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Nicholas Ichabous & The CVS Girl

Category: Mature
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My name is Nicholas Ichabous Crane Evanston. I'll spare you the long drawn out story of how I got that ridiculous name. The short version is that my dad saddled me with that long name so I would never forget the acronym, and always be NICE to people. Sometimes big stories have small beginnings, my story started at a CVS Pharmacy in a small town in North Carolina. I was in town to oversee a six month construction job and was having a pretty crappy day, so I dropped in for a sugar fix at the pharmacy near the work site.
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Bar Girl

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I walked into the pub through the side door. It was just how I remembered it. The sun shone through the front glass doors, to splay rays across the dusty wooden floorboards. My friends were already waiting for me at a table. They'd chosen a great spot, right next to the window, we could feel the warm winter sun through the window panes, yet still all fit comfortably around one table. I hugged most of my friends tight – I had not seen some of them for 8 months!
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Jessica’s Anal Curiosity

Category: Anal Sex
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Jessica was new to the city. She was a fresh faced 24 year old from the suburbs who recently moved to San Francisco to attend law school. It was the first time in her life that she lived on her own. Being away from her family was hard. None of her friends were there with her, and she didn't know anybody at her new school.
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You Can’t Ignore Love

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It was the middle of the semester and since I didn't have very much work due, I decided to take a night off and go to a show that included a few of the singing groups on campus. I was meeting my friend Jessica there, but she always ran late, so I had to wait in the lounge for a while for her. I was pretty bored sitting by myself, and just watched people walking in and out of the lounge and into the auditorium. I didn't really give anyone a second look, I was just people-watching in general. Until this one girl walked in.
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Strangers in the Night

Category: Anal Sex, Lesbian Sex
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"Well," Tom sighed, "what other romantic songs do we have for Valentine's Day? More Dean Martin?" The little piano bar was more crowded than on some nights. It had been a shore day, St. Martin. No big production show tonight, just one of those juggling comedians that seem to find their way on to cruise ships. Washed up, like him, flotsam bobbing against the shoreline, but not quite, not quite stranded yet.
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I Want Holly

Category: Fetish
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Not long after graduating from college with my bachelors, I moved into a house with some of my frat brothers for about two years. I was lucky enough to find a great job that I knew from the start would lead to bigger things if I worked hard enough. The hours were limited, however, so I found myself with more free time on my hands than I wished for.
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Not Your Average Girl

Category: Fetish
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Becky was deeply dissatisfied. It would have been hard for most to imagine that the lithe and very pretty undergraduate could have been hiding such morose sentiments; what with her well known wealth, intelligence, and good looks on the surface her life was ideal. Yet, despite widespread academic acclaim, a more-than-passing resemblance to Mary-Louise Parker, and a voracious sex life she could not shake off the feeling of an aching chasm within her, a driving and compelling need.
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Category: Mature
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"Grace arrived late last night. Poor thing was tired after the red eye flight from Toronto," Mia said taking a seat at the breakfast table. At those words, James dropped the muffin he was about to eat into his coffee mug. The resulting splash sprinkled not only on the pale blue damask table cloth, but his shirt as well. Trying to cover up his flub, he responded to his sister's comment.
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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I had a really shitty day. My secretary quit, to move to Texas with her new boyfriend. Somebody clipped my brand new Porsche in the parking garage, denting the hell out of the passenger side door and both fenders. One of my clients, the Avengers, tore up the hotel they were staying in. And Ozzie Schmuck, the drummer for Snakepit, got busted for coke and can't make the Australia tour.
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The Hitch Hiker

Category: Fetish
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Daniel was divorced and living alone. His stupid job had been the cause of his marital problems because he had to spend so much time on the road. If only he and his ex-wife Sally had kids, she would have had something to keep her occupied whenever he was away. But that was not to be, no matter how hard they tried, and Sally's apparent barrenness overburdened the shaky marriage. Perhaps, he had always thought, if I had spent more time at home, filling Sally's cunt with my sperm, she might have been successful in becoming pregnant.
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