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Caught in the Laundry Room

Category: Fetish
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18 year old Lance Henry stood in the laundry room of his girlfriend Callie's house. She had to run out to pick up her brother from a basketball game and had left him to wait for her. She was going to be gone for about an hour and her mother Evelyn wouldn't be home from work for at least that long.
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Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It began with a pair of panties, left in the wash by my wife, belonging to my niece, and the unmistakable fragrance of sweet, tender young pussy and fruits forbidden. She had "blossomed" that summer, her breasts growing full and round like honeydew melons, her cheeks rose petal pink, her lips strawberry red, her cute navel peaking out from beneath her half shirts like the inner part of a morning glory, her ass...
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Panty Purchase

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Austin was generally pretty patient person, but his ability to tolerate and wait was getting pretty thin after waiting in line for 8 minutes to check out at Target. Now, to top it all off, the girl in front of him was getting her credit card denied and was calling someone to straighten it out. The only thing that prevented him from losing his mind was the incredible sight that the girl provided.
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Zack and Zoey

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
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Julie Gets Used

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Just a few weeks ago, my next door neighbor held a party to celebrate the college graduation of their son, Alex. Alex and his family had been my neighbor for many years and so my wife and I were invited. The party began at 7pm and my wife and I walked over around 8pm. The hosts had a bar set up on their back patio and a professional bartender was mixing and serving guest.
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Cum Filled Panties

Category: Fetish
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For years I had kept a very private secret. I had run the gauntlet emotionally because of it too. Sometimes forcing myself to abstain, thinking it wrong, bizarre, even disgusting as many would see it. But eventually, I'd give in to the urge, usually resulting in a frenzy of activity in order to satisfy what I believed then to be an absurd form of sexual pleasure and gratification.
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Hot & Sticky

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My lover has an Afrikaans accent. His breath whispers against my neck as he speaks gruffly in my ear, pinning me to the living room wall. I push my behind into his groin as he cups my tits, groaning he is "so glad he met me." It's a rainy summer's night, all sticky and we're slick with sweat. We're both in singlets, he's in jeans and I can feel his thick length as he nestles it between my shorts clad cheeks.
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Two Tantalizing Tomboys

Category: Group Sex
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My roommate, Rob, was out of town that weekend, but that didn't stop me from hanging out with Rob. There was another Rob that we hung out with pretty frequently and I ended up going out with him and Hugh that Saturday night. After a few hours at the bars, drinking a number of beers but failing miserably with the women, Hugh headed home and Rob and I headed to his house to crash.
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A Panty Thief’s Punishment

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"What the fuck are you doing?" David flinched, looked around furtively, and jerked his hand from his face as I entered his living room. He tried to hide the evidence in between the couch cushions, but I knew exactly what he had been doing. While I was taking a shower, he decided to raid my suitcase looking for used panties to sniff. He was still dressed, but his jeans were pulled down past his hips. The semi-hard cock visible through his boxers did nothing to convince me of his innocence.
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Michelle & Teri

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Michelle was a twenty one year old college student. She knew she was attracted to girls ever since she was a teenager. When she discovered masturbation, she would often think of girls as often as guys. She was fine with this but kept it to herself. She had a normal teen age life, culminating in graduating high school and going to college. She had a normal progression of boyfriends, because it was the socially acceptable thing to do. She lived off campus, with her friend Teri, they were both English majors.
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