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The Colonel’s Widow

Category: Mature
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Carol, my best friend and lover, was lying naked next to me with her head on my chest. I was stroking her face when she looked up at me and nuzzled her chin into my grey beard. She said " I liked that game we played this morning. When you let me mark the places on my body with honey that I wanted you to lick, that was very kind and thoughtful. Where did you learn to do that?"
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Plus Expenses

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I'd broken the golden rule again. It was becoming a tiresome habit. Chandler's boy, Phillip Marlowe, may not be real, but he never broke it. He never did divorce work. The end of a romance is, frankly, the lowest human beings can get before they completely loose it. Even when it concerns basically good people; divorce can bring out the bad in anyone.
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