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The Examination

Category: BDMS
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I had just negotiated a new contract with the company I work for and part of the package was a new life insurance policy. Instead of paying more income tax on a pay rise I accepted the insurance policy.
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The Best Ever

Category: Anal Sex
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I knew before it was over that I had to write this story, to cement the memory in my mind. To somehow make this surreal experience that once resided only in my darkest fantasies even more real. This was a once in a lifetime experience that's simply too good to let fade with time. So here's my story...
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The Transfer

Category: Fetish
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is the most perfect specimen of humanity Dr. Kent has ever seen, and all she can think when she sees him is: what a waste. She has his specs on the pad in front of her: 6'5, 190 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, 28 years old; section: lambda, section of origin: delta. Even that brief outline caused a commotion among the other doctors when it arrived in her inbox yesterday. But numbers on a screen are one thing, and #B34123J's extraordinary physique right here in her exam room is another.
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Wife Buys A Toy!

Category: Fetish
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The day my wife asked me about her using a strap on kind of got my attention and not really in a great way. Like most guys the thought of something like that just never entered my head. I asked her where she got the idea thinking it was the HBO series Real sex but she just told me it was something she had thought about from time to time. I think back on it and I realize she was testing the waters. She would often grab my but while I was shaving in the morning or sometimes slide a finger between my cheeks making me jump a bit in surprise.
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Rose, For My Daddy

Category: Incest
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"VALENTINE'S DAY STORY CONTEST 2012" All characters depicted are of consent age. CHAPTER I "No you didn't." "Yes, I did." "No you didn't." "I did. I swear I did." I was arguing with my best friend, Rose or Rosie, as I liked to call her. She just told me she'd sucked her first cock. "Okay," I said. "Whose cock was it?"
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Yin and Yang

Category: Gay Male
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There was nobody special I wanted to see at my ten-year reunion, but I went anyway, and was pleasantly surprised. It was a fun evening, and I collected a few phone numbers of people I hoped to reconnect with later. As the evening wound down, I ended up at a table with an old friend, drinking beers and talking. Keith and I had played in a couple of bands together in middle school and high school.
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Just One More Time

Category: Anal Sex
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Ryan rolled over and stretched. His cock hung limp against his thigh as Marisa lay pressed against him. He felt her fingers glide seductively over his chest, down his rib cage and across his abdomen. In his head he was silently begging for a break. He'd already come several times as had she, but she was still hungry for more. He hated to admit defeat, but he knew his cock was finished and admitting that to any woman was a hard thing for a man to do.
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