
Phil Shore was a 30 something computer engineer who worked 18 hour days for an up and coming company. However the long hours were starting to wear him out and his boss became somewhat concerned.
"Phil you've been putting in a lot of extra time on this project and I really appreciate it, but its going to kill you if you don't take a break."
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Alternative Medicine
Tanya Winters stared at the red light and then glanced at her watch. She was running late and was angry with herself, since it was her own fault. She was usually very punctual and, even with two kids, managed to get them both to wherever they needed to be on time. Band camp, football practice, recitals, swimming, school, boy scouts, she put more mileage on her minivan in the first year than the total that its five-year warranty allowed.
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As women, we have all thought about it now and then. Whether it is in disgust, mild curiosity, or if it is an utter turn-on is irrelevant. When you are on the examination table, your feet are in the stirrups, and the doctor is prodding and poking you with those cold metal instruments, you are at your most vulnerable.
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