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Handling Emil

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The phone rang once. I groaned, stirring from dreams as deep as the blue eyes I had been dreaming about. The phone rang twice. I sat up and gave the phone two middle fingers. The phone rang again. "FUCK!" I shouted, lunging myself across the silk sheets to pick the damned thing up.
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Weapon of Mass Penetration

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Brad It was now a few weeks since the night Cathy collected her prize as the winner of the Supersizeme competition. The competition where she and her friend Jo competed to see who could find and fuck the guy with the biggest cock. Cathy won with my 14 inches out doing the best that Jo could come up with, a good 12 inches but sadly for her a couple of inches short. I couldn't believe that I had been able to find a girl who could take my 14 inch cock and to top it all off she was an absolute babe. She was fit, tanned and enormously well endowed with huge tits.
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Swinging with Grandma

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
There are three things I can’t resist: a cold beer on a hot day; a good business deal; and a pair of sexy legs. Here’s a story about all three. I was planning to meet my family for a quick weekend reunion at my grandmother’s farm in mid-July. At the last minute, a very good business opportunity knocked on my door. It took me two days to finalize things and I drove south to grandma’s farm early Sunday morning. I arrived at about 10 a.m. to be greeted by my parents, my grandmother, my brothers, their wives, and hordes of nephews and nieces.
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