
I am sharing my history with you for fun not trying to get a good grade for English class. I did a spell check that's good enough. Enjoy my story and comment on the story, not the grammar.
Last night was fresh in my memory, I had seen Ben's sleeping erection and then later I awoke to him having a wet dream and shooting his load on my bare back.
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I woke in the night and lay in bed next to you listening for whatever it had been that brought me from sleep to consciousness. Around me, the house was quiet, the white noise of night sounds a barely audible suss in the darkness. I knew you were asleep next to me; I could feel the soft warmth of your presence that told me you were still in our bed and hear your soft gentle snores as you breathed slowly and rhythmically.
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Working away from home for a couple of days with a hunky, straight guy Ron finds that alcohol allows him to get something extra from his colleague.
"It'll mean staying away for a couple of nights," the foreman said. "It's a pain especially when the weather's so fucking bad but the job needs doing and you and Joe are the only ones free."
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James is my best friend. Male best friend, that is. I've known him for years but, while we've always been close, there's never been anything romantic between us. Probably because I've known him so long. It's hard to feel romantic about the boy you kicked in the shins for rigging up a gallows and hanging all your dolls.
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"Well that was something different. If you had told me a year ago that I would be sticking my cock up some guy's arse I'd have punched your face!"
"I have to say that when you started talking to me in the bar downstairs it didn't cross my mind you were...well, you know... one of THEM. You kind of did the pick up in a nice way though and the thought has crossed my mind once or twice so I suppose you just pressed the right buttons."
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