
I'm not like most other girls. Alright, I can shop forever, spend hours getting ready to go out, and love my shoes as much as any other girl, but when it comes to sex I'm more like a man. I don't want a relationship, I don't want love or to be taken out for dinner, I just want cock. In my pussy, arse or mouth, or preferably all three holes at once, then I want to go home to my own bed, or find another cock. That is after all what men want isn't it.
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The heel of my boot clacked against the porcelain tiles of the outdoor bar as I stepped off of the small stage. I had just butchered a karaoke version of Friends in Low Places and was on my way back to my beer. My friends jeered as they signed up for their turn to do the same to some other unsuspecting classic of a tune. We were lit and having a blast. It was the kind of fun that attracted attention and made others want to join in.
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I heard about the spot in the park from a guy I met online. He was an older white man. Not particularly good looking. Didn't have a great body. Didn't have a great cock, but I needed cock and he was the only one who responded to my craigslist ad that day and I went with it.
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Rachel and I had been best friends since we were eight years old. We were always there for each other, through good times and bad. We had even been each other's maids of honor when we got each got married. While we were alike in many ways, we did have some personality differences. She tended to be a little more conservative and reserved than I was. I was always up for adventure and risk while she stuck to the straight and narrow path, always doing what was "right" and always maintaining order. For her, everything had to be in its place - she tended to be a bit anal when it came to putting things back where they belonged or turning off the light when leaving a room. Yet, I still loved her like a sister.
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Standing at the bar, she glances at her watch. 'Maybe another hour,' she thinks to herself. The music is loud and she can feel the beat all through her body, making her hips move slightly back and forth as she waits for her drink to arrive. Three men stand about ten feet away, talking and watching her as she stands there in her tall black boots and short skirt. She glances their way and they all smile, making no effort to hide what they're thinking.
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