
As the group walked down the path in the state park, Jared pulled me aside to look at a flower.
As we were bent over, he whispered to me, "I want you to find a reason to get Frenchie alone for a few minutes. When you are out of sight of everyone, I want you to offer him a blowjob, right then and there. The group is going to be stopping by the stream to look for fossils, so you'll have time to catch up. When you get back to us, squeeze my hand twice if you accomplished your mission.
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I am the main character. I am 18 years old. My sister is Sally. She is younger than me but also 18 years old. We are both of the age to legal consent. Even though incest is still illegal anyway. Deeeerp. Now I tells story...
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"You ready for another one?" he heard his buddy Tony ask.
"No man." He responded with a drunken slur, not even bothering to lift his head from the bar. "I'm good."
"Where you staying tonight?" Tony questioned.
"Probably at my folks house." he slurred in response. "Thankfully ... my mom hasn't ... touched my room since I moved out."
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I had been reveling in Talia Dean's need for me. She came, practically on her knees, to get me to give it up to her. Considering I was a scrawny 150-pound nobody, it was nice. Here she was, the star quarterback's girlfriend in my room almost every night telling me how much she needed me and how much she appreciated me slipping it to her on the side.
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CONNIE O'MALLEY HAD NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED IN HER LIFE, not since she'd been named Captain of the cheerleading squad at the beginning of the school year. She felt powerful, as if she could do anything. She knew that only she could be doing what she was doing now and come away from it smelling like roses. The other girls would call it shameful and wear it like sackcloth, never living it down.
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