
I had just graduated from high school, and I was expecting a lavish graduation present from my grandpa. I definitely would’ve taken my sister’s gift, an all-expenses paid trip to Europe. Instead, my grandpa announced that he was sending me on a tour of South America. He said that I needed to see other part of the world and experience new cultures. It consisted of a hike through the rainforests of Ecuador, then the Galapagos, then a long stay in Rio de Janeiro. Unfortunately for my well-being, Grandpa didn’t do enough research into the vacation package. The rainforest adventure was a little too close to the border with Colombia to be safe.
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"Damn it!" I yelled aloud, as the shifter linkage rattled uselessly, and the engine rpm's climbed to dangerous levels. Gritting my teeth and double-clutching, I slammed the shifter forward again, this time going into third gear. Yes! The Honda had jumped into the lead, however, and it was going to take every last bit of big-block horsepower to get it back.
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The cool blue shaft of moonlight wandered across my pillow. That, along with the crash of the long waves peeling the beach, was enough to make me come to from my slumber. I hadn ‘t been sleeping deeply lately. My mind, once wakened, immediately focused on the email. I got up from the bed threw on a pair of shorts and headed for my office. . It was 3am and as I fired up my laptop, I couldn’t believe that one email message could so easily rivet my attention.
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