
"And a ten-inch cock."
"You're shitting us now," Oliver said.
"Yes, I'm shitting you," Porter answered. "But, really, I would want him to have a nice cock on him."
"Well, high on my list is that he has to be willing to take out the trash without being asked to," Adrian interjected.
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It all started when I had lunch by the lake, near where I work. I was in my truck parked in a parking area with a nice view of the lake enjoying a Sandwich, when a car pulled up next to me. I didn't really think much about it, until after a few minutes I glanced over and noticed the guy next to me was looking at me, I just looked straight ahead and continued with my lunch, a few minutes later I look back and he had taken out his cock and was playing with it.
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Neal wasn't the sort of guy people noticed much. He could walk through a room of people talking—even a room full of people he knew—and get to the other side without being greeted or noticed. He could have conversations with strangers and then the stranger wouldn't recognize him if they met again. He was a guy of no standout talents, no distinctive looks other than being smaller of stature than his age. He wasn't ugly; he was just plain and forgettable—and a little scrawny.
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It was my first time at a sauna, but this was a weekend of indulgence in Amsterdam, the city of sin and I wanted to make the most of it. I wanted to do all the things that I didn't dare to do back home in England. So here I was, nervously paying my entry fee and collecting my two towels.
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It was a warm sunny Sunday afternoon, I was sat at home on my own, bored, nothing on TV.
I decided now would be a good time to cruise around the local park to see if I could find myself a horny stud.
I got into my car and took the short 10 minute journey to the parking lot at the park.
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