
The Gate Attendant could barely focus as he compared the passport in his hand with the flight ticket. Both said, "Anny Santiago"...and the picture didn't do her justice. As he ripped up her ticket he managed out a meek, "Enjoy your flight".
Anny thanked the man and took back her ticket and dragged her bag through the corridor. When she passed by the gate attendant, she caught him doing a double take. She was used to it.
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It was going to be a long flight, 13 hours and 22 minutes according to the itinerary, but Josh Michaels actually resented the fact that he had to fly out of Logan airport more than the length of the flight. He had been the spokesman for his company, Tri-Elite Inc. for 3 years now, and had been on more planes than he cared to remember. This trip to Moscow was certainly the longest. They were sending him there to tout their latest development, a device that could detect radioactive traces in soil.
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I have just taken my assigned right aisle seat in first class and opened the latest issue of "Newsweek" and begun to read a story about Terrorism in Iraq and suddenly - you walk through the entrance to the seating section of the Boeing 747. There is a certain air about you as you enter; every male in the front passenger area is staring at you.
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Talk about the boot being on the other foot! Talk about the biter bitten!
I never thought that I would be head-hunted, tempted – no, seduced – into leaving our Florida office, where I was top bitch, and joining a rival company in a subordinate role. But here I was. Yes, Marie la Reine d'Ecosse, former butt-buster, was now Mary Queen of Sod-all, in an office up north. The salary was better by sixty percent, the status was good, the benefits were amazing, in fact I would have had to have been insane to turn the job down.
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I was finally boarding the plane, after making my way through the maze of airport security, when my cell phone rang. Oh, good, it was my best friend Tina! We'd been playing phone tag for a few days, and I wanted to talk to her before taking off on this business trip.
"Hey, Tina, you just caught me - I'm getting on the plane right now!"
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