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Punked Off

Category: Mature
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September 2003 "Ya got ten bucks Mister?" she asked as she darted in front of me, one of a small group of black clad, pierced and tattooed punkers who'd mysteriously appeared in the neighborhood just days earlier. "Ten bucks? What happened to the fifty cents for squeegeeing my windshield?" I asked with a grin. "Fifty-cents! A rich, hip Miami guy like you," she teased, jiving me as she danced backward as I continued walking.
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Lisa’s Asshole Exposed On Camera

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
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Ralph had been a long-time friend of mine for the past 7 years. Guys being guys, we had discussed everything from sports to sex. Then one evening as we were sitting at a brewpub having a beer, Ralph wistfully revealed his desire to anally fuck his wife's sexy asshole! Geez, Ralph's explicitly revealing comment was a bit uncharacteristic of his normally reserved nature. For the most part, our conversations about women and sex were usually rather tame and light-hearted.
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The Photo Shoot

Category: Anal Sex
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His story: She came highly recommended. A friend of a friend sort of referral. He checked out some of her photography online and was impressed by her work. She had a good eye. He needed some head shots for auditions and print work. He had gotten into acting late by most standards, but it came easily to him and he found his looks, charm and likeability were already opening doors for him.
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Foot Fetish Photo Shoot

Category: Fetish
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"What was your most interesting photo shoot, Natasha?" Alex asked. His digital SLR snapped in the silence of the hotel room. I held my pose, wondering how honest I should be. "Well, I did a shoot last year wearing nothing but body paint," I offered, the over-stuffed comforter pressed softly between my legs.
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Category: Mature
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Over the years, countless young women from the city and the surrounding area have come to me to start their modeling careers or even to branch into adult modeling. Some of the women I have seen through my cameras have appeared in magazines worldwide. Others were discovered by my network of contacts and eventually landed acting jobs at various levels. A few have appeared in major adult magazines, and two of them now have their own adult Web sites for which I will do some photo shoots when they are back in the area.
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Just Another Shot

Category: Gay Male
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He stood by the corner, hugging a bag of films and lenses as he watched me posing shot after shot. I couldn't look away. He had the most arresting eyes. [Those swirling depths of brown]. He'd always stand by the side, watching the photo session silently with the most penetrating gaze. "Christian! Can you please concentrate!" Ruben Anders, my photographer, chided.
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An Older Model

Category: Group Sex
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Dijon sat comfortably in one of the two wing backed chairs in front of the desk. She had one knee crossed over the other, her short skirt showing several miles of her famous long legs. Her hands gripped the arms of the chair and she kept tensing and pulling with her arms. She was nervous for some reason and it showed.
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