
I looked at the clock, it was 4:10 on a Friday afternoon and my last client was running late. I ran a massage business and was looking forward to going out for drinks with my friends in the city. Being in this industry I feel the need to constantly look after myself so I am in good shape with a nice toned but not overly muscular body and a brown tan from spending time at the beach.
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Cosmic Charlie
"Hey, Nick." I said as I stood in the doorway. Nick looked like I had woken him up or, more likely, I had woken up his parents' dog and the dog had woken him up. "I told your Dad I'd bring his drill back before he came home on his lunch break. When'd you get home?"
"Uh . . . yesterday. Sorry, man, come in. Its so fucking cold outside." I walked into his parents' living room. I had bought the house next door seven years ago when I was 22.
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When I first met Mark I was totally unaware that his wife, Eileen, worked at the college with my wife, Susan. It was not until a few weeks later when we all came together at a faculty party. I am Tony, age 25, and Susan is 39. We first met in college when I was 18 and she was 32. I was a horny teenage accounting major and she was in her first year at the college as an assistant professor of economics. We hit it off like an atom bomb when I took her class in advanced macroeconomics and within two weeks of class beginning I was fucking her daily. It was like every teenage boy's dream happening to me -- an older sexy woman with big tits and an unbelievable pussy for me to fuck.
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