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Nothing You Don’t See Every Day

Category: Incest
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Mom and I hadn't been up to visit Aunt Sandy, Uncle Bob and Cindy in three years, but I hardly had to wonder what Cindy would look like: our mothers were identical twins, and Cindy looked just like me: tall, slim, redheaded, and small-chested. Well, not exactly: seeing her with her hair cut short was a surprise. So that's how I'd look with short hair, I thought.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Sophia and I had known each other for several months. We had met through mutual friends and quickly discovered that we shared many of the same tastes. We both had a love for chic-lit books and foreign films. We loved good food and hated reality television with an unholy passion. Sophia and I came to enjoy each other's company and had taken every opportunity to hang out.
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