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Joann Switches Roles

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I love being in radio. There’s always plenty of perks. Concerts or sporting events, trips, etc. But my favorite perk is our Mexican secretary, Joann. When I first began working at my current station, my first self-imposed order of duty was to find a way to get her on her back. But she appeared at the time to be a nice girl. She wanted a relationship while I simply wanted to fuck her senseless. I’ve never found an easy way to say to a woman, “I don’t really give a damn about you, I just want to fuck you whenever I want.”

Believe it or not, most women don’t like being treated like a whore. I know, I know – shocking!

By the time Joann married, I had given up on the thought of making her my whore. But at least I could still enjoy looking at her. She knew the men at the station enjoyed watching her and she rarely disappointed. Joann is a confident woman in her mid-thirties with thick, slightly wavy brunette hair that falls a few inches past her shoulders and a body that stiffens cocks everywhere she goes. She’s well aware that she’s gorgeous, but she doesn’t flaunt it. She dresses to show off her body, but not too much. She always looks tasteful and professional in her skirt suits and heels.

The thought of Joann being married and seemingly unattainable made me want her more. I needed to find some way to get her. After much fruitless thought, the opportunity presented itself in the best way imaginable. I my search to find out why we never had quite enough money for promotions I wanted to do, I found that small amounts of money here and there were unaccounted for. Those small amounts of money added up to a sizeable sum and lead directly to Joann. Here was my chance. I could have had her fired, but where’s the fun in that? It would be much more fun to blackmail her. Her body in exchange for my silence. That’s a fair trade.

Since the discovery, I’ve been fucking Joann nearly every day. I’ve fucked her almost every way imaginable. I’ve even “loaned” her to a couple of part-timers at the station. My favorite experience with Joann, though, also included our sweet, sexy 18-year-old intern, Karina. Like Joann, Karina is a stunning Mexican beauty. I wasted no time at all getting them together when I found out that Karina was watching Joann as intently as the men at the station. I still have difficulty believing I spent an afternoon fucking both of them and then watching them go at each other. The only drawback is since then Karina has avoided Joann and me as much as possible. I guess she satisfied her lesbian curiosity and didn’t want another three way.

Over the last couple of days, I had become obsessed with getting Joann and Karina together again. I had come up with an idea and now it was time to see if it would work. The idea was simple enough. I wanted to have Joann rape Karina. The only way I could get that to happen was to make Joann think that it would save Karina from a much worse fate.

Joann eyed me warily as I walked through the front door of the station. “Good morning, Joann. How are you?” I leaned over the half wall at the side of her desk so I could get a good look at what she was wearing. She had on a short black skirt and matching jacket with no blouse, just a bra under the jacket. Light black hose and black pumps completed the outfit. I leaned over and pulled her jacket open to get a look at the bra. Black lace. Very nice. Joann gasped and quickly buttoned her jacket. “Big day today, Joann. Want to hear what’s going to happen?”

She gave me an angry glare. “What perverted things are you going to do today?”

I smiled. “The last few days I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you and Karina. Watching the two of you lick each other was incredible. I’d love to see it again, but Karina won’t let either of us touch her. She’s being a bad girl and bad girls need to be punished. After work I’m getting together with six or seven of my friends and we’re going to gangbang Karina. By the time we’re done with her, she’ll know better than to say no to me again. I thought you might like to join us. I know you want her pussy as much as I do.”

Joann looked horrified. “What?! No! How could you think I’d want to hurt her like that? Please don’t do it.” She was close to panicking. Her voice continued to rise as she spoke. “I can handle the way you treat me but Karina is a sweet girl. She couldn’t deal with being treated like that. Please, don’t hurt her.”

“She needs to be taught a lesson, Joann. She willingly fucked both of us once but she won’t do it again. Karina must be taught that ‘no’ is not an acceptable answer. Besides, I can’t wait to hear her scream as she gets her first double penetration.”

Joann closed her eyes and in a whisper said, “Please don’t do it.” After a long pause she continued. “I’ll take Karina’s place. You can gangbang me.”

“That’s an interesting offer.” I said, “But I could do that at anytime. You seem to forget that I already control you. As a matter of fact, maybe we’ll gangbang both of you. With all those guys there it would be good to have two pussies. So thanks for the offer, but it’s pointless. There’s nothing you can offer me because I can already do whatever I want to you.” After a suitable dramatic pause, I added, “Well, there might be one thing you could do to spare Karina.”

She looked at me with trepidation. “What?”

