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Helping An Old Lady

Category: Mature
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Sitting opposite me was an old lady loaded up with shopping bags. Other than her there were only two others on the train. As it neared my station I rose to go to the doors and the old lady rose also, struggling with the bags and packages. "Let me help you," I volunteered. "Thank you I seem to have overloaded myself slightly and appreciate your help," she said in a very soft voice, she smiled at me as she said this.
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The Bet

Category: Gay Male
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I had an experience when I was nineteen and in college that I’ll never forget. My college was not a “commuter college”. Most of us lived on or near campus and there weren’t any restrictions on overnight guests so hooking up with coeds was my favorite pastime. I had more than my share of luck my first semester because word quickly got out that I sported a solid ten inches.
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Something New

Category: Fetish
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I heard the door close downstairs. "Did you remember the bread?" I called down to her. "Shit! No, I'll go back." I knew she was tired but her voice said more. She was exhausted. I stood up and went down. "That's okay," I told her. "I'm out of beer anyway." I pulled my jacket from the chair where I usually 'hang' it. "Do we need anything else?" I do most of the shopping anyway, so I was pretty sure we didn't need anything critical. Still, she might want something.
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The Proposition

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
"I've never done that before, will it hurt?" she asked, sleepy eyed. We hadn't seen each other in over a month, we'd been kissing and had shed most of our clothes. The atmosphere was heavy with lust, it seemed like a good time to ask. "I don't know, beautiful, I've never done it either. If it does, we'll stop," I answered. I appraised her mood, then added, "It might just be fantastic."
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Prom Night

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I guess the best way to begin this story is to tell you about myself. I am 40 years old (absolutely true) and a widow with a nineteen year old son. I started exercising about ten years ago and have been able to maintain my figure. I'm 5' 7" and 135 pounds (well, 140) and have put on a little weight in the last couple of years, which is not all bad as it is distributed well and does include an increase in cup size (B to C). As my breasts were never that big to begin with, I don't have the kind of sag one should expect at 40. I can actually get by without a bra.
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Behind Her Smile

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The first time I saw her naked was five years after we had been living alone together. She came out of the shower with a light blue towel around her body and a white one covering her dark hair. As she walked by me to get to her room, she reached up with both hands to make an adjustment and the body wrap fell around her ankles. My eyes were filled.
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First Time with Gail, My Secretary

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My secretary, Gail, is an energetic woman and drop dead sexy. I hired her for her abilities and her looks. At thirty-seven years old, she radiates sex. The mother of three boys, she was married, at the time, to a husband with a reputation for drug abuse. She preferred blouses that showed off her large, firm tits. We loved it, but the partners were afraid of the image it set for the clients. So sadly, we asked her to cover them up.
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