
Watching Kat's towel wrapped body, Jenna again wondered if she would have the courage to admit her real feelings. The passionate kiss in the shower the feeling of Kat's breasts pressed into hers had only increased her determination to admit her desire. Entering the kitchen, Jenna felt her heart nearly melt as Kat looked back at her and gave an encouraging smile. "Drinks first," Kat said with a big smile, her high voice sounding so sweet Jenna's knees nearly buckled. "Practice after, deal?"
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She closed the door behind her quietly as she placed her hands on my hips gently, something I loved. She leaned down and kissed me softly, lacing her tongue around mine gently, an act we had only just mastered. No longer did my nerves get the better of me, when before I would get embarrassed because I hadn't known what to do, or I had bitten her or something, now I just sunk into her grasp.
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I lurched into my dorm room and sat heavily on my bed. Natalie looked up from her studying, and raised an eyebrow. We had only been in school for three weeks, but living together 24/7 we had already bonded as friends. She knew I was upset.
"You're back early, Emma" Natalie commented. "It's not even midnight. Did Jimmy get drunk?"
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Katie lugged the heavy canoe along with the rest of her group, her arms aching. She never understood why canoes had to be carried over your head. Ahead of her, her best friend Veronica stumbled over a root, and all six of their group nearly went down. Katie snickered while the four guys making up the rest of the group grumbled about getting stuck with two girls.
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I was so annoyed when it started snowing in the morning. I was working at home since my office had closed, and Friday's noon BJJ class at the gym was canceled. At least the mats would be fresh since they usually clean them well after Thursday's night class. The snow turned to sleet as the sun set, and normally I wouldn't consider driving in that weather.
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Priyanka looked around her room one last time before shutting her suitcase. This was it; she was finally leaving home to go to college. She was excited to begin a new life in a new place, have new experiences, and meet new people. Priyanka had received a scholarship to go to out of state college in New York City. Her family had moved to the USA from Mumbai, India when she was a little girl and had lived in the southern state of Texas.
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