“I’ll make you a deal. I won’t have Karina gangbanged if you rape her tonight.”

Joann sat perfectly still. All the color ran from her face and it even look like she stopped breathing for a moment. Eventually she began to tremble as she said, “I never imagined you could be that sick.”

I practically shouted at her, “Cut the crap, Joann. I know damn well that you want another shot at Karina. I’ve seen how you’ve approached her only to have her push you away. I’m giving you a chance to keep Karina from getting gangbanged and a chance to lick that sweet body. It’s your choice. Take this opportunity or let Karina get gangbanged. And if you don’t take my offer, I’ll remember and you’ll be severely punished for going against my wishes.”

Joann sank back in her chair. Her face was ashen. In a shaky voice she said, “Please…I need time to think.”

“O.K., that’s fair. I’ll give you until after lunch to decide. Just remember, whatever you decide, I’ll get what I want. So do yourself and Karina a favor. Make the right decision and save the two of you a lot of pain.”

I left Joann to think about her options. I tried to get some work done but didn’t really succeed. All I could think about was Joann attacking Karina. I don’t think I had ever been so hard in all my life. I couldn’t wait to see them together. I knew Joann would agree to rape Karina for two reasons. She would rationalize that she was saving Karina from something truly terrible and she also desperately wanted Karina’s body. Joann would never admit that last one, but you could see it whenever she looked at Karina. She practically drooled.

Just after noon and after her classes at the local community college, Karina arrived at work. It was probably because I was so horny, but Karina looked so good it took all of my willpower to keep myself from throwing her on the lobby floor and fucking her in full view of everyone. That long black hair, that soft brown skin, those full lips, God I needed to fuck that girl.

As I stood gaping at Karina’s luscious body, Joann gave her something to do and she disappeared into the back. I was left alone with Joann. I walked over to her desk and pulled her roughly to her feet. Bending her over the half wall to the left of her desk, I began grinding my raging hard-on against her ass. I growled in Joann’s ear, “So what’s it going to be? Does Karina get brutalized by seven guys?”

I was grinding against her so hard all Joann could do was whimper. She finally managed to squeak, “I’ll do it.”

“Good girl.” I pulled away from her and gave a slap on the ass so hard she let out a yelp and nearly tumbled over the half wall.

The rest of the day dragged on with agonizing slowness. Paperwork. A meeting with the program director of one of the stations. A meeting with the General Manager. One boring, tedious thing after another. Five o’clock finally rolled around and people began to leave for the day. It would still be another half hour or so before the dj’s would leave and the stations would be run completely by computer. That meant Joann had to create busy work for Karina to keep her from leaving. Karina seemed to realize something was up by how nervous Joann was acting, but she didn’t say anything.

When the last DJ left I practically sprinted to Joann’s desk. “It’s showtime! Where do you want to start raping Karina? Here? My office? Remember, make it convincing or the gangbang is back on.” I sounded like some hormone-crazed teenager, but I couldn’t help myself.

Joann looked like she was going to be sick. Before she could respond, Karina appeared behind me. “Well if that’s it, Joann, I’ll be going home.” I turned to see that luscious frame. She was wearing jeans and a red sweater that was just tight enough to show off her spectacular breasts. She began to put on her coat and head for the door. I waited for Joann to do something, but she just stood there by her desk looking stunned. I caught her eye to let her know if she didn’t act now it would get violent.

“Wait. There is something else.” Joann lurched towards Karina grabbing her coat and pulled it off before it was up over her shoulders. The act spun Karina around. She looked confused and a little angry. It was when she looked at me and my raging hard on that she started to get nervous.

Controlling the rising fear, Karina said, “I’m going home. Give me my coat.” When she reached for it, Joann grabbed her and kissed her roughly. From my vantage point I could see Karina’s eyes get big as saucers. She tried to scream, but Joann had engulfed her mouth with her own. She did manage to free one arm and punch Joann squarely in the back of the head. It wasn’t quite what Karina had intended, though. The punch drove Joann’s head into her own leaving them both dazed.

Joann recovered first. Before the punch, she seemed absolutely terrified at the prospect of hurting Karina. But now everything seemed different. She had a wild-eyed look. It looked like all the pent up frustrations about being my whore were about to be taken out on Karina. Joann grabbed a fistful of Karina’s hair and threw her to the floor. She pounced on the prostrate girl, taking a hold of her wrists to keep Karina from fighting back. Joann placed her knees between Karina’s legs and forced them apart and into the air. What an incredible sight. Joann’s skirt had ridden up to reveal the lacey tops of her stockings as she knelt between Karina’s legs.

