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Cum Filled Panties

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For years I had kept a very private secret. I had run the gauntlet emotionally because of it too. Sometimes forcing myself to abstain, thinking it wrong, bizarre, even disgusting as many would see it. But eventually, I’d give in to the urge, usually resulting in a frenzy of activity in order to satisfy what I believed then to be an absurd form of sexual pleasure and gratification.

Looking back, I couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment or reason why this particular fetish of mine as I came to understand it had even come about. I considered myself a normal teenage kid in every way, and enjoyed the simple exploratory pleasures that everyone did. But I had taken it one step further than that perhaps, which became for me an obsession, but one in which I could neither deny myself, nor wanted to, even though I tried over and over again without success to keep from doing it.

I didn’t have a thing for my sister either, though she was certainly attractive and had the attention of several boyfriends who fell all over one another vying for her attention. But I discovered because of that, I did have a thing for her soiled panties, that for whatever reason inflamed my desire and need to masturbate myself with them until I came adding my own sticky discharge to the stains she had herself already placed there.

I had come home late from a date, frustrated as usual at the time, a little light petting permitted that did nothing more than arouse and excite me to the boiling point, where I stayed without any sort of release or pleasure to conclude that. Something I once again knew I would satisfy later in my own bed.

Stacy, my older sister by three years had just turned twenty-one and though still living at home while she attended a nearby university, had been given pretty much free-reign to come and go as she pleased, and to basically do whatever she pleased now as well, since mom and dad considered her an “adult”, though still treating me like a small child in comparison the way I saw it.

Arriving home from my very frustrating date, I saw that one of Stacy’s boyfriend’s cars was parked out front of the house. As I walked by the side of the house towards the back door, which is the way I always entered the house, I glanced down through the basement windows, having to stoop over in order to do so. Sure enough, I could see the dim light in the den, though even at this angle I couldn’t see much of anything else, but knew damn well that’s where Stacy and her boyfriend where. Mom and dad having long since retired to bed as it was late even on a Saturday night for them. Obviously, Stacy had once again taken advantage of her new adult status, inviting her newest boyfriend over for some heated ‘heavy-petting’ as opposed to my barely getting a hand on a boob through the bra she was wearing kind of petting.

I slipped into the house as quietly as possible, and though my own bedroom was upstairs just down the hall from my parent’s bedroom, I had no intention of going there, not at the moment anyway. Just as quietly, I then proceeded downstairs towards the den.

For a while now, my father had been remodeling the downstairs basement, specifically so my sister could have an even bigger bedroom than the one she had upstairs next to me, which was now a sitting room for my mother, though I never saw her ‘sitting’ in it. Another justifiable reason in my mind at least, to hold a bit of animosity towards my sister for that, amongst other things. As such, though the den itself was finished, the one wall separating the den from the laundry area remained framed, but still open. Making my way down the hall, I then entered into the unfinished still under construction portion of the laundry area, which was as usual, darkened with the only light coming from the one dim table lamp that was on. I carefully made my way over next to the furnace and water heater, crouching down between the two as they stood side by side, leaving me an unobstructed view of the couch directly across from me where my sister and her boyfriend sat, at the moment busily engaged in some of that very heavy petting I had as yet to enjoy for myself.

And sis had reasonably nice tits too, which were certainly interesting to see, but again, being my own sister, it wasn’t her that I was interested in, not really. Bob, Brad, or Billy, whatever the hell his name was, sat completely naked on the couch, though his jeans remained wrapped around his ankles on the floor where they had just finished pushing them off to. Stacy still wore a pair of bright red panties, though nothing else, as Bob, Brad, Billy, or Butt-head sat fondling her tits, his rock-hard cock begging for attention, which for the moment, Stacy was obviously neglecting, enjoying the attention he was giving her tits with his mouth, along with the hand that now reached over, cupping my sister’s groin as she sat there next to him.

It was seeing that which had aroused me beyond measure. Stacy’s boyfriend, fingering her pussy through those red panties, knowing that she was ‘juicing’ them as he did so, pressing his fingers into her wet split, smearing her essence, her arousal into the crotch of them before finally teasing her enough that she finally slipped them off, tossing them off to one side.

I wasn’t interested in watching them fuck, which they now began to do. And besides that, I wasn’t too keen on getting caught watching them either, with Stacy’s newfound adult status, I had no leverage on her whatsoever, so telling mom and dad that she had caught me spying on her while she and her boyfriend “messed around” as she called it, would have had me doing dishes for months.

I slowly backed out of the room, glancing off to one side as I did so at the pile of laundry waiting to be done, saw another, almost identical pair of my sister’s panties to those she had just taken off, sitting on top of the pile, and hurriedly grabbed them on my way out of the room and then back upstairs to my own.

