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Quid Nunc Tertius

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Wow, its starting to pour." Amy said looking out of the kitchen window. 'How appropriate' I thought to myself. It had been one of those dreary suffocating fall days that drowns your psyche. I was already a bit out of sorts. I had met Kate at the "Werks" earlier for our "Saturday" conversation, but she hadn't been her normal self. She was polite as we chatted but she seemed distracted and distant.
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Wet Panties Please!!

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This is my first story. I have plenty more experiences to relate if you want more!! I can't really remember quite how I got interested in women's panties, but for as long as I can remember, I have always taken the opportunity to have a sly look through various dirty laundry baskets and hope amongst hope that somewhere inside would be my treasure trove - a sexy, slinky pair of panties with the unmistakeable aroma and tell tale signs that they had been worn pretty recently.
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Jemma’s Fantasy

Category: Group Sex
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"OK guys, I guess this should be my last drink. It's not even the weekend yet." Dan set the cluster of three pint glasses down heavily on the bar table. His friends grumbled their agreement as they laid claim to their drinks. "Still, we'll make the most of it when it comes though. You out tomorrow?" Nick directed the question at both of his friends.
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The Junior Fireman’s Girlfriend

Category: Mature
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Teenage boy's girl is left unsatisfied, leaving stepfather no choice but to stoke the fire himself. It was an early day for me. I'd left the client's office with a task list and intended on spending the next three or four hours at home, outlining the project. Depending upon the workload, and whether or not the client really needed me to do the work on-site, I'd often cut loose early and take the work home, where I could concentrate uninterrupted for the rest of the afternoon. This started out to be one of those afternoons, but transformed quickly into a day I'd remember for the rest of my life.
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Satisfaction Attained

Category: Group Sex
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The day dragged on and on. Claire watched as the last few minutes ticked away. She had already organized her affairs and was now just waiting until she could go. It was Friday, so the traffic would be horrible, but at least she had a few days off. She longed to be home in her quiet apartment. Eventually, the clock struck five. She walked briskly down to the parking garage and started her car. She hurried and managed to get five minutes down the freeway when she ran into grid locked traffic. She sighed and turned up the music.
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Sharing My Girlfriend

Category: Group Sex
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My girlfriend and I had talked a lot about our fantasies together, especially during sex. One theme we brought up a lot was the idea of a threesome... she was more comfortable and receptive to having a guy join us, and we focused on that. We would incorporate a lot of dirty talk in the bedroom... she'd describe what she wanted to do to "him", or I'd ask her what she wanted us both to do. It grew over time and obviously turned us both on.
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Sharing the Lady

Category: Group Sex
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After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the door of Michelle's bedroom creaked open just enough for my short brunette girlfriend to stick most of her head out while one small hand wrapped around the door. Her shoulder-length medium-brown hair fell forward as her piercing eyes peered right at me as she mustered up the nerve to step out, her mouth obscured by the door and her hand. The only other things I could see in that moment were her toes as they protruded through the front of deep-blue shoes that I could tell were high heels.
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A Fantasy Fulfilled

Category: Group Sex
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I wiped the condensation from the bathroom mirror and leaned close, applying my mascara in the small window I'd made on the glass. The tiny room was full of steam and the smell of shampoo and soap. "How can you take a hot shower in this weather?" I said, capping my mascara and leaning in even closer, scrutinizing my face. I'd had a shower a half hour ago and could already feel a thin film of sweat on my back; it was going to be another boiling hot day.
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My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend

Category: Group Sex
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I didn't get home until after 6AM. I'd been working with a buddy of mine all night as a temp at his job at a warehouse to pick up some extra cash, but I'd expected to be home by 2AM at the latest. And I'd started that job after getting off my regular job, meaning I'd been up and working for almost 24 hours straight.
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My Weekend of Firsts

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
After a long and powerful lovemaking session, my girlfriend and I relaxed together in a hot bath, the strawberry-scented bubbles combining with the few flickering candles to further enhance the romantic atmosphere as Holly leaned back against my chest. I lovingly balanced her breasts in my hands, enjoying the feel of her hands caressing my thighs.
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