
Once there was a lonely lady. Very lonely. And for far too long a time. Her neighbors were all middle-aged like her. And all were married. But not her; she had no interest in marriage nor in her neighbors' tedious husbands. It was enough to work, to cook and clean for herself. And she could please herself whenever she wanted to, and she wanted to often. But still, now and again, she felt lonely, she felt the desire to have another with whom to share some pleasure.
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You had to be living under a rock this past year not to know the economy is in the pooper. But even in these economic hard times, people continue to buy houses. So it was when the old two-story cottage beside me went up for sale in the last quarter of 2007. It sat empty for nearly a year until a middle-aged woman purchased the property.
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I'm older than most of you reading these stories, but likely just as horny as any of you. I'm 61 years old and still have a fire in the furnace. There's not much snow on the dome, and I've got more hair then most all my friends. I work out regularly and manage to keep a fairly good physique, and can still do a day's work in the fields or woods. And I'm lonely.
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