
Wells Estate / New York / 6:37 p.m. / August 12, 2033
The crunching of the gravel stopped abruptly. Kate pulled the handbrake on her Camaro SS and gawked out the open window. Just twenty minutes (or fifteen if you could drive fast enough) outside the city, Wells Estate stood proudly. Three stories tall, the dark stone and pillars gave it a slight gothic atmosphere. It was relatively new, built in 2028, but the owner had given it an older look. Maybe 1800's, she guessed.
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My wife had not been sleeping lately, I knew something was on her mind, I knew in her own time she would eventually come around and discuss it with me. What caused the change? I did not know, I could only associate it to a weekend away about two months ago. She had traveled to Cape Cod alone to take a weekend class, upon her return I noticed something was different.
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There was definitely a noise that was unfamiliar. It wasn't a particularly loud noise but I heard it, it was coming from inside the house and it was two in the morning. I lay frozen in bed next to my sleeping wife listening but heard nothing. My heart was racing even though I was telling myself it was nothing. I turned my bedside light off and continued to listen for anything. Was someone in my house? I quietly got out of bed and walked slowly across the room trying to avoid any obstacles that may be in the way.
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Jade sat at the dining room table and re-read her paper for the tenth time. She started out telling herself that she would finish up some notes on one endless section of her dissertation, just to make sure that it was cohesive. That was four hours ago. At this point, she was exhausted and done with the whole damn thing.
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