I made it safely back into my own room of course, closed and locked the door, then hurriedly stripped, jumping into bed holding my sister’s panties in hand. I carefully examined the crotch, saw the telltale stain of her female secretions, and then placed her soiled panties over my cock and began to pleasure myself. I enjoyed the feel of the silk-like material as it caressed my prick. Another reason I enjoyed masturbating myself with them. But I also had the mental stimulus of soon adding my own spunk to that of my sister’s, though again it wasn’t the fact that it was my sister’s fluids in the panties I held, but only that it was female cream that I was adding my own with. Again, not something anyone would certainly ever understand, accept, or approve of. It was a decadent, bizarre, weird desire of mine that I knew my parents would lock me up, and throw away the key, should they, or anyone else ever find out.

My thoughts were of my then girlfriend, the brief encounter where she had allowed me the simple touch of her almost too small boobs, through the confines of her bra of course, gave me only a hint of hopefulness at furthered and continued explorations. But it wasn’t even that, that I was thinking about then as I stroked my cock happily with my sister’s panties. But it was the thought of Janet, my girlfriend, being aroused, which I was reasonably sure she had been, thus leaking a little anyway, and then going home afterwards, tossing her own now soiled panties in the laundry, and perhaps even masturbating herself afterwards while thinking about the way her tits had been stimulated while I’d touched them.

I came hard, the pleasure exquisite as I pumped off my fuck-juice into my sister’s twice now soiled underwear, and fell pleasantly asleep.


As was usually the case on Sunday mornings, everyone slept in. And though I had done a little of that myself, it was still early yet in comparison to everyone else’s Sunday habit as I made my way downstairs once again, not as sneakily quiet this time, as I knew my sister would be likewise sound asleep in the privacy of her new much larger bedroom. I dropped the pair of panties off back into the dirty clothes pile I had taken them from, not at all surprised to see the new addition, which now sat on top of the pile. Almost immediately, I felt my erection growing, quickly lifting the reasonably fresh pair of my sister’s red panties, inspecting them, and delighted to see the salty outlined stains of her previous evenings encounter. Immediately, I unzipped my jeans, releasing my rock-hard cock, and placed this new pair over my prick, immediately pumping a fresh morning’s cream into them before adding them back into the pile.

If it had just been this, just the rubbing off into a pair of panties, or even the occasional bra or sexy camisole, maybe it wouldn’t have been considered all that bizarre or decadent an act should I ever be found out. The problem was, it became even more than that, though this too had come about unexpectedly.

I think I owe our past President Bill Clinton, and his “Never did anything with that woman” friend of his, Monica Lewinsky, a big thank you. Hearing how they had discovered her soiled dress hanging in her closet, with his cum stains on it, sent shivers of unexpected delight coursing through me when I heard the news. I had sat in my bedroom later on that evening thinking about it, the thought of somehow doing that myself, and getting away with it more arousing than I had ever realized it could be. The problem was how, where, and whom?

And the answer to that one presented itself the following weekend.

I had gone to the mall with my girlfriend. Graduation was just a couple of weeks away, and Janet was anxious to pick out a new dress, along with a plethora of matching accessories along with some sexy underwear, though I knew without even asking, I’d probably never see her wearing, except on the hanger as she removed them. Taking them into a nearby dressing room to try on while I stood outside feeling nervous and more than a little silly while waiting for her, I glanced about and realized the store wasn’t very busy at the moment, and the only two clerks who seemed to even be working were both up front at the register helping one other customer.

My window of opportunity wasn’t a big one, but it was an opportunity to do something that I had for the past week now been thinking about. Once again glancing about, ensuring that it was reasonably safe, I sauntered over to a clothing rack that held a variety of rather sexy and somewhat revealing negligee’s, a couple of which Janet had actually thumbed through, teasingly commenting on earlier, and then taking one of them with her to try on. I knew that she would be a while inside the dressing room she’d gone into judging by the number of items she had taken in with her, none of which I knew I would see her model for me, so there was no fear or worry about her coming out and asking for my opinion.

I was also, already fully erect, my prick throbbing with eager anticipation. I then pretended to thumb through some of the items on the rack we’d just gone through, keeping an eye out on the front counter, which was also conveniently situated next to the door so I could also see the arrival of any additional customers who might come in and head back towards me. Unzipping my jeans, I hadn’t worn any briefs beneath them, going “commando” as it was called, quickly unleashing my prick, grabbing the garment in front of me, one which had a nice soft slippery feel to it, and wrapped it around my prick, thus stroking myself as I stood there, keeping an eye on everyone, along with a peripheral glance towards the dressing room where my girlfriend was.

The excitement I felt was unbelievable. The added danger perhaps of getting caught, doing what I was doing as I stood there with the clerks occasionally looking my way. Seeing me as I continued on with the pretend nervousness of being a single guy waiting around in a woman’s lingerie store, was just enough to keep them at bay, as they no doubt took pity on my being there, having to wait patiently for my girlfriend as she tried on things that even they no doubt somehow knew I would never see.

I felt the first delicious surge of pleasure racing up the length of my cock, I wanted to watch this however, not just wanting to off load my spunk into the material as I jerked off, but watch it as it splashed against it, soaking the material that had so teased and delighted my prick with the feel of it. So aroused as I was, I truly hadn’t expected the volume or intensity that came as I did, standing there watching my spunk as it soared from the head of my prick, splashing against the black satin like material of the nightgown I still held, though holding it away from my cock, seeing ribbon after ribbon of my spunk splashing against it, the contrast of my white sticky semen clinging to it sending even greater shivers of delight coursing up and down my spine.

