
He had no idea how long he had sat there holding her hand. Time was gone. She lay so still. She looked so tiny. How often had he admired her body before and never noticed how small she really was? He closed his eyes and remembered her bound and squirming with anticipation, the sheen of arousal on her skin, her heady scent. All that was now masked by the hospital smells, the bandages, and the machines.
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We had been in a relationship long enough to begin to find it just a little too settled. Everything was losing its shine and things seem to be much more mundane than even two weeks ago.
I remembered a conversation that we'd had about fantasies and what we would like to have happen sometime, but had never had the courage to ask for it. I couldn't see letting our life together get old and boring so I resolved to do something about it as I remembered one particular fantasy that I thought I could make happen without too much planning.
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I was on business in the Fire Island area of New York. Checking into a small motel I was surprised to see the small, old, Jewish-looking man behind the counter, in effect, checking me out. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or get annoyed by his eyeing me and smiling at me in what could only be described as a leering way.
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