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Dirty Tuesday

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It's Tuesday - Date night. Just a matter of which 'online suitor' I want to choose. But this time, I decide not to go for a traditional date. I've enjoyed being treated well by nice guys for the last few weeks, but tonight I'm just plain horny and feeling kinda slutty.
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On The Train

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Alex settled back comfortably in his seat. It was late and he was hungry and happy to finally be heading home. The night was pleasant and the train reasonably empty, so with a bit of luck he wouldn't have the yammering of idiots on their smart-phones and the mosquito buzzing of their music. He was relieved to note that apart from a young couple sitting opposite him, the carriage was empty, and they were just chatting between themselves.
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Mystery Lover

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This story was written at the request of, and for a fan. She knows who she is, and I hope the pleasure she gets from the story does not fade too quickly. You sit at your computer, searching for and finding exquisite pictures of exquisite women, your senses already heightened at the sight of them, your attention completely on the screen, your mind and thoughts filled with visions of that special dream lover, the one that can take you to those places you crave, those sensations for which you yearn.
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