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Joann Switches Roles

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I love being in radio. There’s always plenty of perks. Concerts or sporting events, trips, etc. But my favorite perk is our Mexican secretary, Joann. When I first began working at my current station, my first self-imposed order of duty was to find a way to get her on her back. But she appeared at the time to be a nice girl. She wanted a relationship while I simply wanted to fuck her senseless. I’ve never found an easy way to say to a woman, “I don’t really give a damn about you, I just want to fuck you whenever I want.”
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Joann At The Office

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After a nearly 48 hours of non-stop sex, I barely had the strength to get home. Looking back on it, I’m amazed it didn’t kill me. How about that as a cause of death? Too much fucking. If you’ve got to go…well, I’ll spare you the cliché. When I learned the secretary at the radio station I work for had been stealing money from the owner, I saw my chance. I’d wanted to fuck her sweet Mexican body since the first time I’d met Joann three years earlier.
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Joann The Cheerleader

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The last week has been incredible. The radio station I work at has a Mexican secretary that I've been fantasizing about since I met her. Her brunette hair flows past her shoulders, she has big brown eyes and full red lips, large breasts and a perfect ass, sleek legs and silky soft brown skin. Her body screams, "Fuck me!" And for the last week, I have. I found out that Joann was embezzling from the company and have been able to use that along with a video of us fucking to keep pounding her whenever I want.
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Joann & Her Perfect Ass

Category: Anal Sex
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If today was anything like the last two days, it was going to be a great day. I've always loved my job at the radio station. Every time I turn around there's a bonus, free tickets, free CDs, free jackets, etc. Gotta love those freebies. One of the best bonuses was our secretary, Joann. I've always had a weakness for Mexican woman and Joann was as perfect as they came.
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