
May 14th, 1969 was a day that Kenny Holmes would never forget, and not because it happened to be his 18th birthday either. It was a day that he had been looking forward to for quite some time, and the anticipation was making his heart race as the bus neared the end of the route.
Kenny got off the bus a block before his destination because he didn't want to bus driver to know where he was going.
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My first time with another man.
I have always considered myself straight, my entire life has been consumed by woman, I am attracted to them, I want them, I desire them and I have sex with them. But and this is big but, I have always had a fascination with cocks, ever since the first time I saw one as a teenager in the locker room.
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All characters in this story are above the age of consent (18). The story and its characters are all fictional (even though I wish they were not). I love hearing your comments so please leave one. I love to get messages from my readers.
Behind schedule, over budget, and never good enough for the client, status quo for a creative director; that was my situation when Sandra popped unexpected and uninvited into my office.
"Somebody has a crush on you." She chirped.
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My going away party was winding down. I wasn't going to miss this place but I would miss the people. That was for certain. All of the other bosses had gone and only Chrissie and myself remained as well as Tim, Ron, and Frank. They were always like my older brothers and they had always looked after me. I was 36 and had been with the company for almost ten years. We all joked that we had to keep sending each other e-mails. "The nastier the better" Tim said referring to how I always sent good, funny and sometimes raunchy e-mail to them.
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