“Well? What do you think?”

I jumped. I’d been so engrossed in my pleasure, watching my spunk as it hit and clung to the material I’d stood holding, jerking myself off against, that I hadn’t heard or seen Janet as she actually emerged from the dressing room briefly, though not quite stepping all the way out. She had indeed surprised me in more ways than one. She was in fact wearing this same sexy camisole nightgown that I had just finished relieving myself against. It covered her just enough, hiding away the real interesting bits, that she had for whatever reason, decided to give me a tantalizingly teasing taste of how she looked in it, without giving anything away.

“Hot!” I told her. “You look damn fucking hot!”

She had smiled at the hot part, which is probably where I should have left it. But she quickly tossed me a disapproving look at hearing the “F” word as she called it, and immediately disappeared back inside the dressing room, which is actually what I needed and wanted her to do as I quickly put my prick back inside my jeans zipping up, then casually repositioned the now very soiled, very sticky garment I’d been fondling back in amongst the others, and soon after as casually as possible, sauntered away though standing closer now to the actual dressing room, once again appearing bored and uneasy at having to stand around there.

Moments later Janet came out, and much to my chagrin, had chosen not to purchase the same black camisole she’d just modeled for me. There was a brief momentary fear that one of the clerks would too soon discover what I had done, remember it was me, and then of course all hell would break loose no doubt.

“Here, hang this back up for me,” Janet said handing me the sudden discard, which I was only too happy to do for her. We soon reached the register, Janet paying for the few items she had chosen, and we left with several “come back soons” and quickly headed off to the food court for something to eat.

It had also been our intention to take in a movie, so while eating we discussed a number of shows that were playing, finally coming to a consensus of one we both wanted to see. It was a recent release, and a very popular one, so we knew it would be crowded, which it was after we had purchased our tickets and gone inside. Forced to take seats much higher up than I would have preferred, we settled in to watch the movie.

We had taken a couple of available seats in the middle of an upper row, Janet going in ahead of me of course, sitting down, as I then did, next to a rather good looking middle aged woman who was there either with her husband or boyfriend. We smiled politely at one another as I scooted by, taking my seat next to her. And as good as the movie was, I couldn’t help but occasionally glance at her, fantasies of cumming on her, or rather cumming on the outfit she was wearing, suddenly filling my mind, as well as the blood in my prick as I sat there, a full blown erection making it almost uncomfortable for me to even do as the movie finally drew to an end.

With the credits rolling, the theatre remained dark as everyone stood and attempted to file out, it was a congested mess with so many people there. Janet and I slowly followed behind the couple we’d been sitting next to, everyone watching their feet more than anything else, trying to see the dimly lit guides on the floor directing everyone out. Jacket in hand as I barely moved, almost tip-toeing behind the other couple, I managed to unzip my fly, my cock already springing forth though I hid it well enough with my jacket, balancing it against myself as my hand rapidly began stroking my prick, we moved a few steps, once again waiting as people converged, halting our progress, my hand slippery against the head of my cock, just jerking the head really, though I very often produced and brought about a rather quick orgasm this way whenever I needed or wanted to. And under the circumstances, I needed to do both. I felt the sensation of orgasmic delight racing up the length of my prick, moving my jacket off to one side briefly, saw the first shot of my spunk as it flew from the head of my prick, splashing against the pair of jeans the woman in front of me was wearing. I watched as yet another hit near the same spot on her ass before thrusting my still spending prick back inside of my own jeans, though zipping them up now was out of the question. I merely held my jacket in front of me, soon after taking a different path the moment one became available to us, and led Janet out a different way as we left the theatre.

“Good movie!” Janet said, “really exciting wasn’t it?”

“Oh yeah, damn exciting,” I agreed as we left the mall and headed back out to the parking lot.

By the time we arrived at the car, I was no longer erect of course, holding open the door for Janet as she climbed in. As she did, she glanced over, saw my zipper was down and giggled.

“Hey baby…your zippers down,” she informed me still giggling over it. “I wonder how long it’s been like that?” she wondered aloud.

Once again, I feigned a bit of embarrassment, quickly zipping myself up, and then walked around to my side of the car getting in. I soon after drove Janet home, dropping her off as she had evening plans with her parents, and then drove home myself, though I once again unzipped my jeans, released my prick, and stroked myself off once again during the drive, enjoying and reliving the memories of both of my unexpected encounters. I knew then even as I did so, that I would do so again, and was already trying to envision of where and how I might go about doing just that.