When Joann spoke it was in a whisper. She seemed to calm herself quickly. “It doesn’t have to be like this. Just tell me you want me. I’ll give you more pleasure than you’ve ever had.”

Karina stopped struggling for a moment and looked at Joann like she was insane. Finally she shouted, “Get off me crazy bitch.”

Despite be bigger than Joann, Karina quickly discovered just how strong she is. Joann easily held her to the floor as she hissed, “You stupid little girl. You should be thanking me. You have no idea what was in store for you if I wasn’t here. What happened to that little whore that wanted me so badly?”

Through tears Karina answered, “I was curious…about…about what it would be like to be with a woman. I didn’t like it.”

Joann, sliding to the side and propping herself up on her elbow, skillfully unbuttoned Karina’s jeans and slid a couple of fingers into her pussy. Karina’s soft cries quickly became moans of pleasure as the assault intensified. Joann kissed her hungrily then broke it to whisper in the girls’ ear. I could only hear Karina’s pleas. “No…please…God…don’t…” The pleas became more frantic as she approached an orgasm. That only seemed to spur Joann on; her fingers were a blur as they violated Karina’s pussy. She had such an intense look on her face, I thought for a moment she might do some serious damage to Karina.

You could see in her face how hard Karina was trying not to cum, but it was no use. The orgasm hit her full force. She thrashed on the floor like a fish out of water. She was shrieking, partly from fear but mostly from how intense the orgasm was. Her head thrashed from side to side sending her long black hair everywhere. Her breasts, so magnificently big and firm, shook like jelly. Every inch of her perfect brown flesh vibrated.

Joann’s fingers didn’t slow; she just kept going. Her relentlessness kept Karina screaming and shaking for what seemed like an hour. With her free hand, Joann fondled Karina’s breasts and occasionally raked her tongue across a nipple. Her hand also roamed over Karina’s flat, smooth stomach then down a luscious thigh. Watching Joann’s long, elegant fingers meander leisurely over Karina’s young body while her other hand brought Karina to climax and held her there for an eternity was nearly giving me a heart attack. I was oozing pre-cum and knew I had to join the party very soon.

There was no fear left in Karina’s screams now, only pleasure. Her face wore an expression of ultimate bliss. She also wore a sheet of sweat as the orgasm showed no signs of ending. Her body continued convulsing under Joann’s pressure. The wails were periodically interrupted by gasps for air. I wish I had timed how long the orgasm lasted. It had to have been at least fifteen minutes. Karina was now as limp as a dishrag, completely exhausted.

Joann seemed to realize that any more might actually kill the girl. She pulled her fingers out of Karina’s soggy, messy pussy and wiped them across the young girls’ lips. She then slowly (very slowly) licked those lips clean. It was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen.

It was also time to fuck Joann and Karina senseless. I shed my clothes as I tried to figure out which one I’d fuck first. I wanted Karina badly, but she was so exhausted I decided to let her recover a bit. So that left Joann. I cleared my throat and said, “Remember what I said about her, Karina? About being a greedy little bitch? I fuck her nearly every day and that isn’t enough. She had to have you, too.” They both jumped at the sound of my voice. I guess they were so wrapped up in each other, they forgot I was there. “She should be punished. Do you want me to punish her, Karina?”

Karina was slowly recovering and coming back to her senses. She pushed herself away from Joann. Still lying on the floor with a slightly dazed look on her face she said, “Hurt her. I want to hear her scream.”

Joann looked crestfallen. She said plaintively, “You don’t get it do you? He made me do it. If I didn’t he was going to have you gangbanged. I didn’t hurt you, I saved you.”

After a moment of silence, Karina whispered, “You didn’t save me. You raped me.” She looked up at me. “She’s lying. Hurt her. She made me scream. Now I want to hear her scream louder.”

Tears welled up in Joann’s eyes as I grabbed her ankle and began to drag her to the middle of the floor. “You bastard!” she shouted. “I did what you told me! Why can’t you leave me alone?” She tried to kick me with her free leg, but I grabbed the other ankle. She was now flat on her back, legs in the air. I took a moment to enjoy the sight. My hands around her ankles, pulling her stocking clad legs apart; her hair splayed across the carpet, her big, dark eyes looking up at me, imploring me not to fuck her. In one last attempt to save herself she said, “I know something about Karina. Let me go and I’ll tell you.”

I smiled. It didn’t matter what Joann told me, she was still going to get fucked. But I let was willing to listen. “Tell me first. Then I’ll let you go.”

