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Joann Switches Roles

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I love being in radio. There’s always plenty of perks. Concerts or sporting events, trips, etc. But my favorite perk is our Mexican secretary, Joann. When I first began working at my current station, my first self-imposed order of duty was to find a way to get her on her back. But she appeared at the time to be a nice girl. She wanted a relationship while I simply wanted to fuck her senseless. I’ve never found an easy way to say to a woman, “I don’t really give a damn about you, I just want to fuck you whenever I want.”
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Cheer for Curiosity

Category: Group Sex
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Sara had been a cheerleader since junior high school and had been too more sporting events then she cared to remember. She enjoyed football season but could have cared less about basketball and wrestling. Why wrestlers needed cheerleaders had been a question that often raced through her mind as she feigned interest during their meets. After all, who wants to watch a bunch of guys roll around on the ground?
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