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Peeping Tom

Category: Gay Male
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Just like always I can hear the nearest neighbour pour water into something before he shuts the water off. The soft padding of feet floating above my head. I follow the footsteps, wandering beneath him. It's fascinating, how I can hear every move he makes. I know when he goes to work, when he comes home, when he sleeps and when he wakes.
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My Neighbors

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I became a homeowner for the first time at age twenty-two. It was the summer before my senior year in college and my grandmother had just died. I expected she'd will all her money to my father – her only child. Grandma came through though and left me over two hundred thousand dollars. Although I thought about buying the most expensive car on the market, going to Hawaii and all sorts of other things, I realized that I could buy a house for myself and put apartment living (which I hated) far behind me.
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