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Diana the Seducer

Category: Mature
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Here’s a true story. They’re the best ­ I find reading about actual events even more exciting than reading fantasies. This all happened just before my 19th birthday. It may have been what sparked my interest in beautiful woman and all the things they do. I was living about half of each year at home with my parents in a large town in the West Midlands (England). I had a girlfriend, studying at university in Manchester, and I had a few casual girlfriends in my home town.
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Harvest’s Over

Category: Mature
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I grew up in a very small farming community. It was understood that when kids were old enough to get jobs, we would go to work. At age 14, I started working summer vacations in a grain elevator, a warehouse where area farmers bring their harvested grain to be stored. The harvest lasted from late July until early September, and the daily temperatures were consistently hovering around one hundred degrees.
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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Greg finally found his right new home. It was at the right size, right price, and a quiet neighbourhood, the place where he can quietly concentrate his home business. At 28, he was an ambitious young man. The next door neighbour was a couple most probably in their fifties. The man called Tom was a cold man who would pull a long face when coming across people. What sort of woman would fall in love with this kind of man, Greg thought.
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Flirty Gertie

Category: Mature
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It was Cathy, my girlfriend, who found me the flat. When my old landlord died, and his son served notice on the tenants, I needed somewhere cheap, and available quickly. Of course, the ideal thing would have been to move in with Cathy. But she shared her parents' old house in Bedford with her sister, and anyway, I'd tried commuting from there into London for a couple of weeks. The 'BedPan line' -- Bedford to St Pancras -- was legendary at the time as not so much a rail route, more a fiendish torture cunningly designed by the operator to drive unwary commuters insane.
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Category: Group Sex
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Sometimes the way things work out can make you smile. Recent events in my life came together to bring my husband and myself some unexpected pleasures. I will start by introducing myself. My name is Addison Jeffries. I am 30 years of age, 5'10' and I've got long, wavy, auburn hair. I'm an attractive woman and slightly vain about my looks, so I work out daily and run and swim. I own a travel agency and can afford to dress in the latest, form-flattering fashions.
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Love sweet T.

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I first noticed her on a grey November's day at the supermarket. As she loaded shopping into her car a huge bag of green apples fell from one of the carriers, hit the ground, split and fruit rolled everywhere; she must have been very fond of apples. Much of it tumbled, erratically in my direction, I scurried about gathering up the tumbling orbs and restored them to their somewhat flustered owner. I would never have looked at her twice, she could have been my mum but then she smiled and her face lit-up, rolling back the years in a trice.
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Mrs. Bigelow

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I want to tell you my story about something wonderful that once happened to me before I came to live in this place; call it what it is, an old folks home. I will do my best to stay on course but if I skip around some just be patient with me. After the phone call I had to sit down. My legs trembled. I felt perspiration on my upper lip. My armpits became wet and I felt a drop slip down my side. Oh my, I thought, Kenneth, after all these years that I should react as I did. I felt myself flush as memories returned.
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Mrs. Tenholder Loses It

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I still can't remember when this twisted little project first took hold. I think it might have been early last spring. I run an Internet-based business out of a home office in a pleasant old neighborhood downtown. I moved in a year ago and business is good. I have lots of free time and can pretty much plan my schedule any way I want.
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Rolling in Pine Needles

Category: Mature
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Drew put-in before Dooley Bridge, his goal being to photograph the length of the river through town, marking its changes as it went from rural to urban to estuarine environments in the space of four miles. Being June and approaching the summer solstice in this northern state, the sky began to lighten before five in the morning. Drew had been up since four, having loaded his kayak onto his Subaru the previous evening. His main goal was to be up before the tourists and their jet skis, and he had provided himself a wide buffer.
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Sapphire Angel

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was about 3 in the morning and Mark rolled out of bed with a keen thirst. He cursed himself for not having had the foresight to bring a glass of water to bed. They had been out to dinner, he and his wife, their son and daughter, plus three of his daughter's friends, Imogen, Hazel and Maddi. It had been a celebration for his daughter's 18th, and it had been expensive. But Mark didn't mind. Not just because he is a doting father, or because he is what you might call comfortably well-off, but because it gave him a chance to enjoy his daughter's sexy friends.
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