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Rescue at Sea

Category: Anal Sex
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Mike lowered his binoculars and pushed the throttle forward to the maximum. It would be an exaggeration to say his battered cabin cruiser surged ahead. A large cloud of black smoke and a backfire burst from the exhaust, the ancient hull vibrated, slowly the revs mounted and the inappropriately named "Queen of the Waves" lurched and protested as the speed built up to 15 knots.
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Love and the Sort Of Rock Star

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It's Valentine's night. I should be out with some hot guy, some hot guy that'll take me out to that cozy little Italian joint I like and buy us an overpriced bottle of really good Cabernet Sauvignon so I can get completely blitzed, lose my inhibitions and let him take me home and screw me every which possible way, I was thinking.
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It had been a very bad winter. It had been freezing down in the village, and there was no fruit or fresh vegetables of any kind left. All they had was salted meats and tubers, a state of affairs that left Samantha, not accustomed to not getting her own way, very frustrated. The manor house, up on its lonesome hill, was a perpetual temptation to the people in the town below.
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Twice Taken

Category: Gay Male
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"So, you are here to audition for my movies," Mr. S said to me as I entered the living room to the hotel suite. He was the director of Ruby Bulb films, and I'd been waiting for weeks to see him, as he only gave two auditions a day. I could tell which one was the big director immediately when I came into the room, as he was a Big Daddy Warbucks type, all height and big bones and muscles, and no hair.
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Putting Tina to Bed

Category: Incest
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*Author's Note: Any and all person's engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. ***** "Daddy, will you come read me a story?" Tina asked as she peered into the living room. "What?" Burt looked up from the news. "Will you come..." his eighteen year old daughter repeated. "Tina, for God's sake, you're eighteen years old; aren't you a little too old for such foolishness?" Burt asked.
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Small Town

Category: BDMS
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"Small Town" "So..." Betty asked brightly, "what do you think of our little town?" Willow smiled a forced smile, twirled a lock of bright purple hair through her fingers, and said to her sister-in-law in a cheerful tone, "It sure, that's for sure." It sounded painfully fake, even to her, and she mentally cringed at the multiple 'sures'.
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A Mother, a Daughter and a Sailor

Category: Group Sex
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The engine noise from the coastguard launch woke Mike. Recollections of his vivid dream lingered in his still drowsy mind. "God that was so sexy. Two beautiful women and four great bonks," he smiled. Then he realized that there were two warm bodies cuddled into him and that it hadn't been a dream. Simone was asleep and facing him, her arms around his neck and Sarah, in a spoon position behind him had her right hand clasped around his penis. As his mind became alert, so did his penis and it shot up to a hard erection.
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The Candy Shop

Category: Gay Male
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For some time Dwight had told me that when the time came, when I'd reached eighteen, and if I was still interested, he'd take me to the Candy Shop for the first time. I tried to tell him that he would be candy enough for me, but Dwight was an honorable man. That's the only reason why we ever needed to discuss the Candy Shop at all.
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Adventure in Paradise

Category: Anal Sex
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Sarah looked around her suite at the island resort. It was luxurious, with marble in the bathroom and a balcony looking out to the ocean. She unpacked quickly then she lay on the double bed and stared at the ceiling with tears in her eyes. This was the bed she had been going to share with Roger, her fiancée until two months ago when he had called off their marriage.
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Only a Custodian

Category: Gay Male
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"And a ten-inch cock." "You're shitting us now," Oliver said. "Yes, I'm shitting you," Porter answered. "But, really, I would want him to have a nice cock on him." "Well, high on my list is that he has to be willing to take out the trash without being asked to," Adrian interjected.
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