
"My name is Nario. You are Mr. Armstead?"
"Yes. I was expecting my uncle."
"He could not come. I am his boy."
Yes, I'll just bet you are, I thought. But then he clarified, if not enough to make a difference to me.
"I am his houseboy. Welcome to Naples, Mr. Armstead."
"Call me Harry, Please. Is it far from here to Positano?"
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Jade sat at the dining room table and re-read her paper for the tenth time. She started out telling herself that she would finish up some notes on one endless section of her dissertation, just to make sure that it was cohesive. That was four hours ago. At this point, she was exhausted and done with the whole damn thing.
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My name is Jenny Blithe. At the time of writing I am in my mid fifties. I have been married once, to Tom, who died in a skiing accident about five years after we got married. I have had two lovers since then, but neither of them worked out, the first turning out to be a lout, and the second a foul-mouthed pig. After that I gave up and contented myself with a dildo.
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