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Only a Custodian

Category: Gay Male
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"And a ten-inch cock." "You're shitting us now," Oliver said. "Yes, I'm shitting you," Porter answered. "But, really, I would want him to have a nice cock on him." "Well, high on my list is that he has to be willing to take out the trash without being asked to," Adrian interjected.
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Silas’s Choice

Category: Gay Male
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"Silas's Choice." "Say what?" Rocky Hansan asked. "Silas's Choice," I repeated. "You are offering me the same options you offered Silas Collins three years ago. Did you realize that?" "Of course not," the chief of the Near East Division said. "Farthest thing from our minds."
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Sweet Temptation at the Workplace

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Since the first time I came across her she was the sexiest woman I ever seen. I was alone in the break room at the office job I work at, since most everyone else ate lunch at the surrounding fast food places. I'm Joseph Sanchez, an average lookin guy that worked at this call center for a few months now and was still learning the ropes on helping people pay their water bills.
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Cream Filled

Category: Fetish
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As a full-time student at the state university's city campus, I've found a part-time job to supplement my student loan and make ends meet. Nothing unusual about that, quite a few of my classmates work at least one job; but when I tell people the job is in a donut shop, they'll invariably smile and tell me I'm lucky. I agree with them about being lucky but not for the reasons they think.
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