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The Receptionist

Category: BDMS
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At the front door to the gym I looked to my left for no reason at all and espied a young woman dressed in a black pant suit walking toward me with plastic bags in her hands. It had been some time since I did something nice for someone and so I waited. She was the club's receptionist and waiting for her was a small price to pay for the view I received.
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I Want Holly

Category: Fetish
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Not long after graduating from college with my bachelors, I moved into a house with some of my frat brothers for about two years. I was lucky enough to find a great job that I knew from the start would lead to bigger things if I worked hard enough. The hours were limited, however, so I found myself with more free time on my hands than I wished for.
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Travel to Sicily

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My name is Jeff and when I was 18, after graduating high school and before starting college, I went to Italy by myself to do some solo traveling for a few weeks before meeting up with friends later in the trip. I had learned a bunch of Italian in high school, and was looking forward to immersing myself in the language to really learn it.
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Much to Allison’s Surprise

Category: Mature
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Mark Walker was sitting at a table for four in what was rapidly becoming a crowded bar. The place had been almost empty when he came in thirty minutes before, but was quickly filling with an after work crowd. Normally, Mark would have been facing the room but he had some work documents he needed to read and didn't want to spend any more time in his hotel room than necessary, so he had ducked into the bar figuring he would have a Manhattan while he worked. Who says men can't multi-task?
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Rainbow Stone and Tile

Category: Gay Male
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"Are you kidding me! Look George this remodel is already three weeks behind schedule...I don't care, I'm not going to wait another month to have the counters done. Find some new guys... more expensive? I knew that was coming. Alright, ...tomorrow then, bye."
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