
Chapter 1
Okay, okay, let's get the laughs over with right now. "Short" career? Just how short is it? Ha, ha. Okay, ready for the real story now?
My name is Marty Green, I work for an advertising agency as an account representative so I'm basically a prostitute. I knew you'd say it if I didn't.
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Chapter One -- Pool Hopping
My wife Nicole and I invited two other couples to spend a summer weekend at our cabin near a ski resort. During the summer it was fun to explore the mountain side and we thought it would be fun to bring some friends along. My wife's college roommate Misty and her husband Kimball had been our friends for several years. Brian and Jenni lived next door to us and we had become quite good friends.
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My sister Kate had introduced me to the wonderful world of group sex, one in which my incredible endowments were tested to their limits. I had surpassed all expectations, being able to pleasure five horny teenage beauties several times each in the space of a few hours. My tireless monster cock had unloaded plentiful loads of sweet cream onto their gorgeous bodies.
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