We weren’t rich, not by a long shot, but my parents were well enough off that it allowed my mother to hire in a woman to do some general house cleaning twice a week. It was one of her few real luxuries the way she saw it, as she hated to do house cleaning, or laundry, though Stacy and I were also supposed to handle our own. Carlotta was in her mid to late forties, a fairly attractive woman that had been working for my mother for several months now. I got along reasonably well with her, and one of the reasons I really liked her was because though she was the “maid” as mother referred to her, she didn’t really act like one, not really taking any guff from anyone, going about her business of cleaning which she did thoroughly. But I admired the fact that she could do that with an air of confidence about her, often chasing either my mother or father out of the way if they happened to be there while she cleaned. Though she did have one annoying habit which I didn’t care too much for, was knocking yes, one knock on my bedroom door, and then stepping in whether I’d invited her in or not. A locked door meant no cleaning, and though I would have preferred her not even coming in to do that, since I wasn’t very good at doing it myself, mom had insisted that I allow her in at the very least once a week. And as I had already missed the first attempt, I didn’t dare miss another.

The problem was, I wasn’t expecting her to come in when she did. Usually, Carlotta arrived in the early afternoon, spent three or so hours cleaning, and then left. I had once again confiscated both a bra as well as a matching pair of my sister’s panties, a tiger striped design that I found peculiarly sexy, and loved the feel of. I hadn’t had the opportunity to do anything with them until now, as my sister had been hanging around, finally going off to do some shopping with mother. Dad had left earlier, as he usually did to spend the day over at a buddies house watching the college football game, especially with Carlotta coming by that afternoon to do cleaning, and he hated it when he was trying to watch the game as she ran through the house with the vacuum on.

So with all that, I was finally left all alone, plenty of time on my hands to sit back, enjoy a nice leisurely stroke, and dump a nice wad inside my sister’s bra and panties.

I was so engrossed in doing that, that I didn’t even hear the first knock, nor would I have had time to do anything even if I had. Seconds later, Carlotta walked into my room carrying her cleaning gear and stopped stone cold there in the doorway as she looked over at me, sitting upon my bed, cock in hand, my sister’s bra and panties wrapped around it like a present, with me sitting there eyes closed, just jerking away without a care or a worry in the world as I did so.

“My husband enjoys doing it that way too,” she said simply.

I think I must have jumped three feet straight up in the air, though I know it only seemed that way, sitting there, eyes wide open now, the damage already done, so there was no point in even trying to hide what I was doing, let alone remove the offending garments as that would have only revealed my hard prick entirely.

I don’t know what it was I expected to happen either in that brief moment of time when I heard the sound of her voice, not hearing really what she had said, only that she had said something, and there I was, jerking myself off into my sister’s underwear. I thought then that I’d hear her scream out, yell something in Spanish, perhaps even come over and take a swipe at me with her feather dust broom or something, but certainly not what I only then realized she had said, as she calmly stood there looking at me.


“I said, my husband enjoys pleasuring himself that way too,” she said now walking over to actually sit on the side of the bed, which stunned me even more when she did so. “And I love it very much when I watch him,” she added smiling at me, which I had seen her do before of course, but never in quite the same way that I saw her smiling now. “Do you mind if I do?” she then asked.

I was still speechless up until that moment, but then I finally found my own voice, though it honestly quivered a little when I spoke.

“You’re uh…. you’re husband enjoys doing this too?” I somehow managed, realizing as I said that, I had just confessed to doing it more than once, though even that thought would have appeared ridicules under the circumstances, though I had briefly entertained saying that by way of some excuse for what she’d just caught me doing.

“Very much so, and even I find it very erotic whenever he does, though mostly, he prefers shooting himself onto me instead while I watch him.”

“Oh my God!” I thought to myself as I continued to sit there looking over at her.

“So…is it ok then if I watch you?” she asked once again. “I promise I will not say anything to anyone of what I see here,” she said with an edginess to her tone of voice, that told me she was actually aroused, or at the very least, becoming so.

“He uh…he uh…. likes to squirt it on you?” I then asked, my hand once again fondling my prick beneath the material, the movement not going unnoticed as I did so, Carlotta’s eyes immediately drawn towards it.

“Oh yes, all the time,” she grinned, “Every day in fact,” she added lustfully, “and I too enjoy it when he does, I love seeing his creamy sperm splattering against my clothing, especially if I am wearing something dark in color.”

I felt my cock suddenly harden even more if that were possible, allowing the material I had been stroking myself with to fall off to one side, now allowing her to see my hard swollen prick in all its majestic glory.

“You have a very nice hard stiff prick,” she said in her somewhat broken English, though again I could hear a lusty edge in her tone of voice as she did so. “Have you ever cum on someone who is clothed?” she asked, “Or do you prefer just jerking off into a pair of panties or something?”

She could see it in my eyes that I had, even before I had answered her directly, her smile suddenly widening. “I prefer the later,” I stated, though I think my answer wasn’t as clear to her as I’d intended. Seeing the confused expression on her face, I made it a lot clearer for her. “I like squirting on women’s clothes while they’re wearing them.”

Now she really grinned. “Would you like?” she asked.

There was no mistaking that. “Yes! Yes I would!” I replied enthusiastically.

“Not here,” she said, and I thought when she said that, meaning here in my room.

“On here,” she then said, as she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing to me as she did that she happened to be wearing a black lace bra beneath it. “Here,” she said grinning. “You like?”

