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Shopping for Shoes

Category: Mature
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What I'm about to relate happened last week. In a sense it was the result of a dare, sort of. Let me explain. I made a new friend recently who I'll call Jean. Jean and I hit it off right away; we are so much alike, it's scary. Although we differ somewhat in age -- I'm fifty-something, she's thirty-something -- it turns out we both share a wild and naughty aspect to our personalities ... and, we both love cock.
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In the Movies

Category: Group Sex
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The theater was dark. I walked in shyly. Knowing what was about to happen excited as much as it scared me. But there was no going back. A dare is a dare. And I had secretly dreamt of this one for years. The only noise inside was that coming from the movie. Moaning and panting, enough to tell, even with closed eyes, that I was in a pornographic cinema.
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Sunbathing – Nude

Category: Mature
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I was randy as hell one day and made up my mind I was going to get laid that afternoon, one way or another. If I had to drive into to town and pick up someone at a bar, I would. But first, I had decided I would see if I could attract someone locally. My beach house is rather isolated. It's the only one for about half a mile in either direction. I know this will change over time. This undiscovered barrier island on the Gulf Coast will eventually be over developed and become like all the rest -- an over crowded tourist venue.
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Aroused in Class

Category: Lesbian Sex
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For Talina, college was a blast. However, some classes were a flat-out bore. Professor Dougherty's early morning Anthropology 101 defined boring. The subject matter could be dry and the professor had a terrible presentation style. She spoke in a monotone and her bland presentation of facts was often accompanied by slide after uninteresting slide. The sole appeal of the class was that virtually everyone could get a "B" with minimal effort.
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The Swing

Category: Group Sex
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Cori strode naked through the club and took her seat at the bar. Picking up her glass, she looked at her husband with a smile. "Lost again?"He asked. "Depends on how you look at it,"she replied after a sip of her drink. "I'm naked, but his cock is hard enough to use as a pool cue." Dan laughed as his wife shook her long blonde hair from her shoulder. "You always lose your clothes. You never could shoot pool and you know it."
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Dirty Fantasy

Category: Group Sex
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It's the end of the evening and we find ourselves in a luxurious hotel bar, it's late, the lights are low and we've been drinking, you've been unable to keep your hands off me all night and I've been teasing you with promises of what's to come. I chose my outfit carefully; a black lace body with a plunging neckline that exposes just the right amount of cleavage, a sequined skirt which skims my hips allowing for easy access and black patent heels that make my legs go on forever.
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Private Beach

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter 1 - Discovery They had been friends for years. They lived a suburb apart, they had been on many glorious and memorable weekends away and enjoyed many fabulous dinner parties together. Close as they were with each other, none of them could ever have imagined that by summer's end, their close and loving friendship would bring them all the kind of sensual delight and sexual fulfilment they had each only dreamed.
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