
I used to work in an office environment like so many other individuals these days. Indiscretion on my part one day turned my life upside-down and inside out. I was so naive at 26 at what goes on in the world.
I was a pool secretary, doing a lot of paper work in an architect firm.
Everyone could see everyone so there was no privacy. If there was a need for private discussions, the office had several conference rooms along the outside walls. The conference rooms had blinds that could be closed.
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It's been a few weeks since my stories were discovered by Sir on the Literotica website. As it turned out, Sir and I live in the same city, about 10 miles apart. When Sir mentioned there was an opening in his company, and it was in my field of expertise, in order to be closer to him, I jumped at the opportunity.
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After a long restful night's sleep in the arms of Salina and Maria, Brigette retreated to her arch room to prepare for the day with her new gift, a wooden cock. Her loving teachers admonished her to practice her poetry and calligraphy by composing around the topic of her first true sexual experience with them the previous night as well as use her new gift. They then retreated to their own chambers to handle their individual morning oblations.
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He picked up the envelope, knowing what it contained and struggling to figure out how to justify its existence at the front counter to his friends.
"Hmmm, this must be the fax I was waiting for at the office yesterday, " he said, "shit, I may have to do some work tonight."
His friends groaned, rolling their eyes, commenting on his inability to have fun even while on vacation. He smiled.
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