It was obvious to me, long before now even, that Carlotta had some reasonably nice-sized tits, though that’s about as far as I’d ever let my imagination go concerning her. Now however, as she finished removing her blouse, sitting there beside me, her full breasts half spilling out of the top of her bra, I realized just how big they really were, the hint of a very dark areola just winking at me out of one side of one of them, as she readjusted herself, the lace in front giving a further hint as to the size of them as the thin almost see-thru material gave way not only to their coloration, but the enormous diameter of them as well.

“You cum on my tits for me then?” she asked hotly. “You spurt your semen all over them both yes?”

“Yes, yes…and fuck yes!” I told her, my arousal suddenly way off the charts as I now rolled, kneeling on the bed beside her, stroking my dick, rubbing it in fact against the front of her breasts, across them, feeling the soft material of her bra as I pressed the head of my dick against it, against her tits, then slapping my prick against her as well, all the while as she cupped them for me, urging me on with her sexy sounding accent, now punctuated with erotic words, thoughts and ideas as I found myself now having the time of my life!

“I like seeing you, play with your dick!” She spoke urging me on, “I like feeling it slapping my breasts,” she added, watching me do that. “And I will like it even more…seeing it squirting all over my black bra, so I can wear it, your cum drying on it, seeing it later, and remembering the way your prick spurted all over them.”

Just hearing that was enough. A mere second later, I was doing just that, squirting and spraying more cum than I think I ever had before, the volume of it shooting out, hitting her bra covered breasts as she gleefully and excitedly laughed, watching it, catching it, both of us seeing it splatter, sticking against her bra, much to both our delight.

“Yes! Yes! Cum! Spurt! Squirt on me!” she wailed enthusiastically, even as the volume finally ebbed, though my prick still yet throbbing wildly, excitedly. Carlotta scooped what portions had actually hit flesh instead, of which there was a great deal of, sliding her hand down inside her bra, coating her breasts as I realized it with my spunk, seeking more if it, and then doing the other. “This will feel much pleasurable as I work,” she then told me. “And…I will be able to smell your cumming all day while I do.”

And then as though nothing had even happened, she put her blouse back on, though the knowledge that she now wore a cum-covered bra beneath it, even then gave a twitch to my cock as she began busying herself with dusting my room. I slipped out of bed, jumped into a pair of jeans as she did, still trying to convince myself this had really just happened.

“You may…whenever you’d like, when I am here, and it is safe…cum on me again, no matter what I am doing, ok?”

“Ok,” I answered simply, grinning broadly myself now upon realizing I had stumbled into the perfect fantasy of sorts. Though the incidents at the mall had been exciting, the danger associated with doing that had been almost too dangerous to contemplate ever doing again. But now, I’d been given the perfect opportunity to continue on with my fetish, and with someone who would indeed appreciate, understand, and accept it without any sort of judgment whatsoever!

“And I bring you…some panties,” she said gathering up my sister’s which she soon after took with her downstairs to wash.

I wasn’t sure what she had really meant by that either, but decided to let it go for the moment, whatever she had meant, I was now sure I would discover soon enough, and delightfully so whenever that was.

I sat for a moment after she had left, hearing her as she bustled about the house cleaning, wondering if she had indeed meant what she’d said when she’d said it, sometimes, though I usually understood her clearly, the words spoken which I used, or which she did, didn’t always necessarily mean the same thing. But it was also a difficult thing for me to entirely misinterpret as well, and as I sat there thinking about it, wondering…I felt my prick once again stiffening, and decided to test it out, see if what she had told me, was indeed what she had actually and literally meant by it.

I could hear her down stairs, whistling, which she usually always did whenever she stood sorting out the laundry. I quickly headed down, soon after reaching the landing, unzipping my jeans, my prick once again hard. With it sticking out in front of me, I then walked the short distance down the hall, entered in through the open portion of the laundry room frame work where she looked up, spotting me immediately dropping a load of clothes into the washer, and then turning towards me.

“Again?” She smiled with a bit of surprise in her eyes as she saw me, saw my hard prick even then bobbing up and down of its own accord.

“Yes!” I replied, the word coming out more as a hiss…lust filling my mind, envisioning what I might do, or how.

“Where would you like?” she asked. “Or you rather just come here and do it?”

“Your…panties?” I asked, wondering if that’s what she’d meant earlier. Had she offered her panties to me to jerk off with, and into, or…onto, as I now decided I actually preferred and wanted to do.

These too were black, as I hoped they might be, especially as she had been wearing a black bra. Carlotta unzipped her jeans pulling them down though keeping them around her thighs, just revealing to me as she did so, the black matching lace panties that she wore, surprising me a little that she would be. But then again, I was learning more about her with each passing second, discovering as I did, there was a lot more to Carlotta than meets the eye.

I began jerking myself off once again, just standing there looking at her as she stood, then she in turn surprised me even more, slipping her hand down inside the waistband of her panties, obviously fingering herself momentarily before withdrawing it, then showing me a bit of glistening fluid on her fingers, which she now smeared on the front of her panties, pressing inwards so that the outline of her lips clearly showed through, the crevice of her cunt, now sucking in the material, which stayed captured inside her, her fingers again smearing more of her female juice upon them, and through the material, which I also now knew must be leaking through from the other side as well.