Karina didn’t seem to have any idea what Joann was talking about. “She’s a liar! She doesn’t know anything about me! Fuck her, damn it!”

Joann blurted it out quickly. “When you took me to that strip club and made me dance I saw Karina in a picture with the other dancers. I found out she works there Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I guess she dances then because no one that works here could ever go there to see her.”

I stared at Karina, practically drooling. I was already planning how I’d use this information to make her do whatever I wanted. An eighteen-year-old beauty that was also a stripper. Oh God. Life was so fucking good, I couldn’t believe it. She gazed at me like a little girl who had been caught in a lie. I could tell no one knew she was a dancer. No one at the stations, not her friends, and especially not her Mommy and Daddy. She knew I had her. She knew she now belonged to me. And trust me, I was going wear out her sweet young body.

But first things first, Joann needed to be punished. “It’s not bad enough that you attacked the poor girl, but then you tell me she’s a stripper? All just to save your ass? I thought you were smarter than that, Joann. All you’ve done is given me Karina to fuck whenever I want. Did you really think I’d give up a cock-craving whore like you? Now be a good girl and apologize to Karina for turning her into the same kind of whore you are. Then beg me to give you the fucking you need.” I let go of her ankles, dropped to my knees and pinned her down by the wrists, holding them on either side of her head. My cock, which was screaming for pussy, was poised over Joann’s box. I put my face inches from hers and waited.

Tears tricked out from under her closed eyelids, past her long eyelashes and down her soft checks. Finally she murmured in a choked voice, “I’m sorry, Karina. I’m so sorry. If you had just said you wanted me…” Joann slowly opened her eyes to glare at me. Her voice was full of disgust when she spoke again, “Go ahead.” Her anger was unmistakable. But underneath that anger was the undeniable look of a woman who wanted and needed a fucking. She wasn’t struggling. She spread her legs and lifted her hips so that my cock which had been a few inches away from her moist, pulsating pussy was now brushing against it. When she opened her mouth again it wasn’t anger I heard, it was pure lust. “Fuck me.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when I plunged in slamming her into the carpet. She shrieked an unintelligible string of words as I feverishly hammered her. I let go of her wrists to explore her stunning body. My hands naturally headed straight for her breasts. Her skin was hot to the touch. Joann couldn’t help herself; she loved every second of this night. She yelped when I leaned my head down and bit a nipple. I let my tongue trace a path from that nipple up her breast, across her collarbone, up her neck and to her warm and waiting mouth. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and kissed me more passionately than she ever had before. Joann was getting close to an orgasm. She had to let go of my tongue so she could scream with pleasure. She reached up and pulled my head down to her mouth and growled, “Make me cum you son of a bitch!” I pumped faster and she got louder.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Karina had gotten up and moved closer so she could watch Joann’s face. There didn’t seem fear in her eyes that she was going to be fucked like this on a regular basis. She just stared at Joann in amazement. I said to her, “This isn’t what you had in mind was it? The thing is, you can’t really rape Joann. She always wants it.” As if to prove my point, Joann took my hand and began sucking on my first finger. Her eyes locked on to mine as she worked my finger like she actually expected it to cum in her mouth. “Tell Karina how much she’ll love being my whore, Joann.”

Both women flinched a little at that comment but all Joann said was, “Fuck my pussy.” It was at that moment that Joann’s body went completely rigid. In the next second she threw her back against the carpet and screamed like a banshee. Suddenly her entire body was in motion, shaking violently as the orgasm ripped through her. Her eyes never left mine and she commanded, “Cum!” I unleashed a torrent of cum that quickly filled her pussy. I was still cumming as I pulled out, sending a stream of cum across her breasts.

“One more, baby.” I announced. I had one spurt left and Joann knew exactly where I wanted it to go. She opened her mouth wide and my last shot hit her squarely in the back of the throat. She gobbled it down, purring her approval.

Joann was still purring and her body was twitching as I looked at Karina and said, “See what’s in store for you, honey?” Karina knew that she shouldn’t encourage me, but she was only eighteen. Her face was an open book. She tried feebly to hide it, but it was obvious. Her eyes were on fire. She wanted to be fucked even more than Joann did. I wasn’t going to disappoint her, but I’ll tell you about my first time alone with Karina later.

I hope you liked Joann’s latest adventure. I still have quite a few more stories about her. I also have quite a few about Karina. Send me an e-mail and let me know if you’d like my next story to feature Joann or Karina.

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