I was ready. When I saw Monica’s body spasm in orgasm I pushed Linda out of the way and shoved my cock all the way inside Monica! I slammed in deep, fast and hard. She came and came and I filled her cunt with my seed!

“You are my bitch! You belong to me!” I saw Linda lying on the floor watching, her eyes wide. I pulled out of Monica and said, “Clean my cock, Linda. Taste your sister and my seed.”

She sucked me clean and I turned her head to Monica’s dripping cunt and she cleaned her too. I removed the restraints from Monica and let her rest, lying on the table.

I helped Linda stand where Monica had stood. “Are you Monica’s sister?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Then you must take what she can take. Lift your arms.” Her eyes flared in fear but she did not hesitate. Monica turned her head to watch. The cat swung and lashes struck Linda’s ass and upper thighs. She winced and jumped but stayed silent. A few seconds later she said, “Thank you, Master.”

I walked around her striking her all over. She didn’t drop her arms. She didn’t back away and she thanked me for every hit. I stopped and asked Monica to get off the table. I gave her the cat and she needed no further instruction. Her first swing raised new welts on Linda’s tits. Tears streamed down both their faces and Linda said, “Thank you, sister. Please, may I have more?”

Monica walked around Linda as I had done and she swung hard. At the tenth swing I stopped her. We bent Linda as we had bent Monica and Monica ate Linda to a screaming orgasm. I fucked Linda just as I had fucked Monica. Monica cleaned me and cleaned Linda. We left the play room and went to shower and tend to the skin of both women.

For the rest of that day and part of the next they both moved carefully. Reviewing the event had me believe that they would both be sitting on the floor of the library when it was three o’clock. Neither would take the money.

Before dawn the next morning I was being flown back to Los Angeles. I stopped in to visit a tattoo artist I know and we talked about doing both ladies. When I left him I had plenty of time to get home before three. At three I sat in my favorite chair in the library. Both women were already on their towels, heads bowed and hands at their sides.

“I would like a taste.” I said. Instantly, two hands went to two pussies and wet fingers lifted towards my mouth. I took both fingers in at the same time and sucked. “Thank you. Rather than make anything up I want you each to speak and tell me what you have decided. Since the original offer is to Monica, Monica speaks first.”

“Master, everything I am, will be or have, I freely give to you. I don’t want the money, an empty house or freedom.”

“There will be times when I will beat you.”

“I will thank you and offer you all of me to abuse.”

“Thank you. Linda?”

“Master, I gave myself to you before we even met. I will give myself to you every day and every night for the rest of my life. Beat me, fuck me, make me eat my sister’s pussy, I will do it all… if it is what you want. I am yours.”

“Thank you. Thank you both. Now, please tell me what you did while I was gone.”

Linda had taken a class in cooking healthy Italian food and Monica had taken a class in healthy Asian cooking. They had slept together each night and had pleasured each other often.

I let them know that at five o’clock we were going out. They would wear loose skirts, no panties and no bras. They wanted to know where we were going, but their training made sure they wouldn’t ask.

At five, when we were ready to leave I took small clamps and applied them to their nipples. Not tight enough to hurt badly, but tight enough they would not forget they were clamped. And, anyone looking at them could easily see they were clamped.

When I parked in front of the tattoo parlor they both knew what was coming. They were both excited and scared. Tattoos hurt.

My friend had designed a tattoo for the ladies that included a design and the words, “Property of Nick Evans

Given in Love”

They loved the design and the wording. Linda went first. Rather than hiking her skirt up she took it off, sat in the special chair and spread her legs. Monica and I held her hands and Mike spent twenty minutes within four inches of her pussy. When he was done we all admired his work and he said, “Ok. Monica, you’re next.”

She stripped completely and assumed the position. As soon as Mike started on her she said, “If you torture my tits I’ll forget how much the needle hurts.” I turned the screw on her nipple clamp tighter. She moaned and thanked me. Linda leaned in and sucked on her other nipple.

“Oh, pain and pleasure. I may cum.” I tightened the clamp again. Mike said, “Enough! It’s hard enough doing this with a hard on without you squirming when he tightens the screws on your tit.”

“We can help.” I said. “Whip that hard on out here. Linda would be happy to suck you off if it will help you give her sister a good tattoo.”

He stood up and lowered his jeans. Linda swallowed his cock and in less than two minutes she sat back down. He shrank before our eyes and went back to work on Monica. While he finished her two people came into the shop and Mike called out to them that he was giving a tattoo and they would need to wait. The customers were two women. I invited them to come back and watch. They came back into the back. When they saw Monica nude and Linda bare from the waist down they stopped. Then they watched, fascinated. Both were wearing shorts and bikini tops. One asked Monica, “What are those things on your nipples?”

“Clamps. They heighten sensitivity.”

“Oh.” Linda lifted her shirt and showed her clamps.

“They make every movement sexual. If you touch one it sends a shock right down to my pussy.”

The young woman reached out and touched a clamp on Linda. She moaned. Mike was nearly done. Monica said, “When he’s done you can take one off me and try it yourself. But, don’t take it off yet. I’ll cum when it comes off and I want the tattoo finished first.”

We all watched Mike finish. When he sat back and pronounced it done, we told him what a good job he’d done. Then each of the young women unscrewed a clamp from Monica and true to her word she came. Mike used paper towels to clean up her flow. Linda took a clamp from one of the ladies and quickly bared her breasts. She leaned forward and sucked on her nipple and I said, “Just to get it erect. Then she’ll put the clamp on.”

The young woman said, “It already feels great.” Linda released her nipple and put the clamp around it. She tightened it until the young woman said, “Oh, that’s tight.” Linda let go and did the other young woman. As soon as she let go of the second woman’s clamp she went back to the first and tightened it half a turn.

“Oh my God! That hurts!” She started to reach for the clamp. Linda said, “No! Wait. When the pain starts to back off you’ll feel the tingle in your pussy.” The woman stood very still with her eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes she said, “I feel it.”

Linda did her friend. She got the same reaction. Monica, Mike and I watched. Linda tightened the clamp on the first woman again. Then she said, “Drop your shorts.” None of us moved. The young woman held her eyes closed and loosened her shorts. Linda pushed them down until her pussy was exposed.

“You’ll cum when I release the clamp. Ready?” The woman nodded. Mike stood beside her. Linda pulled the clamp off and stuck a finger from her other hand into the woman’s slit. She screamed, her body stiffened and she flooded Linda’s hand. Linda grabbed paper towels and Mike helped keep the woman upright.

The other woman had watched. She opened her shorts and dropped them. I got some paper towels and was ready. Linda popped the clamp off her nipple and stuck her finger inside the woman. Her knees gave out and I caught her. She shook and trembled for almost a full minute. Linda kept her finger inside the woman all that time.

A few minutes were spent cleaning up, getting Mike paid and getting Monica and Linda dressed. The two young women wanted to talk with us. We went to a sidewalk café and talked. They were amazed at what had happened. They wanted to know more about how Linda and Monica knew about clamps and were there other things that made sex better.

I asked to see their driver’s licenses. They were both twenty-two. I made them an offer. They could think about what happened and if they wanted more. If they decided they wanted more, they could come back on Saturday morning at ten and meet us at the same restaurant. We would take them home with us and introduce them to more.

They agreed, but wanted to know why they couldn’t go right then. I said we wanted time for the two new tattoos to heal. I told them to plan on spending the day with us, and perhaps having dinner with us as well. We parted with hugs and promises to see us on Saturday.

They were waiting for us at ten Saturday morning. That’s the start of a whole new story.

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