“Fuck that’s hot!” I said openly.

“You like?” she asked once again, and once again reaching down inside to gather up even more of her own moisture, her fingers busily smearing it, playing in it, rubbing it around the still confined lips of her pussy.

“Yes!” I told her.

“You come, stand…bring me your prick,” she told me, and then held open the top of her bikini panties, taking my cock in her own hand, slipping it beneath the hem, allowing it to close around me. I next felt it as she caressed my prick, the material smooth, soft and slippery against my organ, though I also felt the softness of her bare flesh as well, the head of my dick actually being tickled by the soft bit of fur that surrounded her cunt, the wetness of us both, slippery slick as my prick yielded an abundance of lubrication, just as her own wet cunt was also doing.

“You cum for me again yes?”

“Yes!” I told her breathlessly.

“You squirt in my squirt?”

“Yes!” I said again.

“You fill my panties with cum that I wear all day then yes?”

“Yes! Yes! Fuck Yes!” I exclaimed, and then felt the rapturous discharge of my spunk as it once again poured out of my dick, spilling as I knew it to be doing, filling up the crotch of her own juicy underwear, as she too moaned in delight, soon joining me in her own precious orgasmic release.


Saturdays quickly became my favorite day of the week. Carlotta even changed her schedule slightly, coming earlier now as we both knew, my mother and sister would usually go out, as my father always did, leaving the two of us alone. There were still a few times of course, when either mom or my sister would still be hanging around, making it even more interesting, giving it an edge of excitement and danger as I would soon seek her out, wherever she might be, doing whatever she might be doing, and then quickly discharge a load of my spunk onto her. I did so, usually against her bra which she’d present to me, or again as we had, slipping down her jeans, or even pulling up the sundresses she’d begun wearing to work in, allowing us an even greater freedom of ease in order to allow me to cum on her panties. She would wear various and differing dark colors so we could both enjoy the erotically wicked sight of my semen clinging abstractly against the material as it ran down.

One day shortly after her arrival, which I’d been eagerly anticipating, she came immediately upstairs to my room, reaching into her purse she soon withdrew something, then handing it to me, which I accepted, unfolding as I did, realizing what I’d been given. A dark blue pair of bikini underwear, but I also realized as I looked at them they were far smaller than those I had seen her wearing.

“Whose?” I asked curiously, though already turning them inside out, seeing the white splotch so clearly stained within the crotch of them.

“My daughters,” she said. “I will need to return them,” she added, “to wash, clean…but not until you have enjoyed adding your semen to them.”

“Wow!” Was all I could think of to say at the moment, surprised by this, and then understanding what she had told me weeks ago about bringing me some panties.

“May I? Make you to cum in them?” she asked me.

I was both surprised and delighted by her request. As much as I enjoyed, truly enjoyed jerking myself off with the feel of a nice silky, satin like smoothness against my cock while I did, I had never yet, nor thought I ever would, feel someone else doing that for me.

“Really? Oh hell yes!” I told her more excited now that ever, immediately undressing, scooting back into my bed, head propped against my pillows, cock all nice and stiff as I sat back waiting for her.

Carlotta soon joined me on the bed, she had worn a simple cotton shift, something I had seen her wearing more and more often now. Sitting in bed next to me, she bunched up the hem, showing me she had indeed worn my favorite pair of her underwear, some silky blue ones that allowed a nice discoloration to show through when she became aroused, to which I could see was already beginning to happen.

“May I then?” I then asked, watching as she shook her head yes, her hand already surrounding my stiff prick with her daughter’s stained panties, my fingers now playing in the slickness of her lips, still shielded by the material, yet already slick with the lubricant now soaking through them.

Carlotta jerked me, and I fingered her, the sensation of the material around my prick as she slowly and lovingly stroked me was exquisite, as was the sensation of my own probing fingers as I pressed the material of Carlotta’s panties into her cunt about as far as I could manage it. I loved the feeling, the silkiness of her lubrication soaking through them soon clinging to my finger tips as I continued to work them back and forth, up and down, and then eventually locating her hard knot of a clit, wrapping around it a thin bit of material, which I also used to jerk her off with, as she continued doing to me.

Watching one another climax in this way, hearing the pleasured sighs of release that we gave to one another was music to my ears, and something I had grown so fond of enjoying with her, that I had begun losing interest, or any real desire to continue on seeing Janet. I knew and realized of course, that nothing more could, or ever would be possible with Carlotta. At some point, this would inevitably come to an end, and when it did, I would feel the loss of so simple a pleasure.

I had decided then to see if pursuing this with Janet was even remotely possible. We had during the course of the past few weeks gone out together a few times, and somewhat to my surprise, at Janet’s coaxing, not my own even, as I had all but given up even trying, had hinted at, and then all but came out and started things herself by unzipping my pants, openly fondling my prick, inviting me to do the same thing to her.

