
Most women have a secret indulgence: chocolate, maybe, or shoes; jewellery for some, soap operas or magazines for others. Penny's indulgence was lingerie, and where lingerie was concerned she had firm principles, which didn't include thrift. Her underwear wardrobe was extensive, varied and expensive.
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Sometimes I wish I'd kept track of just how many times I've been in my favorite coffee shop. Surely it was in the hundreds by now. Somehow they survived the invasion of chain coffee shops, probably because they always had some vegetarian food and fresh soup ready for the college kids.
It was an odd layout that only a small town without city planning can create.
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The dream comes often. It is never quite the same, but it is the dream, nevertheless. One thing always happens in the dream. Always.
In the dream she is:
She believes in herself and her abilities. The decisions she makes are good, and the consequences of those decisions are positive. Aggressive people don't disturb her – she deals with them directly and forcefully, if necessary.
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Toby confessed that he'd been a virgin when he'd met Valerie. He was red in the face and seemed on the point of tears when he told her that he'd sucked a few cocks when he was at uni. He said that he'd presumed it was just a phase because he fell in love with her, but that he still thought about men and his voice grew very quiet as he confessed to lusting after their gorgeous neighbour Patrick.
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