
I was baby-sitting for Angela and Neil Reynolds. They're both in their early thirties, which is a bit surprising seeing that their kids are so young. They apparently chose to have their kids fairly late.
Neil is nice. A charming gentleman, in the true meaning of the word. He's all smooth and suave and kind. Always polite, and I've never heard him run anyone down.
Angela, on the other hand, is a bitch, studying to be the queen of bitches.
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The most wonderful thing a lover has ever done for me was to give me my life. I didn't understand it at the time, but if he had loved me as I wanted him to—as I begged him to—I would be long dead today.
The days of my sexual coming of age in Bangkok, Thailand, during the mid seventies through the mid eighties were paradise followed by a rude awakening, a realization of how life can come back at you hard that I didn't fully realize until I had left the City of the Angels the first time I lived there.
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Grabbing her small backpack, Amelia stepped down from the bus, still ecstatic that her uncle had offered her the use of his vacant holiday cottage in the coastal resort town. It was the start of the University spring term break. The tangy salt air tasted of freedom as she stopped and sampled the beach view from the bus stop.
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