Which I did, though initially, far more content to simply rub her between the legs, enjoying the sensation of doing so through her cotton panties, which I enjoyed, though the texture and softness of them wasn’t quite what I preferred feeling. Still, I could feel the liquid moisture beginning to seep through them as Janet became more and more aroused, so much so, she eventually forced my hand, my fingers inside her cunt instead. And though I did indeed finger-fuck her, and eventually got her off, the experience for me wasn’t quite as erotic, or as arousing as I also would have preferred.

I knew after arriving home that evening that I would never have or ever know the same level of excitement with Janet that I had known and shared with Carlotta.

I became somewhat moody in fact because of it, everyone keeping their distance from me over the next several days, finally informing Janet that I honestly didn’t see any real future together, which merely darkened my mood even more. The only bright spot for me of course being Saturday, once again expectantly looking forward to Carlotta’s arrival, though even that seemed to have less enthusiasm and excitement for me than it usually did.

She immediately sensed it too, and we sat as I poured out my fears and concerns to her, sharing with her how I felt, what I knew I needed and enjoyed, and how I had also come to grips with, that Janet could never be that, or ever do that for me in the way I might wish her to do.

And Carlotta understood, just as I knew that she would, and then she said something that as she often did, surprised me.

“You must come to know and meet my daughter,” she told me.

I knew very little about her, only her name and the fact that she was a year older than I was in fact. She had according to Carlotta, gone through a countless number of boyfriends, dating for a while, but soon losing interest in each for one reason or another.

“I think only, your mother and father will not approve of this,” she told me then worriedly. “I am a working for your mother, not to be your mother in law,” she said reasoning things out in a way that I could understand her own honest concerns.

“I will date, and see, and marry whomever I feel like,” I told her, though not meaning I was already thinking in those terms about a woman I hadn’t even met as yet.

“Then you will meet her, and see if she is or can be for you, this woman you hope for,” Carlotta told me.

I laughed it off, not thinking it seriously possible, having never even seen her for one, though if she looked even remotely like her mother, I could, and would indeed, no doubt find her attractive.

“Yes,” I said. “Yes. I would very much like to meet her.”


In the meantime, I still had my Saturdays with Carlotta, enjoying the all too brief moments we had when she would come over to do the cleaning. But we made a game out of it when she did, something we both very much enjoyed. One afternoon she had gone into the upstairs bathroom to clean, and though my mother was downstairs in the kitchen baking, I had watched her go in, timing it so that I had a nice firm erection, soon after walking into the bathroom myself where she knelt on the floor scrubbing out the bath tub. I had noticed she had once again worn one of her work-shifts, giving me an idea as I stood in the bathroom doorway looking at her. Carlotta looked back over her shoulder at me smiling, especially when she saw me standing there fisting my rock-hard prick.

“You must hurry,” she said. “Your mother is just downstairs.”

I wasn’t too worried about it, I knew that the moment anyone even began coming upstairs across the hardwood floor before reaching them I would hear them. Even so, the warning wasn’t without merit, along with the urgency. Carlotta didn’t even say anything, our “game” now being one we both understood all too well. She quickly hiked up her shift, bunching it up so that she continued to lean over the tub. I walked over standing behind her, stroking myself, and felt the first delicious ejaculate already racing up my prick, watching as it shot out, seeing ribbon after ribbon of my spunk landing against her back, mostly against the black material of her bikini panties until only the dribblings of my cum remained. Walking over to her then, I pressed my prick against her ass, smearing and rubbing off the last remnants of my spending against them.

“Someone’s comming,” I warned suddenly having heard the all too familiar footsteps crossing the floor heading towards the stairway. Quickly sticking my prick back inside my jeans, just as Carlotta readjusted the shift she was wearing once again covering her backside, which I now knew was sticky wet with my spending. Having no time to exit the bathroom myself now, I merely turned grabbing my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth at the sink as Carlotta began rinsing out the tub. Mom passed by on her way to her room, giving me a quick smile as she passed and continued on without another word into her own room. Carlotta had by now stood, gathering up her cleaning supplies and passed by me, but not before running a finger along her backside, gathering up a bit of my spunk which she showed me as it stuck to her finger, licking it off with a smile and a wink as she then headed back down the stairs to finish up with the laundry. I smiled in thinking about that, as I had managed to leave her several cum-filled pairs of my sister’s panties for her, along with a very special silk handkerchief she had given me as a gift for really special strokings.

That too had been another one of her pleasant surprises. As I had begun doing, much to my mother’s surprise, though she was glad to see me doing a better job of picking up after myself, and in a sense making less work for Carlotta, I had stripped the sheets from my bed, and as was now usual, carried them downstairs to the laundry room where I knew Carlotta now to be as she sorted it out in preparation for washing it. Not at all surprised to hear me coming down the stairs, as it was now pretty much expected and anticipated that I would be, Carlotta turned towards me as I rounded the corner.

