
I grew up a very attractive girl. I kept my brown hair about chin length and have what I consider to be a wonderful smile. My tummy is not a fit as some but I keep it trim enough for my taste. My legs are long, firm yet slightly larger than most girls. I have a nice bottom that is well rounded from the only exercise I ever did as a kid -- weightless squats.
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This story is my entry for the 2013 Winter Holidays Story Contest so, if you like it, please remember to vote! Thanks for taking the time to read, and Merry Christmas to all!
Katy silently sprinkled the last of the sparkling dust across the snow and looked up at the clear, night sky, watching for reindeer. Seeing the sky empty except for stars, she turned to admire her handiwork; the blanket of snow wrapped around her house shimmered with the silvery dust.
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When Lyle Quigley went to the grocery store that afternoon in June, he was expecting to pick up a few things he wife asked him to pick up and get back to enjoy the peaceful solitude of his house while the wife was at work.
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Natalie checked her make-up in the rear-view mirror of her little car. Today had been a particularly challenging day of teaching art at the local high school. Many of her students came from low-income families and were forced to steal or worse out of necessity, and were constantly in and out of juvenile detention.
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I came across two old photos recently, literally & metaphorically, because when I found them, I had to go & get my box of toys & make myself cum while I looked at the photos & reminisced.
I went for the full house of nipple clamps, butt plug, vibe & wand. The photos are quite old, not even in digital format (though they're now scanned!)and were taken at a frat' house party when I was 19, nearly fourteen years ago.
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Rachel and I had been best friends since we were eight years old. We were always there for each other, through good times and bad. We had even been each other's maids of honor when we got each got married. While we were alike in many ways, we did have some personality differences. She tended to be a little more conservative and reserved than I was. I was always up for adventure and risk while she stuck to the straight and narrow path, always doing what was "right" and always maintaining order. For her, everything had to be in its place - she tended to be a bit anal when it came to putting things back where they belonged or turning off the light when leaving a room. Yet, I still loved her like a sister.
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It was the fall of 2001. Some of my girlfriends and I had decided to go to a local professional wrestling event. The main event that night was between somebody named Buff Bagwell and this massive guy named Onyx. If anyone reads this and remembers that card, you'll remember me. It was not this match that got to me. Actually it was a match much earlier in the show. It featured a guy named The Big Voodoo Daddy. He wrestled some guy, if memory serves me right, named "Loverboy" Dennis Condrey. Well, "Loverboy" was not anything like his nickname.
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