
I walked into the truck stop diner and was surprised to lay my eyes on an old truckin' buddy, Hank. I hadn't seen him for a couple of years. We both haul loads Coast to Coast, but rarely cross paths.
"So, how you doin' good buddy?" he asked.
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I was online and horny as usual. Tonight I had posted a message on a gay cruising .org kindda site indicating that I wanted to suck a man's cock really bad as soon as possible. My profile indicates that I am a bottom and that I love to suck cock. My profile pictures there of me in action reinforce that fact along with a couple of testimonials from men who I have been very well pleased with my abilities to pleasure men sexually.
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I had left New Haven early in the morning to take my sister's BMW to her in Little Rock. By the time I was halfway through Tennessee it was late and I was exhausted. I pulled into a twenty-four hour department store which will remain nameless (I'm not having a bunch of Arkansas lawyers coming after me). I had heard that travelers and truckers sometimes sleep in their parking lots, although the company discourages it.
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