
Heather nuzzled into Conner's hand as he placed it on her cheek, and she looked up into the cornflower-blue eyes of the lithe-figured blond college junior as she cupped his balls with one hand and sucked on the bulb of his cock with her mouth. She was sitting on the foot of the bed in her university dorm room, just in her panties. Conner, pantless and briefless and his sport shirt open to expose his trim, but well-muscled torso, was standing between her knees and telling her what he wanted her to do next in the blow job she was giving him.
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The mud squished under Marcen's toes as he waited for the best fuck of his life. The grass and shrubbery rustled as Cade appeared a few feet away and Marcen's heart pounded. He had been waiting for this moment ever since he met the guy last weekend at Lavoi's Pub. His rosy cheeks were what drew Marcen in at first, along with his brilliantly coiffed blonde hair and extravagant blue eyes, but no, it was the red cheeks that did it for him. This natural blush was so unlike his own skin, pale and a little freckly, and he could never get his own red hair to style like Cade's.
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The illumination from the streetlights was more than enough to see by, even after the intense electric glare of the subway station. But the addition of the subtle light of the full moon added a certain something to the night that Alex Johnston had always thought special, almost ethereal in nature.
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It started out like any other day. I think it was a Tuesday in fact. I was reading the classifieds in yet another ill-fated attempt to find employment, while my boyfriend, Ryan, fooled around on the Internet. Every now and then he'd drop a random bit of web trivia on me, which often triggered a debate about the validity of said trivia.
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Lily was annoyed when she stepped through the front door. As much as she enjoyed hanging out with her girlfriends, the constant gossip and drama was grating. Holly was by far the worst of them, and while she was fun to hang around and sweet in her own way, she wasn't above calling a friend a cow behind her back, either out of jest or spite.
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It was the day before Thanksgiving. Denise was happy that the four-day school break was finally here. It had been a rough last few weeks trying to get her high school students to comprehend the World History material. She looked forward to dinner with the family the next day, and then lots of holiday shopping!
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