“I have a present for you,” she said lifting the lightweight sweater she was wearing. And indeed she did, though at first I wasn’t sure what it was I was really looking at. She had managed to place a black silk scarf over her braless breasts. It looked sexy as hell when I realized what it was. “Come, fuck my tits,” she told me. Closing the lid on the hamper, she sat down on it, the perfect height as I walked over. Wrapping my prick in the delightfully slick material, she then pressed her magnificent full breasts around it as well and began jerking me off with them as I stood before her. It was the most incredible sensation, standing there watching as she cupped her breasts, capturing my black silked wrapped dick as she worked it lovingly up and down.

“Fuck this is nice!” I told her delightedly hearing her giggle.

“Even more nice to come,” she informed me, though at first I had no idea what it was that she had meant by that.

I knew that no one else was home at the moment, everyone out doing their own thing, so when I heard someone’s voice calling out from the kitchen upstairs, I was a little surprised by it.

“It is Theresa,” she informed me. “I told her to come over and to meet you,” she said simply, and then yelled out at the top of her voice, informing Theresa where we were. I began to step back, but she held me in place seeing the wild-eyed expression on my face. “Not to worry,” she added, and continued to slow stroke my prick even as the sound of footsteps starting to come down the stairs reached my ears.

Theresa was a spitting image of her mother, though younger. Her long dark hair fell well past her shoulders, her olive complexion exotic, dark brown eyes, full lips that smiled warmly as she rounded the corner, seeing me as I stood there, my cock still comfortably held between her mother’s breasts.

“Do you like it?” she asked walking over to stand next to us, her hand already reaching out to wrap itself around my silk covered member, which she then took over the stroking for, though still rubbing it up and down between her own mother’s tits.

“Ah…ah, yes,” I said a little dumbfounded by all of this, obviously surprised, but now more excited than ever at finally meeting Theresa, though I would certainly never have expected to be doing it quite this way.

“Mother has told me very much about you,” she said as she stood fondling my prick. “I have been very anxious to finally come over and meet you.”

It was almost funny, as she stood shaking my cock in greeting rather than my hand as we stood there conversing.

“You will have a nice creamy load for this yes?” Carlotta asked me.

“No doubt!” I responded, already the sensation of orgasmic bliss beginning to tickle my balls.

I felt the first gigantic eruption of my sperm begin soaking the scarf as Theresa excitedly pumped it out of me, still doing so between her mother’s tits until she had milked out each and every drop, only then releasing me, unfolding the scarf to reveal the white sticky mess I had placed there. I then watched in amazement as she removed her blouse along with the bra she was wearing, revealing yet another pair of amazing breasts, each one also capped with enormous dark brown nipples, so wonderfully erect. Reversing the scarf, Theresa then placed it against herself, smearing the fresh cream against her own breasts, caressing and rubbing them with the scarf, the pleasured look in her eyes telling me in an instant that I wanted this woman more than anyone I had ever met before.

“You two go and get acquainted,” Carlotta told us both. “I have much work to do here,” she added only then covering her likewise gorgeous looking tits. She quickly shooed Theresa and I back up the stairs, where we immediately headed up to my room.

“Would you like to see my creamy pussy?” she asked the moment we had entered my bedroom.

“Hell yes!” I said, amazed to feel my prick already stiffening once again as I stood there watching her undress.

Theresa spread herself out onto my bed then, her hairless split winking at me as she spread herself with her fingers, the female nectar she was already producing, oozing erotically, sensually out of her cunt as she snatched it up with her finger offering it to me. I quickly took it, sucking it off her finger delighted with her sweet delicious taste.

Producing the black silk scarf still fresh with my most recent spending, Theresa once again wrapped it about my reawakened hard stiff cock. Leading me towards the opening of her delicate wet glistening split, she placed the head of my now wrapped penis against her.

“Fuck me,” she said hotly. “Let us mix our juices together!”


Three months later we were engaged. Three months after that, I stood waiting for her as her father walked her down the aisle towards me.

At first, my own parents were dead-set against it of course, and did everything in their power to keep us from getting married. But Theresa as I quickly discovered was in fact, the love of my life. I had landed a decent job, though Theresa had an even better one. I’d put myself through school at nights, with or without the help my parents had always promised to give me, setting aside funds over the years that were to be used for my college education. When they realized they couldn’t use that to deter me either, they finally relented and came to accept not only Theresa, but her entire family into ours.

And yes, Carlotta still works for my mother, but she got a nice raise out of it as well.

I stood looking at my bride to be as she approached, smiling at the promise of such a bright, fun-filled future together. She wore as was traditional, something borrowed, something new, something old, something blue.

But not everyone knew what was what of course. The dress being the same one her mother had been married in, fitting her just as wonderfully as I knew it must have fit her mother. But she also wore a pair of dark blue panties beneath the dress, those borrowed from her own mom, the new…being the fresh creamy deposit of cum I had placed in them earlier that morning, handing them then to Carlotta to give to Theresa to wear, which I of course knew that she was.

We stood side by side, vows given, taken. Giving me her secret sly smile, the one she always did when she felt the erotic sensation of my cum dampening her panties along with her own as she turned towards me and said, “I do…and I always will.”

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