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Babying the Babysitter

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It all began when I asked Shira: "Have you been a good little girl?" My wife had been dreading this moment for hours. Indeed, she had known about her impending mortification for days. Even so, she began to blush and cry at once. It was bad enough to be treated like a baby, but to be treated so in front of her best friend was particularly humiliating.
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Correcting Annette

Category: Fetish
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I still remember the first time I laid eyes on Annette. She was standing on my doorstep, looking up at me, a hesitant smile forming on her full lips. She was holding a portfolio under her left arm. With her right hand she pushed a wave of auburn hair away from her eyes.
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Fantasy Becomes Love

Category: Fetish
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I had just made love to my best friend's wife. Okay, that was a bit of a strong statement. Technically, we didn't 'make love' and further, they weren't married. Yet. But I just had the most incredible sexual experience of my life and it was with her. She'd played out a fantasy of mine I'd had for a very long time. She was perfect in the role and when it was all said and done with, I'd sheathed myself in her body and lost myself completely.
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Hurts to Love

Category: BDMS, Fetish
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Kaden walked in the door without a smile on his face. "Take that off," He ordered, pointing to my towel. I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard a knock at the door. He pulled the smaller towel from my hair and dropped it to the floor. The cool beads hit my warm back with the nearly twenty inches of thick, moist hair and rolled to my bottom.
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Mrs Marlow and Her Old Neighbours

Category: Fetish
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I really felt ashamed of myself. I knew I was slipping back into my old fantasy habits. A supposedly respectable married woman 39 years of age with this ridiculous fetish for dressing up in school uniform. It had been more than a fantasy during my early thirties with the two old priests and Sister Mary. I think my fantasy thoughts started in my mid twenties after I had married Derek.
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Spanking the Teacher

Category: Fetish
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I pulled into the parking lot outside the local Office Depot. I parked the car and was headed for the door when I noticed a mildly attractive woman walking toward me, on her way to her car. She was on the tall side, probably around 5'7" with short dark hair and wearing a rather plain summer dress. As she got closer, she looked in my direction and gave me a slight smile in a shy sort of way before quickly looking down at the pavement.
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The After-Party

Category: Fetish, Group Sex
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By the time the clock struck midnight, most of the 'casual' guests were long gone, having delivered their housewarming gifts, had a few snacks and drinks, and were probably already in bed. Not everybody had left though. I adjusted my shirt and gazed around the living room. Nick was sprawled on the couch, a gin and tonic in his hand, watching the TV. Geri and Peter were sitting in the kitchen with a bottle of vodka, while my wife Samantha was discussing something with Connor and Caitlin. Anna was in the bathroom and Phillip was out back smoking a cigarette.
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The Fantasy of a Real Spanking

Category: Fetish
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I'd been to this Starbucks many times before. It was my home Starbucks. Sure, I'd seen lots of cute girls there. I do live near Hollywood, so attractive girls are by no means rare. I never approached them though. I wouldn't quite know how. Do you just go up to one and "meow" to let her know the effect her femininity is having? Doesn't she probably already know? I'm not sure if those questions are rhetorical or just pointless, but I know I'd never done it before.
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A Surprising Teacher’s Pet

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Guys are normally so predictable. Flirt with them, joke with them, be interested in "their" sport, and all of a sudden a girl can have them groveling at her feet. Give them a glimpse of leg and they will actually slobber. At least the majority of guys are that way. Occasionally there are the mutants. They are hooked to a specific girl and won't tell you the time of day. They might be totally devoted to work. They might like guys. Whatever.
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An Afternoon in the Cougar’s Den

Category: Mature
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The thumping bass sound announced the approach of Miguel's car long before Damon saw it come around the corner and pull up to the side of the basketball court. Damon took one last shot, banking the ball off the backboard and through the hoop before jogging over to the high chain link fence surrounding the court where Miguel's car sat on the other side. The passengers side window of Miguel's Camry slid down and Luke leaned out.
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