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The Christmas Present

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Hey gorgeous, I'm at the airport and on my way home. I should be there in about an hour," I said into my cell phone as I flagged down a cab in front of the main terminal. There was a soft laugh and then my girlfriend said, "Then look over your left shoulder. I'm on the second plane to the left and on my way to China."
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Qualifications with Mom

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was supposed to be wonderful. Patricia's son -- her pride and joy -- was only weeks away from attending college. The freshman semester would be starting soon and they were both overjoyed. So it came as a complete shock when she saw Tyler coming home that Saturday morning with a frown on his face. He had just returned from a fraternity meeting in which eligibility for new membership was explained.
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