
She knew she shouldn't be out. It was late, nearly midnight already. The full moon glowed high in the sky, illuminating the path in front of her in the hazy shades of silver and blue~fae light she'd always heard it called. She sighed and moved gracefully along the path. She knew it so well now, traveled it as often as she could, as often as nature allowed.
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Pamela had already made the picnic and packed it into a wicker basket when the boys arrived. She'd cleaned the kitchen as well, been a thorough little domestic goddess with her mom and dad away for the week. And finally she had changed from jogging pants and T-shirt into her costume. Nothing outlandish, just a simple white-muslin dress and sandals, and then to the garden to pluck daisies and buttercups and ring them into a crown and a necklace.
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Bobbie maneuvered carefully down the dirt road that was rapidly disappearing under the heavy snow fall. Old Ned Hoover had said he saw someone prowling around the bluffs at the back of her property. Sneaking back here at the beginning of what was forecast to be the worst snow storm of the year was not necessarily smart, but she was well prepared for weather and trouble.
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Life on The Sea Siren was not an easy one, to be a hard core fisherman on the Bering Sea you had to be tough and willing to work hard. October and January are the best times for fishing for king crab.
Joel was the son of the captain of The Sea Siren, he had worked last season as a greenhorn, this season he was working as a full crewmen.
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"Just look at the view from this place!" screamed the excited new associate. The balcony at the Metropolitan Theatre overlooked the multitude of rows of patrons shuffling to their seats, getting ready for the show to begin.
"Get used to it," said Heather Franklin. "We're in the big league now."
"And to think we're barely starting out at the firm," said her animated friend. "Did you see the signing bonus? It's more than everyone at our old place made put together."
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My boss came in one day and told me that I still had three days of vacation left from last year, which I had to use up within a month, otherwise I'd lose it. That surprised me, because I thought I had used up all my vacation when my wife Gina and I went to Hawaii last year. Apparently not. My boss asked me when I wanted to take the time off. Well, it was already the middle of March, and I had not done my taxes yet.
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At fifty years old I consider myself to be in pretty good shape. With my wife, Nancy, being in the military she has to continually work out to stay in shape, and that tends to have a certain amount of carryover. I mean, I can't exactly build a workout room in the house with all that equipment and not feel guilty if I don't it. So, use it I do, keeping my 6' frame down to a hundred eighty-five pounds and in pretty good trim.
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