
In the darkness of the room, my eyes close and I listen to my breathing and heartbeat. The sheets freshly laundered, the slight sweetness of the fabric softener fills my senses. Gradually my body warms the bed and I doze off in the enveloping warmth.
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I am just another twenty something girl living her life in Portsmouth. Life here is probably typical of most places its always who you hang with that matters. I have lots of friends and am usually busy most nights hanging at the pub with my mates, enjoying a glass or two just passing the time as best as we can.
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Chapter 1
My name is Dee. That is my real name, but coincidentally, yes, I do have a set of D's, actually they are 36DDs. When I first started working at my present company, a computer company, they would call me Dee. Over time, my female friends started to call me Dee Dee, to sort of tease me. Then the guys picked up on that and they started to call me Double Dee. Oh well, I let them look and tease, but they know I'd scratch their eyes out if they did more than leer.
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I'm lying in bed mid-afternoon daydreaming trying to catch forty winks after a gruelling nightshift, almost deliriously tired but still can't seem to drift off to sleep. I feel wired, buzzed, but I can't quite put my finger on why. I try putting my finger downstairs to relieve some tension but even orgasmic release seems to be just beyond me at the moment. It's just then, with one hand down my panties and one playing with my breast that I hear a knock on the door.
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It was close to midnight when Sarah Mason awoke in her bedroom from a bad night's sleep. With tears flowing down her cheeks, she sobbed heavily, her breathing erratic and uncontrolled, her facial expressions ridden with angst and pain. A lamp was switched on in the hallway outside and quietly her brother, John Mason standing six feet one, opened the door to her bedroom and made his way inside.
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It was two days till my best friends 21st birthday. Me and mark had gone through a lot when we were kids and even when I moved we continued to be friends. I couldn't decide what to get him and I didn't know what he would like. So being the type of friend that wants to make the other happy I asked his brother.
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Only one office had lights still on at this hour. The rest of the company had long since gone home on a Friday, but for the young employee the hours drove by with agonizing frustration. Alexa at the age of 18, just graduated from high school and found her first job.
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I can't believe I'm smitten by her. Me, a thirtyish professor of psychology at a prestigious liberal arts college—smitten—of all things, by a young counter girl just out of high school.
"May I help you, Miss?" she asked in an inviting tone. I stood silent and frozen, staring like a cougar. In her early twenties, the young counter girl looked like an angel. Almost old enough to be her mother, I felt stupid.
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I'm a femme lesbian who works for an investment-banking firm in Chicago. In my line of work it is hard to meet women like myself. After my girlfriend and I broke up for the last time, I became very lonely and bored. I was 36 years old and single for the first time in a long time. At first I thought that I would love my freedom, but this euphoria didn't last very long.
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After everything they went through, Andi, Nicki, and Janis decided that sororities were not for them. Andi was glad that she "had what it took" to be in one of the finer sororities, but she had more fun just hanging out with the girls at the apartment. Nicki was as popular as ever with the boys, and she was only a sophomore. Her goals were already met, and the sorority was of no use to her.
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