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Screw Drivers

Category: Gay Male
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Nothing makes you feel quite like a loser then spending your Saturday night trying to impress women, and ending the night at the bar downing drinks with your gay friend. That was my life for nearly a year. I would get dressed up and head to the bar at about 8:00. I tried to talk to the women who came in. I thought I was pleasant.
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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The phone woke me from a focused stupor as my secretary let me know a call was on the line. Talking to whomever it was on the phone, anyone, would be a welcome relief from reading through the boring minutiae of the commercial pre-lease agreement in my hands. "Paul Sturner on the phone for you, Max." Paul Sturner? Now there was a blast from the past. Paul and I had worked together in the mid 90s when he was still running a large construction concern in midtown.
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